She was targeted by the paranoid Young Master Lu

Chapter 297 Lu Qiran's Fiancee

Chapter 297 Lu Qiran's Fiancee

Qin Yuluo, on the other hand, would stare at the sky through the window in a daze most of the time, her eyes were loose and out of focus, no one knew what she was thinking, they only knew that her mood was considered stable so far.

No one knows that in the middle of the night when no one is around, Qin Yuluo will always secretly be alone with her mobile phone in a daze, because she is waiting... for news from her parents, and also waiting for... Lu Qiran's explanation.

But no, in the past countless days and nights, Lu Qiran has never looked for her, and Qin Yuluo has never heard a word from the man who said he wanted to marry her.

Like disappearing into the sea, the parents and Lu Qiran have not heard from each other.

During this period of time, Sun Yufei always forbade her from watching TV and playing with mobile phones because of her poor health. She didn't think much about it at first, but she didn't know until one day she overheard the conversation between Sun Yufei and Zhao Xu.

It turned out that the man she had been waiting for was accompanied by another woman, a woman named Song Xi'er. Qin Yuluo secretly checked it on her mobile phone, and there were a lot of trending headlines on a certain blog, which was eye-catching.

"President LK's fiancée exposed", "Lu and Song two big chaebols join forces", "Is the president's love a heartfelt love or a commercial marriage?"

The hot searches of Lu Qiran and Song Xi'er are on the headlines of major news and magazines every day, one day, two days, three days... for half a month, the hot searches are still there.

The intimate photos of Lu Qiran and Song Xi'er are all over the net. Those photos include Song Xi'er obediently holding Lu Qiran's arm, the two talking and laughing at Yanyan while eating, and Song Xi'er coquettishly smiling at Lu Qiran.

Although Song Xi'er took the initiative to take all the photos, and Lu Qiran was expressionless most of the time, Qin Yuluo's heart was still deeply hurt by those pictures.

Lu Qiran has a strong obsession with cleanliness, he can't tolerate strange women around him, and those women who want to climb up by his name are all plotted by this man without exception.

But now this woman named Song Xi'er appeared in Lu Qiran's life in an unprecedented manner. Lu Qiran didn't explain it. Since the scandal appeared, Lu Qiran had many opportunities to clarify, but he didn't.

He let this matter ferment, let this matter be known to everyone, he did not refute the media, he acquiesced to Song Xi'er's identity.

Why are you so stupid?Why are you so stupid?Qin Yuluo asked himself more than once, ever since this man didn't want to directly reveal that she was his fiancee, Qin Yuluo should have understood that the relationship between her and Lu Qiran should come to an end.

But she was not willing, she said no, but her heart was very painful, she obviously loved Lu Qiran very much, she obviously wanted to be with this man very much, but her rationality told her that she couldn't.

She also really followed her heart, Qin Yuluo began to alienate Lu Qiran, she was indifferent to Lu Qiran, had a strange ambiguity, and spoke harsh words at each other, she exhausted all her courage to reject Lu Qiran.

She did it!Lu Qiran disappeared from her world, completely, without a trace of nostalgia, and gracefully fell into the arms of another woman, a woman whose heart and eyes were all about him, Lu Qiran.

Qin Yuluo thought, Song Xi'er must not be as awkward in speech and behavior as she is, such a confident, sunny, and loving woman, she must be able to express herself very straightforwardly, unlike her, who is inferior and cowardly, and does not like her heart. One is annoying.

Now when she saw the news again, Qin Yuluo suddenly felt a little lucky. She was lucky that she had a strong sense of inferiority. Otherwise, she would have been so embarrassed and passive in the face of the overwhelming rumors.

Lu Qiran didn't know anything about Qin Yuluo's mental activities. At this time, he was standing in front of the office window on the top floor of the LK building.

"Zhu Wen, is she... how is she doing recently?"

Looking at Lu Qiran's bleak back, Zhu Wen was a little speechless, he didn't understand why two people who liked each other couldn't be together well!

"I heard from Xiao Wu that Miss Qin's very stable."

"Then...does she know about me?"

Zhu Wen hesitated, paused before saying: "I know, Xiao Wu properly mentioned your recent situation."

Lu Qiran's hand holding the window frame slowly tightened, looking at the busy street, a sense of powerlessness suddenly crept into his heart, he was really at a loss for Qin Yuluo.

Lu Qiran felt that he had exhausted all the methods he could think of, but Qin Yuluo was still running away from him and avoiding him!
Obviously Qin Yuluo also has feelings for him, and obviously Lu Qiran can feel that woman is slowly approaching him, but why is it always so distant?Playing hard to get?
Then Qin Yuluo did it, she hooked Lu Qiran's heart firmly, and she was sure of it!

"Did she respond at all?"

Lu Qiran seemed to ask casually, but Zhu Wen knew that the president of his family must be panicking inside. Others might not know, but Zhu Wen knew how important Qin Yu's position in Lu Qiran's heart was.

"Not yet... But CEO, isn't it a little too ostentatious for you to let Miss Song and you have an affair?"


Sensing that Lu Qiran was getting a little angry, Zhu Wen quickly explained: "No, look, CEO, the fact that Ms. Song is your sister, our subordinates who follow you know, right, but Ms. Qin doesn't know !"

Lu Qiran's eyes narrowed dangerously, Zhu Wen couldn't say it straight in his heart, and he was also to blame for being in a hurry, forgetting that Qin Yuluo was his president's Nilin!Just as he was about to open his mouth to defend himself a few more words, Zhao Xu's voice came over.

"I didn't say that, President, your EQ is really amazing. Let me see! You think that the suitors around Ms. Qin are not good enough, and now you plan to go to the sea to help Jiang Yunwu and Fu Shiwen in person?"

"Zhao Xu, I asked you to stay by Qin Yuluo's side all the time, why? Did I ask you to come back? Or are you teaching me how to do things? It seems that you and Sun Yufei have stayed enough recently and want to go back to Amazon? "

The corner of Lu Qiran's mouth curled up slightly, and he sneered and went straight to Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu is also a paper tiger. Seeing that Lu Qiran was really angry, he didn't dare to do it again. After all, he didn't want to leave his wife suddenly again. The last time he left was enough of a bastard. If he disappeared suddenly this time, Sun Yufei probably would It is impossible to talk to him again in this life.

Stretching out his hand to touch the tip of his nose, Zhao Xu gave Lu Qiran a coquettish smile, and immediately said dog-leggedly: "Isn't there some new news, I'll hurry over and tell you about it."

"Say!" Lu Qiran was a little impatient, he felt that Qin Yuluo probably gave all of his good temper.

Looks like another good show!

(End of this chapter)

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