She was targeted by the paranoid Young Master Lu

Chapter 326 The nightmare reappears, the lingering shadow

Chapter 326 The nightmare reappears, the lingering shadow
Qin Yu collapsed and shrunk in the corner. The room she was staying in now was a little brighter, unlike the previous room which was completely dark, she could see the whole room clearly.

Qin Yuluo, who just woke up, didn't bother to observe the surrounding environment at all. When she calmed down after crying, she found that the room in front of her was 100% consistent with the room in her memory.

Qin Yuluo was horrified. She had been arrested for at least a month. She had always been relatively calm but now, she couldn't calm down anymore.

In front of me was a dilapidated warehouse, a messy environment, wooden bed boards, broken stools on the floor, a broken glass coffee table with only a single shelf left, and the glass on it was broken all over the floor.

The glass shards all over the floor reflected the dim light, and looking up, gray spider webs could be seen everywhere.

There was also a rusty iron rod on the ground, exactly the same as the night in my memory!
That late night dominated by nightmares, that horrible night of being raped by a strange man, was a terrible memory that she wanted to forget in her whole life. Ever since she studied medicine, Qin Yuluo even tried self-hypnosis many times.

But the deep-rooted fear seemed to remind her all the time, no matter how hard she tried, that unbearable memory was like a shadow, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't get rid of it!

Qin Yuluo once wanted to find her senior brother Feng Yimo, but she really couldn't tell about that memory. Why did she still have to bear these disgusting self-punishments when it was clearly not her fault?
Qin Yuluo asked herself countless times, what did she do wrong?
Why, as a victim, should she have such an indescribable sense of guilt?The ridiculous thing is that she is obviously not the perpetrator, but she is suffering the psychological torture that the perpetrator should have!
Why exactly?
No one can answer her, Qin Yuluo has no parents who can tell her thoughts, no friends who can make her boldly bring up this terrible memory, she has been carefully hiding this wound by herself.

Until fate made her meet Lu Qiran, Qin Yuluo was like a moth, knowing that there was danger ahead, but when she thought that the person waiting in front of her was Lu Qiran, she was full of senselessness again!
With sores all over her body, she rushed to Lu Qiran's side without hesitation, but she didn't get a good result.

On the eve of her marriage with Lu Qiran, she was threatened with a video of her being raped. At that time, she didn't know that the person who raped her was her fiancé, Lu Qiran, whom she loved wholeheartedly.

At that time, Qin Yuluo just felt that she was like a stain, tarnishing Lu Qiran's delicate and bright life.

No one knew how Qin Yuluo felt when that video was released.

Such a person who is trying to survive, what kind of mood does he have to step on the not-so-short bridge without hesitation!
Those ferocious, indifferent, mocking, disdainful...all the nasty filthy words, like knives, smashed Qin Yuluo's thick shell, and then killed her with one knife after another.

"Look, she was raped!"

"It's just her? How can I still have the face to live? If I were her, I would have died a long time ago, what's the point of living!"

"How did Lu Qiran pick up such a broken shoe?"

"Anyway, it's not clean anymore, let's find her to try again? Brothers, let's taste Lu Qiran's woman!"


Her ears were full of mocking voices, Qin Yuluo thought she was very resistant to verbal violence, but when she heard those words, Qin Yuluo really felt that she was just like what those people said.

She's a whore, a broken shoe, and a dirty woman!
How can she be worthy of Shang Lu Qiran when she is so fragmented?
So she chose to end her life without hesitation. If her life was destined to be dusty, then she would never let Lu Qiran live such a life!
Just because of deep love, I can't bear a little bit of hurt!

Qin Yuluo's love and hatred are so clear and pure.

Later, Qin Yuluo, who committed suicide, was rescued by Wan Moyi by chance, and she lived a life that she had never imagined.

Qin Yuluo has parents who dote on her, and Wang Sitong's overly obvious preference is regarded by Qin Yuluo as the motivation to live.

The new life is very peaceful, without the ups and downs of being with Lu Qiran, but it is such a life of light clouds and flowing water that makes Qin Yuluo's heart extraordinarily peaceful, with that unprecedented sense of belonging that no one has ever experienced before. Gave it to her!

Even such an ordinary life is just a snap of the fingers.

Just a while before she was kidnapped, her adoptive parents also disappeared, and she was taken away before she even had time to find them.

King Barea Kai, the man who kidnapped her, never showed his face, and Qin Yuluo didn't even know his own value to that man.

What on earth is there in her that is worthy of being imprisoned by that man Barea Kai?

Qin Yuluo doesn't know, she just misses Lu Qiran very much now, if that domineering man knows that she has been kidnapped, will he be anxious?

Should be?

Qin Yuluo smiled self-deprecatingly, she never imagined that one day she would be able to laugh out loud in such an environment.

and so……

"Lu Qiran, where are you...? Why haven't you come to me yet? Why haven't you come? Why..."

Qin Yuluo retreated into the corner, her eyes were fixed on the door, like a frightened bird, Qin Yuluo pulled herself together, she made herself look not so fragile.

At least in front of outsiders, Qin Yuluo must be invincible. No one can shake her hard shell, and no one can shake her!

"DR, look at Qin Yuluo's state, it doesn't feel very good!"

DR's eyes stared at Qin Yuluo without blinking. The child's memory had shown signs of loosening before. DR didn't know to what extent her memory had collapsed.

But he can't put Qin Yuluo's untimely bomb out of his sight, such a person who will collapse at any time, DR can't allow her to fail outside!

Qin Yuluo was his best experimental subject, so DR found Barea Kaiwang Hall, the head of the Hall family who funded his experiment, a man with extremely bad means.

Working with such a person is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger, but DR still resolutely chose his sponsorship.

This partner brought him a very big surprise at the beginning of his experiment!

It can be said that the cooperation and pleasure between them.

Hall can get help from DR on some unspeakable matters, and DR can also get strong financial support from the Hall family, which is a win-win situation.

"Let that man in!"

When DR spoke, his tone was slightly teasing. Obviously, he should be in a good mood at this time.


Cui Zhijie gave instructions to the walkie-talkie, and soon, the door of Qin Yuluo's room was opened by a burly man!
(End of this chapter)

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