She was targeted by the paranoid Young Master Lu

Chapter 327 Behind the mysterious disappearance

Chapter 327 Behind the mysterious disappearance

Qin Yuluo's tense nerves were completely broken by the sudden opening of the door!

God knows how afraid she is that the door will be opened, but this reality does not happen because you are afraid, because you are afraid, so you can be somewhat psychologically prepared when things happen.

"Who are you? Who sent you here?"

Qin Yuluo shrank back. She tried her best not to look so cowardly, but her trembling voice clearly showed her nervousness at the moment.

"Don't come here!"

The man didn't pay attention to Qin Yuluo at all, and didn't intend to answer her question. He just kept walking forward, getting closer and closer to Qin Yuluo.

"Go away, go away...don't come here, please."

When Qin Yuluo spoke, she was crying. She was really afraid of the man in front of her. This man had a black mask on his face. Terrible, Qin Yuluo felt the fear in his heart.

"Let him go when he gets close, and don't do anything else!"

DR looked at Qin Yuluo's reaction, he needed to strengthen the memory she was most afraid of, until Qin Yuluo would think of it from time to time, and even fell into the panic of that situation every day!

Cui Zhijie made arrangements on the walkie-talkie, and he completely obeyed the DR's orders.

"The teacher wants Qin Yuluo to deepen that memory?"


Answered lightly, facing the terrified Qin Yuluo, DR showed no mercy at all.

"Every day after that, I have to change to a different person. Don't do unnecessary things. I just want her to be more cautious this month!"

Through the observation glass, DR slowly stroked the top of Qin Yuluo's hair. His little white mouse still had to proceed step by step, and he couldn't be frightened all at once.

Every day after that, Qin Yuluo was in a highly tense atmosphere. It can be seen from the shape of her body that the people who came to open her room door were not the same people every day. Those people wearing black masks were very similar to that night the man.

The same makes people unable to see the appearance clearly, and the same makes people feel absolutely suppressed!

Because everyone is different, Qin Yuluo doesn't know whether the next strange man will hurt her, so she dare not sleep all day and all night, occasionally when she is very tired and wants to close her eyes for a rest .

He would always wake up with a start. For more than a month, Qin Yuluo had lived a life that would have been worse than death. His face became thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Qin Yuluo's spirit almost collapsed.

She didn't know how long this kind of life would last, and she didn't know how long she could live with such fear. Those people obviously wanted to torture her, and who knew when they would get tired of playing and kill her?

After all, she is a person of little value. Apart from Lu Qiran, Qin Yuluo doesn't think she has any other value, and she can be dealt with by one person with such great effort.

Only Lu Qiran, only his enemies have such means and such strength.

Thinking of Lu Qiran, Qin Yuluo's heart is always miraculously easy to settle down. These days of being imprisoned, Qin Yuluo will always think of the past, those beautiful, painful, sweet, and hurtful years.

These are the reasons she insisted on these days. Qin Yuluo knows that Lu Qiran loves her, just as she knows that she also loves Lu Qiran from the bottom of her heart. Some people just can't express themselves very straightforwardly.

They hurt themselves and the people around them awkwardly, just like Qin Yuluo and Lu Qiran, two extreme people leaning together, what they can do is not to warm each other, but to hurt each other.

The love between Qin Yuluo and Lu Qiran is like picking chestnuts out of fire, dangerous...and fascinating!
Time is fleeting, but in Qin Yuluo's eyes, those minutes and seconds seem to be as long as years, and the feeling of living with fingers every day really feels like years!
A month later, Qin Yuluo had been tortured to the point where she was inhumane. Her eyes were covered with dark circles that could not be removed, her skin was sallow and ugly, and her hair had lost its previous luster, clumped behind her like a pile of dead grass.

With sunken eye sockets, frighteningly thin, and in a trance, the whole person is like a living walking dead, who can only wrap itself around mechanically.

Sitting in a group for a long time made Qin Yuluo's body start to stiffen. She knew that with her strength, she couldn't make any resistance at all, but Qin Yuluo still stubbornly maintained a self-defense posture.

This was her only sense of security. Even though these people hadn't done anything to hurt her for a month, she still couldn't help being nervous, as if every moment of dim light was a repeat of that night's nightmare.

Qin Yuluo couldn't control himself, the scenes in front of him seemed to be telling her something.

The man who raped her was among those who kidnapped her. She didn't know who that man was, but obviously, that man was mentally torturing her with the despicable method of reappearing nightmares.

Why is Qin Yuluo so sure that the person who kidnapped her is among these people?

It was because the setting of the scene was so similar, it was exactly the same as the scene of that night in her memory. In this world, apart from Qin Yuluo herself, only that man knew the situation of that night best.

So Qin Yuluo was sure, so Qin Yuluo didn't dare to relax, she really couldn't bear the same kind of injury again, that kind of past was already fatal to her, if it happened again now.

She...will definitely die!

"DR, Qin Yuluo's emotions are already on the verge of going berserk, and she doesn't sleep much these days."


DR frowned slightly, looking at Cui Zhijie with a little displeasure.

"You feel sorry for her?"

Qin Yuluo was born beautifully, and a beautiful woman suffers, which is naturally more pitiful, not to mention that Cui Zhijie is responsible for recording Qin Yuluo's daily situation. After a long time, it is understandable for the young man to be ignorant and have some ambiguous thoughts.

However, as a relationship between an experimenter and a subject, Cui Zhijie did not do his best in terms of professional ethics.

"No, I'm just worried that Qin Yuluo's body function will not be able to keep up with the progress of our experiment."

"What? Can't you joke?"

DR stared at Qin Yuluo closely, the woman's empty eyes did not have any focal length, as a doctor, how could DR not know that Qin Yuluo is now at the end of his strength, and all the external performances are just pretending.

But he is waiting, waiting for an opportunity for Qin Yuluo to remember this scene thoroughly. Qin Yuluo is indeed the No.1 in his fancy, and his temperament is indeed stronger than ordinary people. Under the appearance, it is actually full of its own little secrets.

Their brains are more like an active notebook, and the injuries they have suffered will be severely printed on it.

So... they are not only people with the best minds, but also people who are more difficult to heal after their hearts are injured!
"You can proceed to the next step!"

DR looked at Qin Yuluo, as if he had anticipated the moment when his experiment would be successful and brilliant, and there was a smile on his face that Cui Zhijie had never seen before.

(End of this chapter)

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