Chapter 340 Might Be True

There was no time to discuss with Wu Yan. Just as Sun Yufei's condition stabilized, Zhu Wen received a call from the police station, and the autopsy report came out. For various reasons, they were unable to determine the exact identity of the deceased.

However, judging from the clothes on the deceased's body, the mobile phone that the deceased was carrying, and the pubic symphysis of the deceased, the age and height were basically consistent, and there were no missing persons in BZ City.

So it can basically be concluded that the deceased was Zhao Xu himself.

When the phone was hung up, Zhu Wen felt that he had been hit in the head, his head was buzzing, and he could not hear any sounds around him at all. He just felt that his chest was tight and he couldn't breathe.

His eyes were dry and sore, Zhu Wen held back his tears, when was the last time he cried?

When Sun Wei died, in less than half a year, they lost two brothers one after another, plus the one-third of the people lost by Amazon, the Hall family really touched his scales.

The abuse Sun Wei suffered before his death, the knife marks on Zhao Xu's body, all of them cut into Zhu Wen's heart like a sharp knife.

It's too aggrieved, these two people are too aggrieved to die, as their eldest brother, Zhu Wen failed to protect them well, his eyes were bloodshot, his back molars were clenched tightly, and his fists were squeezed tightly ring.

The hatred in Zhu Wen's heart surged up to the sky, and he wished he could seek revenge from the Hall family right now.

But in the current situation, Zhu Wen not only can't take the initiative to find Barea Kaiwang Hall, but also has to avoid him carefully. Lu Qiran's situation is very unstable, and he is on the verge of collapse at any time. It is too irrational to take action at this time .

But... with such aggrieved swallowing, is he still a lone wolf?

A wolf king who can't even protect a pack of wolves, can Zhu Wen still be called a lone wolf?
Zhu Wen beat the ground angrily, once and for all, as if venting his anger, his hand was cut and his bones were exposed, but Zhu Wen had no intention of stopping at all, the hatred in his heart urgently needed to find a vent.

Otherwise, with this bad breath in his heart, he will lose his mind and do some extreme things.

When Wu Yan came to the hospital, Zhu Wen's mood had basically stabilized, but his eyes were red, obviously from crying.

He didn't make a sound, but sat quietly beside Zhu Wen. At this time, each of them felt heavy, and words of comfort could not comfort each other.

On the contrary, those caring and considerate words will cut them into pieces like a knife. Those gentle comforts are the most poisonous and poisonous poison in the world. Every word is mocking their incompetence!
"I will kill Barea King Kai Hall."

There was no ups and downs in his voice, but Wu Yan could hear the determination contained in this sentence. It was a determination that was fearless of his own life and death, and only wanted to achieve a certain goal. That was the tone that a lone wolf should have.

Wu Yan didn't respond, he just put his hand on Zhu Wen's shoulder lightly. What he can do is not to determine his goal, all he needs to do is to give him strength.

"Go and take Xiao Wu home in the afternoon?"

Wu Yan's voice was very soft, and with just a few words, Zhu Wen, who had just stabilized his emotions just now, instantly felt sour again.

Yes!You can't let Xiao Wu lie on that cold iron bed all the time!
...It is also time to take him home.

"Wu Yan, the thing that was agreed before can be implemented."

Wu Yan paused slightly, frowned, and said hesitantly, "Is it too hasty?"

Zhu Wen roughly wiped the tears off his face with his sleeve, and when he looked up again, his eyes were firm and determined.

"Get ready, Xiao Wu's funeral will be the time when our plan will be implemented."

Zhu Wen got up and strode away. There were still many things for him to prepare.

Over the years, the members of the Hall family have been rampant for too long, and Barea King Kai Hall even blatantly killed so many of his brothers.

This hatred, this hatred, if you don't kill Barea King Kai Hall, Zhu Wen will never be able to forgive himself in this life!
Wu Yan looked at Zhu Wen's back, with such resolute steps, he knew that it was time to start doing something.

Over the years, they have been preparing for this day, but Zhao Xu's death was something he never expected. In Wu Yan's mind, no matter how difficult the road ahead might be.

As long as there are these people by his side, he will definitely be able to persevere!
But now...

There are fewer and fewer people around, and those who once supported each other out of desperation are leaving one after another, and the culprit of all these tragedies, Barea Kaiwang Hall is laughing at their weakness and incompetence .

Wu Yan doesn't know how bumpy the road ahead is, and whether he will survive until the end, Wu Yan doesn't know either.

No matter what it is, the road ahead is destined to be difficult. The muddy section ahead is accompanied by Zhao Xu.

And for the rest of the road, let him come alone!

Zhao Xu's funeral was very grand, Lu Qiran personally appeared, and all the forces in Jiangcheng attended.

At the final funeral, Sun Yufei was still observing in the intensive care unit.

Lu Qiran felt that it must be a pity for Zhao Xu not to be accompanied by the person he loves the most for the last journey!

But the body decayed too fast, Zhao Xu really couldn't wait for Sun Yufei to wake up, so Zhao Xu's funeral was still very hasty.

When Lu Qiran received the news of Zhao Xu's death, he thought it was Zhu Wen's prank, but when he saw the always strong Zhu Wen crying like a child, he knew that something really happened to Zhao Xu.

Lu Qiran didn't even need to investigate who did it. Except for the Hall family, no one dared to touch Lu Qiran's people.

Zhao Xu's body was brought back by Lu Qiran himself. When he saw the highly corrupted corpse on the iron bed that was still emitting a stench, Lu Qiran really couldn't believe it was Zhao Xu.

But even Zhu Wen had already confirmed it, and he was not allowed to question the obvious facts.

Lu Qiran couldn't figure it out, he was a good person a while ago, how could he suddenly die?
According to Zhu Wen, Zhao Xu had been missing for a while before his death, so what happened during this period of time that would make such a living person die so silently?Zhao Xu's skills have been honed in Amazon.

If even a man as skilled as him would end up like this, what would happen to Qin Yuluo, who had no strength to restrain a chicken?
Lu Qiran didn't dare to think about it, and he couldn't think about it. He was afraid that he would eventually find Qin Yuluo's body in a remote place. That was something he absolutely couldn't accept.

So today...he organized such a grand funeral for Zhao Xu.

Not only to let Zhao Xu rest in peace, Lu Qiran also wants to take advantage of today's occasion to do something, something he has wanted to do for a long time!

...Barea Kay Hall
Some blood debts, it's time to pay with blood!

(End of this chapter)

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