Chapter 341 Head-on Conflict
At Zhao Xu's funeral, Lu Qiran invited all major media in Jiangcheng.

As early as when Sun Wei died, Lu Qiran thought about doing this, but at that time he was not absolutely sure that he could protect the people around him, so he endured it at that time.

Lu Qiran thought that as long as he could endure, as long as he kept a low profile, there would always be a day of revenge.

But now he found that he had been wrong all along, and he was wrong too much.

It turns out that blindly forbearance will not make your enemy relax his vigilance against you, it will only make him feel that you are weak and can be bullied.'s time to fight back!

"Barea Kaiwang Hall, I will be waiting for your arrival at Whale Bay in three days' time."

During the funeral, in front of all the media in Jiangcheng, Lu Qiran began to declare war on Barea King Kai Hall, the hatred of Zhao Xu, the hatred of Sun Wei, and the hatred of the hundreds of people in the Amazon base!
Also... It's time to settle the vendetta that kidnapped Qin Yuluo one by one.

In the old castle of Languo, Barea Kaiwang Hall was lazily nestling on the leather sofa, and Lin Jing respectfully stood aside, reporting to him the latest every move of Lu Qiran.

When talking about Zhao Xu's funeral, Barea Kaiwang Hall narrowed his eyes slightly. He remembered this man named Zhao Xu. Isn't he Lu Qiran's good brother?Why did he die suddenly?
Barea Kaiwang Hall stretched his waist, leaned himself closer to the corner, and asked casually, "Our people moved their hands?"

Lin Jing thought for a while, shook his head and said, "No!"

"So sure?"

Barea Kaiwang Hall narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he wanted to continue sleeping.

"Certainly, after Qin Yuluo was kidnapped, our people had already evacuated. Apart from killing a bodyguard, our people never did anything!"

Lin Jing can be sure that at that time, because they were in a hurry, their people moved quickly, and they didn't have time to touch other people.

What's more, the spies reported that Zhao Xu's body was found in the suburbs of Binzhou, and their people were in a hurry to leave at that time, and they would not go to Binzhou to kill someone again, and they were not in a hurry.


Barea King Kai Hall pulled the spies on his body towards his neck hard, and covered the strong chest that was exposed just now.

"So, Lu Qiran is flirting with me?"

Lin Jing...

So when did his young master learn this word?Why is his young master's Chinese proficiency so "proficient" that he can use it without him knowing?
"Lu Qiran made an appointment with you in the media."

As he said that, Lin Jing picked up the tablet computer on the side. Sure enough, Lu Qiran's news had already entered the headlines of the major news pages, and Barea Kaiwang Hall, the current head of Hall's family, also appeared. name.

Some media even found his photo, and PS the relationship between him and Lu Qiran into an incompatible picture.

Barea Kaiwang Hall couldn't help but praised: "The photo selection is good."

Lin Jing...

So is his young master's brain circuit so peculiar?Shouldn't he find trouble with the media that exploded his photos?

The Hall family is a mysterious existence. For a long time, photos of the family members have not been allowed to appear in front of the public openly.

In addition to being afraid of being assassinated by unknown people because the Hall family has many old enemies, it is also because the Hall family needs to maintain such a sense of mystery, and people usually have an inexplicable sense of fear of the unknown.

The reason why the Hall family has survived for more than a hundred years is because of this weakness of human nature.

Just like people are born to be afraid of the dark, when you can't see or touch something, the human brain will spontaneously send a warning to your body, because you don't understand, so you will instinctively fear.

It's good now, as soon as Barea Kaiwang Hall's photos are released, those families who were still waiting in secret will be impatient, Barea Kaiwang Hall's next life It will also start to be disturbed by a lot of people.

"Master, do you need me to solve these media?"

Lin Jing seriously wrote down the media marketing accounts that exploded the photos of Barea Kaiwang Hall. As long as Barea Kaiwang Hall gave an order, he would solve them all without hesitation!
Barea Kaiwang Hall waved his hand lightly. The Hall family has been hidden for too long, and it is time to show up. Originally, he had planned for this matter, but now, he would like to thank you Lu Qiran is gone.

With the help of Lu Qiran's wind, he doesn't need to deliberately build up the reputation of the Hall family. If he can compete with Lu Qiran and make a face-to-face confrontation, how easy can the Hall family be?
Starting today, he, Barea King Hall, will lead the Hall family to a more peak future!
"Where is the place Lu Qiran made an appointment with?"

"Whale Bay, on an isolated island in the high seas."

"Lu Qiran knows how to choose a place!"

"Master, do we need to clarify with Lu Qiran about Zhao Xu?"

Barea Kaiwang Hall looked at the computer, Lu Qiran in the video was a look he had never seen before.

Heng eyebrows were cold, his eyes were full of hatred, he even clenched his fists when he spoke, his body undulated slightly, very out of control, not elegant at all, Lu Qiran who would be angry like this, when he defeated him, Barea... King Kai Hall will have pleasure.

Facing a person who can't even resist, Barea Kaiwang Hall has lost the desire to compete with Lu Qiran, just like the deliberate avoidance a while ago, Lu Qiran's cowardice made Barea Kaiwang... Hall couldn't get the slightest bit of joy from victory.

But look at the current Lu Qiran, the burning anger in his eyes, the tightly knit eyebrows, there is nowhere that does not reveal his anger, only such flesh and blood, who have the desire to fight, can be called opponents.

For such a result, Barea Kaiwang Hall is happy to hear and see.

So... why did he explain?

Did Zhao Xu kill him? No matter what the result is, so what?

"Just treat it like I killed it!"

If he and Lu Qiran are destined to be enemies in this life, Barea Kaiwang Hall hopes that the hatred between the two of them can become more violent!
If he had known that killing people would raise Lu Qiran's fighting spirit, then Barea King Kai Hall would have done so long ago.

He would not only kill Zhao Xu, but also Zhu Wen, Wu Yan, and even... Qin, Yu, Luo!

As long as Lu Qiran can fight back vigorously, Barea Kaiwang Hall is willing to use all despicable methods.

This is him, a paranoid and terrifying... warmonger!
(End of this chapter)

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