Chapter 355 is cruel after all
Wang Sitong had a mental problem, although Qin Yuluo didn't want to admit it, but the fact is the fact, it is a cruel reality that cannot be changed.

She trembled, and approached Wang Sitong carefully.

Qin Yuluo called softly: "Mom."

Wang Sitong was unmoved, she was still huddled in the corner, staring at Qin Yuluo vigilantly with only a pair of eyes.

"It's alright, it's alright."

Qin Yuluo carefully approached Wang Sitong, she raised her hand to touch her back, but the hand that was raised in mid-air stopped in mid-air, and after a while, that hand fell on Wang Sitong's head.

When a person feels insecure, the best way to comfort her is not to caress her back, but to touch her hair. The intimacy will make the person being touched gradually let go of their guard.

Wang Sitong's tense body gradually relaxed, and Qin Yuluo leaned forward a little more calmly, until she hugged Wang Sitong gently into her arms again.

"With me here, it's okay, nothing will happen."

Qin Yuluo's voice was gentle, which made Wang Sitong, who had been in a very harsh environment, gradually close his eyes.

Before he knew it, Wang Sitong had fallen asleep in Qin Yuluo's arms.

Seeing Wang Sitong's restless sleeping face, Qin Yuluo felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Now it is not only a matter of her living alone, but with Wang Sitong, it is a matter of two people's survival.

It doesn't matter if such a terrible life like Qin Yuluo ends hastily, but Wang Sitong is so gentle and kind, her life shouldn't come to an end under such circumstances!

After that day, Qin Yuluo started a brand new life, and she was no longer the way she was before.

Ever since she had Wang Sitong, Qin Yuluo's life seemed to suddenly have a rush, and she lived seriously every day.

Although she really wanted to cure Wang Sitong, she herself was a patient right now. Even if she had no problems and did not have enough medicine, it would be difficult for Wang Sitong's condition to improve, let alone the current conditions.

The appearance of Wang Sitong comforted Qin Yuluo's emotions to the greatest extent.

After recording, DR found that when Qin Yuluo was sleeping, his brain waves finally had time to stay in the alpha band.

Although this period of time is very short, Qin Yuluo's change can at least prove that his current approach is very correct.

"You said... If the appearance of Wang Sitong can already change Qin Yuluo, then the appearance of Wan Moyi can make her enter the state faster?"

DR looked at Qin Yuluo and Wang Sitong on the monitor screen. The two were playing clapping games. When they laughed, they looked like children who got candy.

The innocent smiles on the faces of those two people were very contagious, and even DR who was watching from the side couldn't help but laughed too.

"But Wan Moyi, he can't show up yet."


DR turned his head, put his elbows on the table, rested his chin on his palms, and looked at Cui Zhijie suspiciously.

"Qin Yuluo's desire to survive depends entirely on Wang Sitong's health. Now that her emotions have just stabilized, if Wan Moyi appears at this time, will it make her feel dependent?"

Cui Zhijie replied respectfully, as soon as the words came out, there was nothing wrong with the freshman, but when he thought about it carefully, there were doubts everywhere.

DR stared at Cui Zhijie with great interest and asked: "If Qin Yuluo can feel dependent on Wan Moyi, wouldn't it be better? Is there any feeling that can be stronger than one person's feeling of dependence on another?"

Cui Zhijie hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Because when a person has support, her fighting spirit will decrease correspondingly, and it can also be placed on Qin Yuluo in the same way."

"If there was someone Qin Yuluo could rely on at this time, wouldn't her desire to survive be so strong?"

DR thought about it seriously, and what Cui Zhijie said was indeed very reasonable.

If Wan Moyi were allowed to appear at this time, then Qin Yuluo would indeed easily distribute the love and care for Wang Sitong to Wan Moyi, and she would transfer too much pressure to Wan Moyi on the spiritual level.

As a loving couple, Qin Yuluo would ideally and naturally divide Wan Moyi and Wang Sitong together. She would think that as a wife who relied on her husband, she would want more care from her husband.

So Qin Yuluo will unconsciously withdraw from the circle of protecting Wang Sitong. If Qin Yuluo loses the burden of taking care of Wang Sitong on her shoulders, will she return to her original state after letting go of her concern?
Qin Yuluo's situation has just improved, and DR must not let sudden accidents continue to interrupt his pace of experimentation.

Therefore... just like what Cui Zhijie said, Wan Moyi really hasn't appeared yet!
"Keep an eye on Qin Yuluo, if there is another accident this time, you don't have to appear in front of me again."

DR continued to look back at Qin Yuluo, and Cui Zhijie also retreated quietly. When he completely closed the door of DR's laboratory, the smirk on Cui Zhijie's face could no longer be held.

He didn't understand, what's so good about Qin Yuluo?It is worth DR to put so much thought on her. As a failed product of the experiment, what is so special about her?Is it just because Qin Yuluo has that potential?

Cui Zhijie clenched his fists in resentment. If he wanted to stimulate his potential, then he could do it. For DR's experiment, for DR's ideal, he was willing to bet his potential.

Even if the final result is unsatisfactory, even if he will eventually become a lunatic who can't do anything, he is willing to try his best.

But why is DR unwilling to give him such a chance?He is willing to let him be called a teacher, and willing to let him participate in the whole experiment process, but why is he not willing to let him continue to be the experimental subject?
Was it just because he had been a failure?But... If it is serious, isn't Qin Yuluo today also a defective product that has failed?
Jealousy in Cui Zhijie's heart is like wildly growing grass, they crazily wreak havoc on his reason along with the traces of anger in Cui Zhijie's heart.

To him, Qin Yuluo was like a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh, clearly laid out in front of him, but on the surface, he couldn't touch her.

He can't challenge DR's bottom line, and he can't let DR know what he has done!
Cui Zhijie could only quietly and secretly trip Qin Yuluo. He thought that Qin Yuluo's mental breakdown would make her an abandoned child like him, but he underestimated Qin Yuluo's mental breakdown. The place in DR's heart.

Even though Qin Yuluo has become a madman, DR has no intention of giving up on her.

So... Qin Yuluo's own existence is a kind of original sin!
Cui Zhijie thought to himself more than once: "It would be great if... Qin Yuluo didn't exist."

(End of this chapter)

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