Chapter 356 Still Alive
After Wu Yan left with Barea Kaiwang Hall, he lived in Languo for a period of time. In the house arranged by Barea Kaiwang Hall, Wu Yan was surrounded by people all the time.

When Lin Jing arranged this way, he told Wu Yan that this would better protect him personally.

For such an arrangement, Wu Yan just laughed it off.

They are all sensible people, and there are some things that they don't tell the truth, but it's just to make each other have some face.

As a qualified subordinate, Wu Yan can understand Lin Jing's behavior very well. If the identity is changed, Wu Yan believes that he will do more than Lin Jing.

When Wu Yan was smiling, Lin Jing asked him why. At that time, Wu Yan didn't answer Lin Jing's question directly. He just raised his hands and made an innocent expression.

What else could it be?Of course it was because Lin Jing's excuse was lame!
What does it mean to want to protect him personally?To put it bluntly, isn't it just monitoring him?

Besides, if the places arranged by Barea Kaiwang Hall in Languo are not safe, then where else is safe?If it's really unsafe, then Barea Kaiwang Hall doesn't have to continue messing around in Languo.

Apart from having no privacy when wandering outside the house, Wu Yan's small life can be said to be very good. The manor that Barea Kaiwang Hall arranged for him is in the suburbs.

It is like spring all the year around here, and there are few people on the road. On the wide road, there are only a few trucks passing by occasionally.

But the scenery is really good. The breeze blowing on the face brings the unique fragrance of the soil on the grass. The clear sky is cloudless, like a transparent mirror, reflecting all the beauty in this world.

When the birds fly by, they will make a crisp cry, and the breath of life is everywhere. There are large tracts of green plants in the manor, and there is no place that no longer reveals the unique vitality of this place.

As a doctor, Wu Yan is used to seeing life and death. Compared with the tenacious vitality of struggling and wanting to live, he prefers this kind of vitality that can be seen at a glance.

Nature is the best gift given by the Creator. The alternation of the sun and the moon and the changing seasons are the best interpretation of life in this world.

People live, this life can be very short... this life can be very long, no matter how long it is, it depends entirely on everyone's decision.

People can't decide when they will be born, but they can decide when they will die!

It's like a paradox.

When many people live enough, when he is standing on the edge of a tall building, those who want to save him will say: "Why don't you think about your parents? If you die, what should they do?"

No one knows that those who really wanted to die didn't plan for a long time, they were just stumped by the pressure of this world at the moment of collapse.

Without a shoulder to share the pressure on, the only choice they can make is "death", but if there is another way, who would want to die?
Who doesn't know that it's the ugliest when you jump to your death?

But what gave them courage, and those who wanted to commit suicide had the courage to stand on tall buildings?Obviously there are some people who usually scream out in shock as long as they stand a little higher.

Does anyone really know that fear in their hearts?Has anyone really tried to really understand the psychology of those who want to commit suicide?

In the world of adults, collapse is often only a moment.

Don't say nonsense like "why can't you think about it so much?", why should you give pointers to other people's lives if you haven't suffered from others?

As a doctor, Wu Yan is used to the most unspeakable life and death in this world.

His medical skills are superb, and he can rejuvenate his hands and save many lives.

But he is not a doctor who can heal people's hearts. Many times, Wu Yan feels that Zhao Xu's ability is much better than his.

Zhao Xu can heal the hearts of many people, and he can bring people hope in life. Those gloomy bits and pieces in life are the light that every psychiatrist lights up.

They allow those whose lives should not have come to an end to regain the hope of living.

Thinking of Zhao Xu, Wu Yan felt a little heavy. He wondered if Sun Yufei had woken up, and had Zhao Xu's ashes been placed properly?Do you have……

Recently, Wu Yan always thought of Zhao Xu.

It turned out that he disliked Zhao Xu very much every day they were together, but right now, he really misses him a little bit!

Li Yi and Barea Kaiwang Hall, who were brought back together, handed over the right of execution to Wu Yan.

In the dim room, Li Yi was tightly tied to the chair.

When he saw Wu Yan coming in, Li Yi started laughing crazily, his mouth was still chattering, he didn't know what he was talking about.

Wu Yan frowned, looking at the crazy Li Yi, he suddenly didn't want to step into this room.

The face that resembled Lu Qiran nine to one, was already covered with scars.

Wu Yan glanced behind him inadvertently, and there was a killing intent in his eyes that couldn't be concealed!
"You tortured him?"

Wu Yan raised his finger to point to the wound on Li Yi's face, and his tone was cold when he spoke.

The people behind were all taken aback by Wu Yan's aura. They did not expect that Wu Yan, a doctor who "has no power to restrain a chicken", would have such an aura.

No one answered, and there was a long silence behind them.

The anger in Wu Yan's heart was even worse. It was obvious that Barea King Kai Hall had said that Li Yi was to be dealt with by him. Since he belonged to him, what right did these people have to move?Still without his knowledge!This is clearly pinching him like a persimmon.

Wu Yan turned around, looked at the men in black with an evil smile on his face, slowly stroked his lower back with his right hand, then calmly took out a pistol, and swept the black muzzle across everyone present.

One of his eyes narrowed slightly, the smile on his face became more sinister, Wu Yan's lips were slightly raised, and the tip of his tongue licked the corner of his mouth, making him look more dangerous.

When the bottomless muzzle began to aim at each of them, these black-clothed people really felt threatened.

In their eyes, Wu Yan is just an incompetent doctor. After getting along with each other these days, Wu Yan cooperated quietly and did not act aggressively at all. The impression of the little sheep was so deeply engraved on Wu Yan. body.

No one would have thought that such a cowardly person in their eyes would point a gun at them without fear like this time.

People are always like this, excessively arrogant, feel good about themselves, think they are great, and when the danger is approaching, they will reflect on themselves from the heart.

Under the amazed eyes of everyone, Wu Yan's index finger slowly pulled the trigger.

A loud "bang" rang through my ears, followed by the man's painful wailing.

Everyone was in a mess, only Wu Yan stood there calmly, and said coldly, "No one... can touch my things!"

(End of this chapter)

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