Chapter 368 What else?
DR got up slowly, looking at Wang Sitong who was prostrate at his feet with contemptuous eyes, his eyes were full of mockery.

He pursed his thin lips lightly, and said in a disdainful tone: "It's really a doomed failure, so what if it's your most beloved daughter? In the end, didn't you end up with the fate of being abandoned?"

"Hahaha...", DR laughed out loud, and then left without looking back.

Because of the determination to turn around and leave, DR didn't see the clenched fist at the corner of Wang Sitong's clothes and the rare clarity in his eyes.

"Yuluo, Yuluo..." Wang Sitong whispered Qin Yuluo's name.

During this period of time, because of Qin Yuluo's care, she was able to regain consciousness for a short time, but her memory was still very confused.

Wang Sitong has no memory of why she was locked up here.

Qin Yuluo would always mention many people to her, including her husband named Wan Moyi, Wang Sitong didn't remember either.

She had forgotten many things, but Wang Sitong still had some vague memories of Qin Yuluo's memories.

This is not entirely because of the mother-daughter relationship between Wang Sitong and Qin Yuluo, but more because of the deepest obsession in Wang Sitong's heart.

Before Wang Sitong went crazy, her biggest obsession in this life was to have a child that was completely her own.

However, due to physical reasons, this wish of hers has never been realized, so the appearance of Qin Yuluo later appropriately filled this longing in her heart. when sober.

Of course, these are all unknown to DR.

After leaving the room where Qin Yuluo was imprisoned, the first thing DR did was to go back to the office.

The road was very chaotic, and it took a lot of effort for DR to return to his room smoothly. He took out a Gatling from the drawer, and DR rushed outside with red eyes.

He didn't care if he would hit his own people or not, DR just fired with a machine gun.

Since his voice can't calm these idiots down, don't blame the extreme method he chose now.

The gunfire was indeed a good sound, and the radius of [-] meters with DR as the radius began to gradually quiet down.

There was blood on the ground, and several unlucky people lost their lives because of DR's machine gun.

When some people die, some people will be quiet. The method of killing chickens to make an example to monkeys can really be applied to all difficult things.

The room was quiet, and finally someone came to listen to him!

DR leveled the tip of the gun in his hand, and looked at the people around him with a deep expression on his face. Slowly, the expression on his face began to turn dark.

At the beginning, there were still people who hated him, and everyone was angry about DR's brutal methods.

This kind of "righteousness" idea is also limited to a stable time.

Once people realize that the danger begins to lean towards them, the chivalrous spirit of acting like this will disappear.

It is said that "every family sweeps the snow in front of their own doors, and no one cares about the frost on others' roofs" is something that people with a cold nature would say.

But how many people in this world are really warm-hearted?And how many people are this cold-natured?
Many big truths are very harsh when spoken!

Because what it reveals is not only the essence of things, but also the lack of human nature.

It is the dark side that people can't see the light of...

Same as the current situation, when there is no threat to their own lives, everyone present can glare at DR, and even call him a madman.

But once the black muzzle of the gun starts to point at them, it will be another scene.

It may be the curse in my heart, it may be the anger under pressure, and it may be the endless resentment...

But it is only impossible to speak up for those who died in vain!

"Get Qin Yuluo back to me." DR's voice was so cold that there was no warmth at all.

When giving orders to these men in black, it was as if they were giving orders to housekeeping dogs. That was a very disrespectful tone.

It was a naked humiliation, such a straightforward disgust, but no one said "no" to him!
They are like puppets and pawns whose emotions cannot be revealed, and can only be manipulated.

Of course...the person manipulating them is neither DR nor Barea King Kai Hall.

Their master is named "Benefits".

Someone once said that if you can't be the master of money, then you can only be its slave!
Don't get too early without benefit, it's not talking about some people, but everyone living in this world.

Those helpless, vicissitudes, and exhausted souls are slaves driven by fate, puppets controlled by desire, and ugly natures under money...

The people who got the order scattered away, and DR was not completely relieved.

He gripped the gun tightly in his hand, and began to search the entire base aimlessly. How firm his steps were, and how violent the anger in his heart was.

Let's talk about Wu Yan.

When Zhao Xu gave the first signal of a power outage, Wu Yan knew that this big show, which had been prepared for a long time, finally came to the opening day.

Only in muddy water can fish be caught.

Zhao Xu made the most noise in the base. In such a chaotic environment, it would be easier to implement his plan.

Before Wu Yan went out, he had already changed into black clothes, and put on the same mask as the guards at the base. This was prepared for him by Song Yang from the beginning.

The location of Qin Yuluo could not be completely determined.

After Wu Yan went out, he could only go to the place he suspected before.

On the narrow road, people would pass him by constantly. Fortunately, he had prepared his clothes at the beginning, and Wu Yan's whereabouts did not attract too much attention.

When he finally reached the place where Qin Yuluo was suspected of being held, Wu Yan saw a man in black with a woman on his shoulders.

When walking, there seemed to be a wind under his feet, rushing towards Wu Yan.

Because of the strange behavior, Wu Yan took a few more glances. He didn't know if he didn't see it, but he was shocked when he saw it...

That woman being carried by a strange man, isn't Qin Yuluo, who is it?

Zhao Xu, are you an idiot?Are you afraid that others will not know that they are here to rob people?
Wu Yan followed carefully, and he carefully sized up the man behind him.

The more I look at it, the more my heart sinks.

Just because the man carrying Qin Yuluo in not Zhao Xu.

This person is about 175cm tall, and his figure is not as tight as Zhao Xu's, and his whole person is a little thinner.

Unable to distinguish between enemy and friend, Wu Yan didn't know what to do for a while.

If it was the opponent's person, it would be fine to lock Qin Yuluo up, but why did he take such pains to bring him out?If it was their own people, how could Zhao Xu not show up for such a big event tonight?
Could it be... something happened to Zhao Xu?

Wu Yan frowned, and suddenly a dozen worst plans appeared in his mind.

Just when he was very irritable, a hand suddenly appeared and pulled him closer to the dark path.

(End of this chapter)

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