Chapter 369 See you at the end

Before Wu Yan could react, the man who pulled him in had already opened his mouth.

He said: "Wu Yan, it's me, Zhao Xu!"

It was Zhao Xu's voice. Although it was a bit hoarse, Wu Yan could recognize it right away... This is Zhao Xu's voice.

Zhao Xu is fine!fine!
After confirming that Zhao Xu was really standing in front of him alive, Wu Yan's heart finally fell to the ground.

His hands hidden in his sleeves were still shaking. Just a few minutes ago, he was very worried that something might happen to Zhao Xu.

Losing once is already heartbreaking, but if it happens again, Wu Yan is really not sure that he can bear it.

The ghost knows how heavy his heart was when he saw the corpse of "Zhao Xu".

Their five brothers have been by Lu Qiran's side since childhood.

But with the passage of time, the original five people are only three of them left.

Zhao Xu has always been close to him, the relationship between the two of them is like a rhinoceros and a rhinoceros.

Seemingly completely different personalities, but have been complementing each other.

It means looking down on each other, but also protecting each other!
Because of the mask on his face, Wu Yan was not afraid that he would be laughed at if he cried.

He vigorously pulled Zhao Xu on the opposite side, and then hugged him tightly into his arms.

Wu Yan said with a choked voice, "It's good to be alive! It's good..."

Tears were already covering his face, and Wu Yan was sobbing and choking, like a child who failed a test.

Compared with Wu Yan's "sensibility", Zhao Xu seemed a little bit embarrassed.

He leaned against Wu Yan's arms stiffly, his whole mind was in a daze!
What do you mean, still alive?Is it him?

Listen, listen, is this really human?What does it mean to be alive?He is alive and well, super well?

Just as Zhao Xu wanted to ask Wu Yan what was going on, Wu Yan pushed him aside.

? ? ? ?
Zhao Xu really beeped in his heart, is the real person poisonous?
"I'll ask you later, hurry up and chase Qin Yuluo now."

Zhao Xu nodded dully, and when he was still in a daze, Wu Yan pulled him out and ran wildly.

Probably because of physical strength, those who resisted Qin Yuluo walked very slowly, but Wu Yan and Zhao Xu quickly caught up.

The man walked and rested all the way, obviously carrying such an obvious big living person on his body, he didn't ask anyone to stop him, except for stopping to take a breath, the journey of that man was not to mention how smooth it was.

Wu Yan followed seriously, and didn't pay attention to the changes around him. When the man stopped at the door of a room, he realized something was wrong.

The place where this person stopped is not the place where he lives here, but where is it!

Did that person come to help him?Wu Yan was puzzled.

When the man put Qin Yuluo at his door and was about to leave, Wu Yan couldn't hold back the doubts in his heart.

He walked forward quickly and grabbed the person who was about to leave.

"Your Excellency, are you an enemy or a friend?" Wu Yan asked very bluntly.

The other party froze, apparently not expecting to be followed along the way.

"Is it important?"

When the man spoke, his voice was suppressed extremely low, obviously he didn't want to be recognized.

Wu Yan opened his mouth, and was about to ask a few more questions, but the man in front of him took the opportunity.

"The circuit is being repaired... If my estimate is correct, the entire base will return to normal in about 10 to [-] minutes."

Wu Yan clenched his back molars. He felt that the force he had just made seemed to be pierced into cotton. The other party's attitude of not answering questions was really annoying.

He tightened the man's collar, no one could talk to him like that, no one could answer his question with such an ambiguous attitude!
The situation between the two of them seemed to be on the verge of breaking out, Zhao Xu didn't dare to watch the excitement anymore, he ran forward in a panic and pulled the two confronting people apart.

While pulling, he said, "Third brother, third brother... Calm down!"

Wu Yan was brought back to his senses by Zhao Xu's shout, calm down?Since when did he, Wu Yan, need to be reminded to calm down?
He has always been the calmest among them, why is this so?In a daze, Wu Yan felt as if someone had poured a basin of cold water on his head, and there was only a bone-chilling chill left all over his body.

Is it that scent?

Wu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and a tyrannical aura suddenly appeared all over his body, heh... really underestimated!
"How dare you use an axe in front of grandpa! Boy, you! I'm afraid you are tired of work."

Faced with Wu Yan's attitude, the man was not only not angry, but laughed and stepped forward a few steps, the distance between the two was pulled extremely close.

The man was not tall enough, so he had to raise his head high. Wu Yan looked down at the person who was much lower than him.

I saw that in this man's eyes, there were emotions that he couldn't understand, like anger, joy?
In short, it was very complicated, and Wu Yan couldn't understand it.

When the man stared at him, he would stare back. In short, it was a rivalry, and it was right not to let anyone else.

Zhao Xu looked at the time on his phone, there was really not much time left for him and Wu Yan!

He didn't care about anything else, he took a few steps forward and pulled Wu Yan back, saying, "Third brother, time is really running out."

Wu Yan murmured inwardly that he wasted such a long time by being dragged by this strange person in front of him.

"Wait to settle accounts with you."

Wu Yan waved his fist at the man, picked up Qin Yuluo and was about to leave.

Use it?
The man's eyes flashed fiercely, how could he look at other women?

The moment Wu Yan turned around, the man jumped up and pulled Qin Yuluo off Wu Yan's shoulder.

"Boom" sound.

Wu Yan was taken aback at the moment, it's over, it's over... With such a big commotion, it's impossible to try to cover up this time!
He was about to look up to see the reactions of the people around him, but he was shocked in the next second.

The people around seemed to be unable to see what was going on with them. They were still doing what they were supposed to be doing. If it wasn't for the fact that there were people around who deliberately avoided them, Wu Yan would really think that he had already achieved something peerless. magic.

Similar to... invisibility or something?But this is obviously impossible!
Wu Yan carefully connected the cause and effect before and after, and finally made him discover the abnormality.

No wonder, no wonder this man was able to bring Qin Yuluo to his door safely all the way, no wonder they had been entangled here for so long and no one came to trouble them.

Feelings are not about not being able to see them, but deliberately pretending not to be able to see them!
"You... who are you?"

Wu Yan's voice was like frost in the twelfth lunar month, and the cold man's heart trembled.

It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin, a bad guy who doesn't know a good heart...bad guy!

"Who am I, is it really that important? Or, you don't want to leave! You just want to see who I am?"

Wu Yan...

Too much ink, how could it be so ink?
Zhao Xu angrily picked up Qin Yuluo who was on the ground, then carried it on his shoulder and turned his head to leave.

"Third brother, I'll go first, you hurry up and follow!"

Wu Yan looked at Zhao Xu who was leaving, then at the man in front of him, finally gritted his teeth, turned around and quickly followed Zhao Xu's pace.

Seeing the figures of the two leaving, the man gradually smiled.

"Wu Yan... we will meet again eventually!"

(End of this chapter)

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