Chapter 458
Wang Changsheng originally wanted to use Qingyuan City's teleportation array to leave, but he didn't expect that Qingyuan City sealed the teleportation array when encountering a beast tide. It seems that he will not be able to leave this place in a short time.

Although he had never experienced the beast tide, but from what the middle-aged man said, several alchemy cultivators died in the beast tide, which is enough to show the danger of the beast tide.

Wang Changsheng thought about it for a while, went to several shops, bought some materials for refining beast soul talismans, and confirmed the news of the beast tide from the mouths of several shop owners.

According to the shop owner, after the monsters broke through dozens of small and medium-sized islands, they didn't stop and were attacking Qingyuan Island.

With Qingyuan Island as the lead, the three major towns of cultivating immortals are constantly recruiting people, hoping to use the protective magic circle to resist the attacks of monsters, but no one can guarantee that they will be able to block the attacks of many monsters.

After learning that the management office might ask the immortal cultivators in the city to assist in defending the city, Wang Changsheng found an inn to stay and refine the beast soul talisman.

On the top of a towering stone tower in the west of Qingyuan City, a thin-faced old man in yellow robes stood in front of a window in the tower, looking at the distant sea through the window, his face was extremely gloomy.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," the yellow-robed old man frowned, shook his sleeves, and a stone door not far away opened automatically, and a burly man in blue robes walked in quickly with a panicked expression.

"Report to Patriarch, monsters have invaded Black Rock City?" the blue-robed man said in a deep voice.

"What? When did this happen? Is the news reliable?" Hearing the words, the old man in yellow robe changed his face and asked in disbelief.

"It's absolutely reliable. A quarter of an hour ago, the disciple was using the teleportation array to contact the master in red robe in Black Rock City. Before he could say a few words, the master in red robe lost contact. Later, after many investigations, the disciple confirmed that Black Rock City had fallen into a demon. If it is not in the hands of the beast, I will report to the ancestor immediately," the blue-robed man said respectfully.

"Even Black Rock City can't stop the attack of monsters. It seems that the scale of this beast wave is far beyond my expectation," the yellow-robed old man said with a sigh.

"Old Ancestor, why don't you ask for help from the Inner Sea? Otherwise, we may not be able to stop this beast tide with our strength alone," the blue-robed man hesitated and asked.

"Hmph, do you think I didn't ask for help from the Inland Sea? They were willing to ask for help, but they also put forward a condition. Afterwards, they will hand over one-third of the islands that have been discovered to them for management. The Qingyuan Sea area can have today's situation, is it true? It took us hundreds of years and countless manpower and material resources to create it. They want a third of the territory as soon as they open their mouths. Let alone those old guys in the Presbyterian Church do not agree, and I do not agree. The remote island behind the island, if there is a chance to retake the fallen island in the future," the old man in yellow robe snorted softly and said with some dissatisfaction.

"What? Don't you want one-third of the territory to be managed by them? Isn't that the lion's mouth?" Hearing this, the big man in blue robe was also a little displeased.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, you immediately gather the immortal cultivators in the city and let them assist in defending the city. Set it up before the monsters attack, and go to the warehouse to get anything you need," the yellow-robed old man waved his hand, commanding with a gloomy face.

"Yes, disciple will do it right away," the blue-robed man replied, turned around and walked out, carrying out the order.

Wang Changsheng was refining a beast soul talisman in his room. He had just refined a beast soul talisman when he heard a loud male voice from outside the inn:

"Listen up, fellow daoists in the inn, come out immediately to help defend the city. Those who don't follow will be killed without mercy. Ordinary people are not allowed to go out if they stay in the room. Those who go out without authorization to hinder the resistance of the beast tide will be killed without mercy."

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng frowned, put away his things, got up and walked out.

Walking out of the inn, Wang Changsheng found that hundreds of immortal cultivators had gathered outside, the high ones had the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen, and the low ones had the fourth or fifth level of Qi Refining.

These immortal cultivators had different expressions, some were nervous, some were panicked, and some were uneasy.

At the entrance of the inn, there was a team of Foundation Establishment cultivators wearing uniform yellow shirts, headed by a tall, bald man with the cultivation base of Foundation Establishment Dzogchen.

The bald man glanced at Wang Changsheng and the others, and said calmly: "Fellow Taoists who are still in the room, come out quickly, or don't blame me for being rude."

After a while, no one came out of the inn. It seemed that all the cultivators in the inn had come out.

"Since Your Excellency doesn't want to come out, I'm not going to be polite," the bald man said with a serious face, and walked into the inn with a few Foundation Establishment monks.

Not long after, there was a burst of explosions in the inn, as if someone was fighting.

With a "bang", a figure came out of the broken window on the fifth floor and fell to the ground.

The figure was a hunchbacked old man with an ugly face, a black spear stuck in his chest, and he was breathless.

"It's him," Wang Changsheng frowned when he saw the hunchbacked old man. The hunchbacked old man checked into the inn at the same time as him. Because of his ugly face, Wang Changsheng was more impressed by this person.

The hunchbacked old man was also a late-stage foundation-establishment monk, so he restrained his breath and hid in his room because he didn't want to defend the city, but he was still dragged out by the bald man.

Not long after, a bald man came out, holding a bloody head in his hand.

He threw the head on the ground, walked to the corpse of the hunchbacked old man, pulled out the black spear, glanced at Wang Changsheng and the others, and said indifferently: "If there are fellow Taoists who resist the law, this will be the end."

Hearing these words, Wang Changsheng and the rest of the monks were shocked.

With the hunchbacked old man and the bloody head, the immortal cultivators outside the inn didn't dare to play tricks anymore.

Next, the bald man registered Wang Changsheng and the others, divided them into two groups according to their cultivation and took them away.

Wang Changsheng and a group of foundation builders followed the bald man to a section of the city wall.

At this time, hundreds of Foundation Establishment cultivators gathered on this section of the city wall. Most of them closed their eyes and meditated, and some were whispering. Judging from the clothes of these people and the displeased expressions on their faces, they were all rushed here. Defenders.

On the city wall, there is a giant crossbow shining with spiritual light every certain distance. The arrows on the giant crossbow are about ten feet long. There is spiritual light flowing on the surface of the arrow, which is also a magic weapon.

If he was shot by such a sharp weapon, the cultivator who established the foundation might not escape death.

The bald man arranged a place for Wang Changsheng and the others, told them to guard the city well, and then left.

Looking at the calm sea in the distance, Wang Changsheng frowned. He did not expect to be sent to defend the city so soon. It seems that the monsters are not far away from Qingyuan City, otherwise the administrator of Qingyuan City would not let him go so quickly. They help defend the city.

Wang Changsheng could only pray that there would not be too many monsters attacking the section of the city wall he was defending. Of course, he would still try his best to defend the city, but if he had the opportunity to leave here, he would not let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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