A seal of immortality

Chapter 459 Monster Beast Siege City

Chapter 459 Monster Beast Siege City (Update)
Wang Changsheng looked at the calm sea for a while, then sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and meditated.

A few days later, three huge bells rang.

This was the siren sound of the appearance of monsters. Someone had already told Wang Changsheng and other monks who assisted in defending the city.

The moment the bell rang, Wang Changsheng opened his eyes and looked towards the distant sea.

At the same time, other immortal cultivators on the city wall also stood up and looked into the distance.

Appearing from the far horizon, there was a loud rumbling sound, and a black light emerged out of thin air, and in a blink of an eye, it changed from small to large, turning into a huge black cloud.

At the same time as the black clouds appeared, the calm sea surface violently rolled and surged, and various roaring sounds came from the bottom of the sea.

Not long after, monsters of different sizes came out of the sea and climbed ashore.

These monsters vary in size, there are octopuses that are twenty or thirty feet high, giant crabs that are more than ten feet in size, and manatees that are the size of a small mountain.

These are still monsters that can go ashore. There are still a large number of monsters that cannot go ashore on the sea, and thousands of monsters are circling in the sky.

If someone looked down from a high altitude, they could see that the entire Qingyuan City was surrounded by tens of thousands of monsters.

At this time, the black cloud group stopped several miles away from Qingyuan City.

A man and a woman came out from the black clouds. The man was a man in white with a pair of silver dragon horns on his head, and the other was a woman in a black dress with snow-like skin. A tiny black scale.

At the same time as the black clouds appeared, a yellow ray and a red ray flew out of Qingyuan City, and the two ray of light easily passed through the yellow mask covering Qingyuan City and stopped in mid-air.

The two flashes of light were a thin-faced old man in yellow robes and a fat Taoist priest in red robes.

"Old man Huang Yangming, I don't know where we offended two fellow daoists and let them mobilize the crowd like this," the yellow-robed old man introduced himself, glanced at the many monsters surrounding Qingyuan City, and said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, my cousin Dujie was promoted to level eight. If it weren't for the interference of your human race, my cousin would not have failed in the promotion. Moreover, even if there was no such thing as my cousin, your human race killed so many of our fellow race. You killed us yesterday. Isn't it normal for us to kill you today?" The man in white laughed and said sarcastically.

"So, today's battle must be fought?" The red-robed Taoist priest heard this, his face darkened, and he said coldly.

"Hehe, we have brought so many men, is it possible that you want us to retreat in a few words? What a joke," the woman in the black dress sneered.

"Since that's the case, there's nothing to talk about. Let the two old men experience the supernatural powers of the two fellow Taoists. However, there are many low-level immortal cultivators and low-level monsters here. How about we change to another place?" The yellow-robed old man Suggested.

"No problem, let's take a step first," the man in white agreed after hearing this.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and turned into a hundred-foot-long silver flood dragon, flying towards the sky.

The woman in the black dress flicked her sleeves, and a black light flashed, turning into a black whale the size of a hill. With a flick of its huge fish tail, a lot of blue light emerged around it, and these blue lights supported her to rise rapidly.

Seeing this, the yellow-robed old man moved his lips a few times, and nodded at the red-robed Taoist priest, and the two of them turned into yellow and red streaks of light and chased after them.

As soon as the four left, the monsters surrounding Qingyuan City became restless. After a nearly hundred-foot-long black flood dragon let out a roar, these monsters rushed towards Qingyuan City quickly, spraying out various spells at the same time.

Fireballs, water arrows, boulders, wind blades and other low-level spells hit the yellow light curtain one after another.

The yellow light curtain made a loud bang, bang bang, and remained motionless.

At the same time, thousands of monster birds descended from the sky, either breathing fireballs, releasing wind blades, or using sharp claws, constantly attacking the yellow light shield covering the entire Qingyuan City.

On the other side, under the command of a blue-robed man in the alchemy stage, more than a dozen immortal cultivators in uniform yellow shirts each held a washbasin-sized golden ball and threw them out of the city.

After a "cracking" sound, more than a dozen golden spheres turned into more than a dozen huge golden puppets. sized bird puppet.

With a wave of the huge sword in the human puppet's hand, a large number of low-level monsters fell down.

The giant tiger puppet opened its bloody mouth wide, and sprayed out a bucket-thick red beam of light, piercing through the bodies of dozens of monsters.

When the bird puppet flapped its wings, several giant wind blades with a length of several feet flashed out, beheading several slower-flying monster birds.

At the same time, Wang Changsheng and other monks defending the city also took action. They either threw talismans, manipulated magic weapons, or cast large-scale offensive spells.

Faced with such a sharp attack, most of the monsters rushing in the front were killed or injured, but soon the monsters behind them added up, looking like they couldn't kill them all.

In front of the city wall where Wang Changsheng was, there was a humanoid puppet holding a black sledgehammer. Every time the humanoid puppet swung the black sledgehammer, it would smash more than a dozen monsters into meatloaf.

But also because of this, this humanoid puppet also became the target of many monsters attacking, water arrows, fireballs, wind blades, sea water, and venom fell on the humanoid puppet one after another.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the puppet was covered in scars.

But even so, the humanoid puppet kept waving the sledgehammer in its hand, smashing the rushing monsters into meatloaf, but the speed of swaying the sledgehammer slowed down significantly.

At this moment, an extremely sharp and strange sound sounded, and dozens of thick red beams of light shot out from the group of monsters, and hit the head of the humanoid puppet, hitting the humanoid puppet's head. of crushing.

The movement of the puppet's hand stopped suddenly, as if it had been killed.

Seeing this situation, many monsters rushed over immediately.

At this moment, there was a "cracking" sound, and a large black hole was exposed in the puppet's stomach. Then, a thin golden beam of light shot out from it, rushing towards the dozens of monsters in front. Unable to dodge in time, his body was pierced by the golden beam of light, and he fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, all the monsters were startled at first, and then became furious. They released spells to attack the puppet in human form, and there were a lot of scars on the puppet in human form.

A twenty-foot-tall yellow octopus raised its tentacles high up, and with a sudden flick, with a bang, the puppet was torn apart and turned into a pile of scrap metal.

Without the obstruction of humanoid puppets, a large number of monsters surged up and attacked the city wall where Wang Changsheng was.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng and other monks defending the city did not dare to neglect, and cast spells one after another to attack the monsters that attacked the city wall.

Wang Changsheng didn't want to attract attention, so he didn't throw out a lot of talismans. Instead, he controlled several high-level instruments and attacked a blue manatee four or five feet tall.

(End of this chapter)

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