A seal of immortality

Chapter 460 Fierce Battle

Chapter 460 Fierce Battle

This blue manatee had thick skin and thick flesh, and the six golden flying knives controlled by Wang Changsheng slashed on it without leaving a single scar.

From time to time, the blue manatee made a strange cry of "moo moo" and released circles of transparent sound waves. The golden flying knife flew backwards as soon as it touched the transparent sound waves. After repeating this several times, the aura on the surface of the golden flying knife dimmed.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng frowned. Although the blue manatee was a bit tricky, Wang Changsheng didn't want to use his real strength. He controlled the golden throwing knife to attack the blue manatee while looking around.

The nearby Foundation Establishment cultivators also sacrificed magic weapons to attack the charging monsters. Each of them entangled a monster, but Wang Changsheng observed carefully that these people did not use their full strength, and they were completely coping.

This is also very normal, they were coerced into defending the city, not voluntarily, and the managers of Qingyuan City did not give them much benefits, of course, even if benefits were given, they might not try their best.

The most important thing is that everyone knows that the key to this battle is the four yellow-robed old men in the sky. If the human race wins, they can still block one or two by relying on the power of the formation. If the winner is the monster race, then it is nothing That's all.

Although they didn't use all their strength, everyone didn't dare to let the monsters get too close to the city wall, lest the city wall they were defending be breached by the monsters.

But there were too many monsters, and many monsters rushed to the city wall, or cast spells, or hit the city wall with their bodies.

The surface of the city wall is covered with a cyan light curtain, and there are a large number of cyan runes flowing on the light curtain, but under the attack of many monsters, the light of the cyan light curtain is still dimmed.

"Hurry up and kill these monsters. If they tear open a hole, we must be their primary targets," the bald man who recruited Wang Changsheng and others shouted hastily when he saw this.

After hearing this, even though the people around were a little reluctant, they still cast spells to deal with these monsters that attacked the city wall.

Wang Changsheng threw a dozen large fireball symbols, which turned into a dozen giant fireballs the size of a water tank, and hit several blue crabs. The giant fireballs turned into billowing flames and submerged the bodies of these crabs.

Afterwards, Wang Changsheng rushed six golden flying knives into the flames, and several screams came from them.

After the flames subsided, several blue crabs fell into a pool of blood, motionless.

It's not because of how powerful Wang Changsheng's attack was, but because these blue crabs were already scarred, and more than a dozen giant fireballs hit them, which greatly reduced their defense. That's why Wang Changsheng used six golden throwing knives kill.

Even so, Wang Changsheng still attracted the attention of the surrounding immortal cultivators.

Wang Changsheng turned a blind eye to the gazes of other people. These blue crabs were attacking the city wall where he was. If a monster beast breached the city wall, the monster beasts would tear him into pieces first. Wang Changsheng would not joke about his own life.

At this moment, with a few "boom boom boom", Wang Changsheng stood on the city wall and felt the ground shake slightly.

Wang Changsheng was startled, and hurriedly looked into the distance, and suddenly found a huge monster with the head of a fish, the body of a bull and the tail of a snake, hundreds of meters in front of him.

This monster is more than forty feet high and twenty feet long, with red scales all over its body.

After it let out a strange roar, it quickly rushed towards the city wall where Wang Changsheng was. Every time it took a step, the ground would shake slightly.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of Wang Changsheng and the surrounding monks defending the city changed.

"Attack this bull-scaled beast quickly, don't let it hit you," the bald man shouted hastily when he saw this.

After speaking, he walked to the giant crossbow next to him, took out a golden arrow about ten feet long, turned his hand and took out a porcelain bottle, poured some pungent blue liquid from it, smeared it on the arrow, and some liquid dripped On the stone slab on the ground, a puff of blue smoke immediately rose, corroding a large hole.

The next moment, the bald man put a poisonous arrow on the crossbow, aimed at the bull-scaled beast rushing over, and pulled the trigger.

With a sound of "嗖", the golden arrow flew out like lightning, and after a few flashes, it arrived in front of the bull-scaled beast, pierced fiercely into the back of the bull-scaled beast, and most of the arrows sank into the body of the bull-scaled beast .

The bull-scaled beast let out a miserable cry, and stopped immediately.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Changsheng and others hurriedly cast spells to attack the bull-scaled beast.

Wang Changsheng raised his right hand, and more than a dozen thousand-blade talismans flew out of his hand, flying towards the sky above the bull-scaled beast.

After reaching a certain height, more than a dozen thousand-blade talismans burst open one after another, turning into tens of thousands of small golden swords, and fell head-on.

The dense golden swords fell on the bull-scaled beast, leaving a lot of sword marks on its body.

At the same time, other people also manipulated the magic weapon or cast spells to attack the bull-scaled beast, but none of them caused much damage to the bull-scaled beast.

However, this move also annoyed the bull-scaled beast. It let out a roar and rushed towards the city wall quickly, but compared with before, the speed was much slower.

There was a "swish" sound through the air, and a golden light flashed.

The bull-scaled beast was startled, and after it let out a strange cry, a red light curtain appeared on its body, protecting it inside.

The red light curtain is like paper paste, and the golden light will be broken as soon as it is pierced. After the golden light penetrates the red light curtain, it passes through the head of the bull-scaled beast.

A golden light flashed, revealing a golden figure. It was a golden arrow about ten feet long, and most of the arrow body missed the bull-scaled beast's head.

After the bull-scaled beast let out a scream, it fell straight down, and some nearby monsters couldn't dodge it, and were crushed into meatloaf by its huge body.

Speaking of which, if the arrows hadn't been smeared with poison, the bull-scaled beast would not have been killed so easily.

Seeing the cow-scaled beast lying on the ground, the bald man couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, there were several loud bangs, and the city wall shook violently a few times.

Wang Changsheng and the others were startled, and hurriedly looked towards the source of the sound, only to see hundreds of meters away, the tentacles of a giant octopus with a height of forty or fifty feet penetrated the blue light curtain on the city wall, smashing several A huge pothole was formed, and nearby monsters surged up.

At the same time, other places were also torn open by monsters, and a large number of monsters surged up along the gap.

Although the gap healed quickly, a large number of monsters still took the opportunity to rush up the city wall, killing the monks defending the city wall.

A five-to-six-foot-sized red giant crab spewed out a giant fireball the size of a water tank, hitting several unsuspecting monks defending the city, burning them to ashes.

A giant emerald green shrimp waved its two giant pincers, smashing several city-defending monks into meatloaf.

A black octopus with a size of more than ten feet opened its mouth and spewed out streams of black liquid. The black liquid fell on several monks who were covered with masks, and even the people and the masks turned into green smoke.

Although many monsters charged up the city wall and killed many city defenders, relying on the superiority in numbers, these monsters were still killed by many city defenders, and the city wall was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Although Wang Changsheng had experienced many fights, he still felt sick to his stomach when he saw several monks who couldn't escape being smashed into meatloaf by a giant blue crab.

Not allowing Wang Changsheng to think too much, the monster launched a second round of attack.

Thousands of demon birds gathered together, constantly attacking the same place.

The monsters on the ground were also divided into several groups. Under the cover of several larger monsters, they rushed to the city wall, or cast spells, or hit the city wall with their bodies.

Under such a strong attack, the light of the yellow mask covering the entire Qingyuan City quickly dimmed, looking like it would collapse at any time.

Seeing this situation, Wang Changsheng and others did not dare to be careless, and attacked the monsters approaching the city wall with all their strength.

The last round of attack was more tentative, but this time the monsters are serious, one by one, they are rushing towards the city wall like a stimulant, a group of monsters died tragically on the road, and soon another group of monsters Beast added.

(End of this chapter)

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