A seal of immortality

Chapter 466 Amazing harvest

Chapter 466 Amazing harvest

At the same time, the black beads suspended in mid-air immediately fell to the ground, and the black flag also fell to the ground, the light was extremely dim, and the black clouds in the cave also dissipated, and the light was restored.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng heaved a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat off his face.

If it weren't for a high-level talisman that specifically restrains ghosts and ghosts, it is still a matter of debate whether the ghost can be exterminated.

Wang Changsheng looked at the four of Chen Fengxiao who were lying on the ground, and thinking about how so many people entered the cave, and only he survived, he felt a sense of desolation inexplicably.

But soon, this ray of negative emotions was left behind by him, and Wang Changsheng walked towards the humanoid skeleton.

Judging from Tall Black Shadow's methods of fighting against the enemy, this person was probably a monk in the alchemy stage before his life. Wang Changsheng hoped to find a magic weapon in his storage bag.

Wang Changsheng opened the storage bag and poured out all the contents.

Hundreds of middle-grade spirit stones, more than a dozen jade slips of different colors, more than a dozen magical instruments, more than a dozen wooden boxes, one yellow wooden box, and a pale yellow talisman on the yellow wooden box.

Among the dozen or so instruments, a half-foot-long black flying knife was entwined with black light on the surface, exuding a cold air. Two small black characters were engraved on the body of this knife—Yin Luo.

Wang Changsheng carefully used his spiritual sense to invade the saber, but was blocked from it.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng was overjoyed. This kind of situation can only appear on magic weapons. Obviously, this Yin Luo knife is a magic weapon.

Afterwards, Wang Changsheng picked up the black round beads and black flags that fell on the ground, and after inspection, he found that these two things were magic weapons.

Wang Changsheng was very excited to get three magic weapons in one day.

He opened more than a dozen wooden boxes one by one, and found that there were monster inner pills inside. Judging by the size and aura fluctuations, it was the inner alchemy of monsters above level five, and there were two egg-sized red demon pills emitting aura It was extremely strong, and Wang Changsheng guessed that it was probably the inner alchemy of a seventh-level monster.

Afterwards, Wang Changsheng took off the yellow talisman seal on the yellow wooden box, and opened the wooden box.

As soon as the lid of the box was opened, a glow of seven colors shot out from the box, and inside was a golden bead the size of a thumb.

"Vajra relic?" Wang Changsheng was taken aback for a moment, and then his face showed ecstasy.

He has read the records about the Vajra relics in the Buddhist classics that record the Vajra Subduing Demon Art. The relics are a unique thing for Buddhist monks. Some appear in the alchemy stage, and some can only be cultivated in the Yuanying stage , there is no rule to be found, for monks outside Buddhism, relics are a very mysterious thing.

The vajra relic is a very rare type of relic. Most of the Buddhist monks who have cultivated the vajra relic are the guardians of the vajra in Buddhism.

However, many advanced exercises and supernatural powers in Buddhism can only be practiced after having a relic.

Wang Changsheng's Vajra Subduing Demon Kungfu is no exception. There are no requirements for the first two levels, but after the third level, relics are required to continue the practice.

What puzzled Wang Changsheng was that the method used by the tall black shadow was obviously the technique of exorcising ghosts, and the magic weapon used was also of Yin attribute. Why was there such a sacred Buddhist relic as the Vajra relic in his storage bag?

Wang Changsheng thought for a while, and browsed through the dozen or so jade slips in the storage bag.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Changsheng put down the last jade slip, with an expression of sudden realization on his face.

Most of these jade slips are exercises, and there is a practice method called "Xuangui Dafa", which can be cultivated from the Qi refining stage to the Nascent Soul stage.

"Xuangui Dafa" is a method of ghosts, which can drive tens of thousands of ghosts when it is practiced to great success.

Wang Changsheng was born in a respectable and upright family, so naturally he would not practice this technique.

In addition, he also discovered the cultivation methods of the third and fourth layers of Vajra Subduing Mogong in a yellow jade slip.

However, it was not these two exercises that caught Wang Changsheng's attention, but a jade slip that recorded his life's deeds.

According to the jade slips, this person's name is Xuanyin, and he is a monk who practiced the way of ghosts. The "Xuangui Dafa" he practiced was obtained from a certain ancient monk's cave. To practice this skill requires a lot of spirit.

At the beginning, he killed a large number of foundation-building monks, and used their spirits to practice skills and sacrifice treasures. As a result, he angered several powerful forces and sent high-ranking monks to encircle him. He escaped, but was also seriously injured.

After that, he found a place to hide, made a large number of treasure beads, threw them out, and attracted the monks who had picked up the treasure beads to come to hunt for the treasure, and killed many monks who built the foundation.

Unfortunately, when he killed five Foundation Establishment cultivators who came to hunt for treasure, a Buddhist cultivator at the alchemy stage also came to his door.

At that time, his injuries hadn't fully healed, and in addition to the fact that the Buddhist exercises themselves were very restrained in the "Xuangui Dafa" he practiced, after a few rounds, he was at a disadvantage. , severely injured that Buddhist cultivator, and the other party also destroyed his physical body, resulting in a loss-losing result.

The Buddhist cultivator knew that he would not live for long, so he temporarily trapped him with a Buddhist treasure, and then used his last strength to seal the entire cave.

When he escaped from the predicament, he found that Buddha Xiu had set up a vajra trap. If he had a physical body, he might be able to break the formation, but at that time his physical body had already been destroyed, and Buddha Xiu was worried that he would use his physical body After breaking the formation, and time was running out, he set himself on fire and died, leaving only a vajra relic.

When he escaped from the predicament, only the primordial spirit remained, and he possessed himself on the skeleton left by the Buddhist cultivator, attacking the vajra trapped demon formation, but he was still unable to break through the formation.

Seeing this situation, he became ruthless and simply practiced ghost skills.

Although he succeeded in cultivating to the realm of the ghost king, his realm gradually declined due to lack of yin energy replenishment. He thought that he would never be able to get out of trouble, so he drew a jade slip to record his life story, hoping that someone in the future can pass on his mantle go down.

But he never expected that not long after he left his will, Wang Changsheng and others broke the formation and indirectly helped him out of trouble.

Needless to say what happened next, Wang Changsheng's cultivation base was the highest among the five, so he came up with Wang Changsheng's idea, wanting to take Wang Changsheng's body, so he didn't use the Yin Luo knife magic weapon to kill Wang Changsheng.

It's just that he never expected that Wang Changsheng not only possessed Buddhist artifacts, but also possessed a high-level talisman that was specially designed to deal with ghosts and ghosts, so he failed to seize the house and was killed by Wang Changsheng.

"The world is unpredictable," Wang Changsheng muttered to himself, put away the things on the ground, took off the storage bags on the corpses of the four fellow disciples, threw a few fireball charms, and burned the corpses of the fellow disciples. After hesitating, he put the skeleton of the Buddhist cultivator into the storage bead.

After confirming that there were no omissions, Wang Changsheng walked out and returned to the ground. Wang Changsheng took a giant power talisman for himself and moved the boulder back to its original position.

After a loud bang, the entrance of the cave was covered.

Wang Changsheng asked Xiao Hei to spit out the lake water he had absorbed before, filling up the entire lake.

Afterwards, Wang Changsheng jumped onto Xiao Hei's back, and let Xiao Hei carry him to the sky, where he disappeared in a short time.

After obtaining the three magic weapons and the huge wealth of tens of thousands of spiritual stones, Wang Changsheng just wanted to return to the inner sea quickly, find a place with abundant aura to practice, and hit the alchemy stage.

(End of this chapter)

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