A seal of immortality

Chapter 467 Returning to Red Crab Island

Chapter 467 Returning to Red Crab Island

Half a month later, a black flood dragon more than ten feet long appeared on the highest peak of a certain deserted island.

There are more than a dozen yellow stones of different sizes on the top of the mountain, and several of the stones stacked together have a cross mark on them.

The black flood dragon twisted its body and quickly fell downwards. After a few flashes, it landed beside a big tree more than ten meters high.

The space above the head of the black flood dragon fluctuated together, revealing a young man in white with an ordinary face. The young man in white was Wang Changsheng.

Along the way, Wang Changsheng was attacked by several monsters, but luckily he solved them all. Later, he simply took a shadow escape talisman for himself. When the monsters saw Xiao Hei, they would only treat Xiao Hei as their kind, and did not attack Xiao Hei.

Wang Changsheng put Xiao Hei back into the spirit beast bag, took out an earth escape talisman and slapped it on his body, his whole body was wrapped in a burst of yellow light, disappeared into the ground.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng appeared in the underground stalactite cave.

Compared with the last time, the stalactite cave has not changed much.

Soon, Wang Changsheng came to the cave where the teleportation array was located.

Wang Changsheng took out a fist-sized moonstone and placed it beside him. The soft light emitted by the moonstone illuminated the entire cave. He opened the storage bags of Chen Fengxiao and the others to check the contents.

There are not many things, the four storage bags add up, and there are only more than 1 spirit stones. As for the miscellaneous materials, there are more than 1 spirit stones at most.

What Wang Changsheng was interested in were dozens of jade slips of different colors and two scrolls.

Most of the jade slips recorded are secret books of exercises. Three of the blue jade slips recorded the content of formations, listing the characteristic names and attributes of hundreds of formations. The two books were "Wind Laughing Formation" Dharma Experience" and "Broken Array Record".

"Fengxiao Formation Experience" is written by Chen Fengxiao himself, it records Chen Fengxiao's understanding of formations, and "Breaking Formation Records" records some methods of breaking formations, among which there are many strange ones. Wonderful ideas.

For Wang Changsheng, the value of these three blue jade slips and the two scrolls is still higher than other things.

Although Chen Fengxiao had told Wang Changsheng that he only needed to place spirit stones in the three grooves, Wang Changsheng was still a little worried. He planned to read the contents of the three jade slips and the two books to see if he could draw the same conclusion. conclusion.

For the next half month, Wang Changsheng stayed in the cave and read books on formations.

Wang Changsheng had read some classics on formations before, so he had a certain understanding of formations, and the contents recorded in the three jade slips and two books were not too mysterious.

He read it several times and comprehended the content of it in sevens and eighties.

The current Wang Changsheng can completely set up a simple formation by himself.

After reading these classics, Wang Changsheng came to the same conclusion as Chen Fengxiao. The formation in the cave is indeed a modified teleportation formation. Only three of the four grooves are used to place spirit stones. It's a blindfold. If someone who doesn't know puts spirit stones in all four grooves, they will be bombarded and killed by the power of space during the transmission process.

After coming to the same conclusion, Wang Changsheng was relieved, and then he took out the talisman-making tool and began to draw the teleportation talisman.

There are a total of 510 runes in the teleportation talisman. It is relatively difficult to draw, but it is not difficult for Wang Changsheng.

The special ability of the crouching pen can help him reduce the number of failures and thus increase the success rate.

A few days later, after hundreds of failures, Wang Changsheng successfully drew two teleportation symbols.

On this day, Wang Changsheng released the second-level sea ape and let it stand on top of the teleportation array.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Changsheng took a teleportation talisman on the body of the sea monkey, and then took out three middle-level spirit stones and placed them in the three grooves.

After the teleportation array trembled slightly, a white light soared into the sky, drowning the figure of the sea ape.

After a while, the white light faded, and the sea ape disappeared.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng nodded in satisfaction, took out three gray-white spirit stones, and stood on the teleportation array.

After taking the last teleportation talisman on his body, he placed three mid-level spirit stones in the three grooves.

Then, a dazzling white light rose into the sky, and after a while, the white light subsided, and Wang Changsheng disappeared.

When Wang Changsheng came back to his senses and took out a moonstone, he found himself in a cave with a size of more than ten feet, with an identical teleportation array under his feet, and a second-level sea ape was standing beside the teleportation array.

Wang Changsheng found that the cave in front of him was sealed, there was no other way out, and the cave had obvious traces of man-made excavation.

Wang Changsheng thought for a while, put the sea monkey back into the spirit beast bag, walked to the stone wall, took out an earth escape talisman and slapped it on his body, his whole body turned into a yellow light and disappeared into the stone wall.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng got out of the ground.

Wang Changsheng looked around and found that he was in a dense forest with dense vegetation.

He let go of his consciousness and swept around, but found no other monks.

Wang Changsheng thought for a while, and patted a flying talisman on his body. With a flash of blue light, a pair of blue wings about the size of Zhang grew from his back. With a light flap of the blue wings, he flew into the air.

After flying to a high altitude, Wang Changsheng looked at the island below, and was surprised to find that the shape of the island below resembled a steamed crab.

"Red Crab Island?" Wang Changsheng muttered to himself, with a look of joy on his face.

The shape of Red Crab Island is very special. Wang Changsheng once hunted red-eyed crabs here, and he has a deep impression on this island.

Since this is Red Crab Island, it means that Wang Changsheng has indeed teleported back to the inner sea.

Wang Changsheng released the Snow Wind Boat and flew towards Xingluo Island.

Biyun Island, Yunwu Pavilion.

In a secret room on the second floor, a fat man with a black face and a middle-aged woman sat at a tea table drinking tea and chatting.

The black-faced fat man was naturally Yang Qian. Since he paid a huge sum of 3 yuan, he would go to Yunwu Pavilion to inquire about news every once in a while, but more than half a year had passed, and there was still no whereabouts of Wang Changsheng.

"Chen Daoyou, is there no news yet? It's been so long, why haven't you found him yet? Could it be that you are a big bully at the Wuchang League Store?" The black-faced fat man frowned, and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Fellow Daoists, don't misunderstand, our people have encountered this person before, because you want to capture this person alive, so you didn't kill him, and you were caught off guard by this person and escaped. Now Qingyuanhai has an outbreak of beasts, and the situation is chaotic. We don’t have any news about this person yet, fellow daoists, don’t worry, if we can’t kill this person, we will return 4 yuan of spirit stones, you can rest assured about that,” the middle-aged woman smiled wryly and explained slowly.

"Retreating the spirit stone? That's not necessary. You continue to search for this person. If you find this person, you don't have to capture him alive. You can just kill him or take his head back. If I have news about him, I will inform you as soon as possible. Come back after a while! I hope fellow daoists can give me good news by then," the fat man with a dark face shook his head and said lightly.

After speaking, he got up and walked out.

After leaving Yunwu Pavilion, he walked around the street, and after confirming that no one was following him, he returned to Biyun Inn.

Not long after, Yang Qian walked out of the Biyun Inn openly and walked towards the teleportation hall.

After entering the teleportation hall, Yang Qian paid the spirit stone, took a teleportation talisman and slapped it on his body, and stood on a teleportation array. On the stone tablet in front of the teleportation array, the word "Taiqing" was engraved.

In a burst of dazzling white light, Yang Qian disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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