Chapter 469
After activating the formation, Wang Changsheng released the second-level sea ape, gave him a few words of advice, and then walked into the bedroom.

Wang Changsheng is only at the late stage of Foundation Establishment. If he wants to break into the Alchemy Stage, he has to practice until he reaches the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment.

Taking the elixir, with the help of the elixir, it is easy to advance to the foundation building Dzogchen, but Wang Changsheng does not intend to do this. Doing so can indeed quickly advance to the foundation building Dzogchen, but this will cause the foundation to be unstable, and the mana is still on his own. With a little bit of practice, there will be less resistance to bottlenecks when breaking through in the future.

Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on a futon, silently recited the practice formula of "Golden Yang Gong", and slowly closed his eyes.

The sea monkey stayed in a stone room next to the bedroom. Apart from cleaning, it also practiced in the stone room.

Of course, it just relies on instinct to breathe out spiritual energy, and there is no cultivation method.

Winter goes to spring, summer hides and autumn comes, year after year has passed, and the door of the bedroom has never been closed.

In the blink of an eye, seven years have passed.

During this period, Wang Changsheng never stepped out of his bedroom, let alone showed his face in front of the island residents.

The arrival of Wang Changsheng, the immortal teacher, did not affect the life of the residents on the island. They farmed what they should farm, and fished what they should fish.

Because Wang Changsheng used the cave mansion left by the previous monk, it is not surprising that the residents on the island saw that the peak visible from the cleaning was covered by thick fog.

They listed the mountain where Wang Changsheng lived as a forbidden area, and no one was allowed to go up the mountain. During festivals, the mayor would lead a group of residents to worship at the foot of the mountain, praying for good weather in the coming year.

Every year, the protective formation in the town lacks spirit stones. As long as the mayor goes up the mountain and shouts "Immortal Master Wang" a few times outside the dense fog, a yellow ape will send out the spirit stones.

In the early morning of that day, a thick-backed black-faced man and a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl appeared at the foot of the mountain.

The girl in the yellow shirt had a round face, a pair of big black eyes, and two dimples on her face, she looked pretty and lovely.

"Zhaodi, do you really want to go up the mountain? If you offend Immortal Master Wang, I'm afraid the residents of the whole town will suffer!" the black-faced man said with some worry.

"Don't worry, mayor, if I go up by myself, even if I offend Immortal Wang, the old man will only punish me if he blames me, and probably won't punish others. Doctor Chen said that only Immortal Wang can save my mother. As long as I can save my mother, I will not hesitate to take my life," the round-faced girl said resolutely.

Hearing the words, the black-faced man sighed softly, pointed to the mountain and said, "Go up the mountain along this road, and you will see a dense fog when you reach the top of the mountain. If you call Immortal Master Wang outside the dense fog, Master Xianyuan I will come out to see you, as for whether Master Wang is willing to save your mother, that is up to you."

"Thank you mayor, my mother will be entrusted to you for the time being, and I will be back soon," the round-faced girl said gratefully. After speaking, she walked quickly up the mountain.

The black-faced man looked at the back of the round-faced girl, sighed, shook his head, turned and left.

The road on the mountain was not easy to walk, there were gravels everywhere, the round-faced girl was walking relatively fast, accidentally tripped over a stone and fell to the ground.

When she stood up, she found that both palms were scratched by gravel, and some blood oozed out.

The round-faced girl wiped the blood from her hands and continued walking.

An hour later, the panting round-faced girl came to the top of the mountain. She looked at the thick fog not far away, and there was a look of joy in her eyes.

After a short rest, the round-faced girl walked up to the thick fog and shouted loudly, "Master Wang."

After a while, the thick fog rolled and surged, and a yellow ape about ten feet tall came out of the thick fog.

Seeing the yellow ape, the round-faced girl knelt down immediately, and said respectfully: "Master Xianyuan, please also tell Immortal Master Wang that the Queen of the People invites you to see me."

After finishing speaking, she knocked her head three times heavily, her forehead turned red.

The yellow ape pointed to the way down the mountain and chirped a few words.

Regarding this, the round-faced girl was full of doubts, hesitated for a moment, and asked cautiously: "Master Xianyuan, what did you say? I don't understand?"

The yellow ape pointed to the way down the mountain, chattering non-stop.

Seeing this situation, the round-faced girl showed a resolute expression on her face, and shouted loudly into the thick fog: "Master Wang, the queen of the people Zhaodi, my mother was bitten by a poisonous snake a few days ago, and she has been in a coma. Please ask Master Wang to help you!" Help, the folk girl is willing to be an ox or a horse to repay the kindness and virtue of the immortal master, please, Immortal Master Wang."

Say it!She knocked her head heavily on the ground several times, her forehead was broken.

Seeing this scene, the yellow ape's eyes flashed with anger. It walked up to the round-faced girl quickly, pointed to the way down the mountain, and chattered non-stop. Finally, it shook its furry fist, as if to demonstrate.

Although she didn't know what the yellow ape was talking about, the round-faced girl understood what it meant. The yellow ape wanted her to go down the mountain, otherwise she would be punished severely.

"Immortal Master Wang, I beg you to save my mother! As long as my mother is saved, the daughter is willing to serve the immortal master for the rest of her life, as a slave and handmaid, and never complain," the round-faced girl kowtowed several times, pleading.

The yellow ape seemed to be irritated by the round-faced girl. After it roared loudly, it grabbed the round-faced girl's slender hand with its big furry hand, and was about to throw her out.

"Lord Xianyuan, let me go, I really need to see Master Wang," the round-faced girl struggled and shouted, no matter how hard she tried, the yellow ape never let go.

At this moment, the ears of the yellow ape moved, turned its head to look at the thick fog behind it, and let go of its palm.

The round-faced girl rubbed her wrists, then hurriedly knelt down again, pleading bitterly: "Master Immortal, please save my mother! Otherwise, the daughter of the people will not be able to kneel here forever."

"Oh, you still dare to threaten me? Who gave you the guts to pretend that I dare not kill you?" A faint male voice suddenly sounded.

When the round-faced girl heard the words, she was surprised and delighted, and hurriedly explained: "Minnv has no such intentions. My mother was bitten by a poisonous snake and fell into a coma. She also asked the immortal master to help her. Minnv is willing to serve you as a slave for the rest of her life. As a maidservant, I have absolutely no complaints."

"For the sake of your filial piety, I won't kill you, you go down the mountain!" The man's voice sounded again, the voice was very flat, but full of unquestionable taste.

"If the immortal master refuses to help, the girl will never leave," the round-faced girl looked a little disappointed when she heard the words, then remembered something and said resolutely.

"If you want to kneel, then kneel!" The man's voice sounded again, his tone very cold.

The round-faced girl turned pale when she heard the words, but she still knelt on the ground with a determined look on her face.

Inside the cave, Wang Changsheng got up and walked out of the bedroom with a faint smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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