A seal of immortality

Chapter 470 Gifts

Chapter 470 Gifts
After seven years of submerged cultivation, Wang Changsheng entered the foundation building Dzogchen as he wished, and the second level of Vajra Subduing Demon Kungfu also achieved great success.

Wang Changsheng planned to spend a few years to purify his mana.

Purifying mana is an extremely time-consuming thing. If the mana of a cultivator has been purified, at the same level, the body can accommodate and store more mana, and when casting various spells and activating magic tools, the power is also the same. There will be a certain increase.

The most important thing is that if the mana has been purified, it will help to break through the bottleneck. Therefore, it is imperative to purify the mana.

After the mana is purified, Wang Changsheng can try to attack the alchemy stage.

But before purifying mana, Wang Changsheng planned to visit Murong Bing. It had been seven years, but Murong Bing hadn't come to him.

Seeing Wang Changsheng approaching, the yellow ape quickly stepped forward, pointed to the outside of the cave, and chattered non-stop.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "Okay, okay, I understand, don't worry about her, I'm leaving for a while, you stay and guard the cave, this is a reward for you," he took out a white porcelain bottle, Throw it to the yellow ape.

The yellow ape took the porcelain bottle, uncorked the bottle, put it between his nose and sniffed it, showing a satisfied expression.

Wang Changsheng nodded, turned around and walked out.

It didn't take long for Wang Changsheng to appear outside the cave. Although there was a dense fog, the formation was arranged by Wang Changsheng himself, so naturally he couldn't stop his gaze.

It can be seen that not far in front of him, a girl with a round face is kneeling on the ground, her face is full of determination, judging from her posture, if Wang Changsheng refuses to help, she will continue to kneel down.

Looking at the round-faced girl kneeling on the ground, Wang Changsheng's face was cloudy for a while, and he sighed lightly. He shook his sleeves, and more than a dozen gleaming blue talismans flew out from the sleeves, and quickly flew towards the round-faced girl. The girl flew high above her head.

After flying to a place more than a hundred feet above the round-faced girl's head, with a few "pop" and "pop", the blue runes burst one after another, and a large number of blue runes gushed out from them. It turned into a group of black clouds hundreds of feet in size.

The round-faced girl noticed that the sky had suddenly darkened, and she hadn't realized what was going on. The fine raindrops grew from small to large, with a hint of coldness, pouring down from the black clouds overwhelmingly, covering the entire sky. The mountains are shrouded in it.

Soon, the round-faced girl's body was drenched, and the coldness of the rain seeped into her body, and she couldn't help but sneezed.

At the same time, a gust of wind suddenly blew towards the round-faced girl.

In this regard, the round-faced girl hugged her body tightly with her hands, and didn't have the slightest intention to get up and leave.

There was a loud bang, and a silver lightning bolt landed not far in front of the round-faced girl, digging a big steaming hole in the hard ground.

The round-faced girl was startled, and she yelled, with a look of fear in her eyes, but she still knelt on the ground.

The next moment, the second silver lightning fell in front of the round-faced girl again, this time, the silver lightning was closer to her.

The round-faced girl's complexion changed drastically, her white teeth clenched her red lips tightly, her hands firmly grasped her shoulders, she still had no intention of getting up.

Several "bangs" sounded, and this time, several silver lightning bolts landed near the round-faced girl. The round-faced girl looked very nervous, but she still knelt on the ground.

"You don't even want your own life to save your mother?" A faint male voice sounded in the round-faced girl's ears.

As soon as the words fell, the black clouds, rain, and strong wind disappeared one after another, and a man in white appeared in front of the round-faced girl.

"The queen of the people invites her daughter to meet with Immortal Master Wang, and asks the merciful and merciful Master Wang to save her mother's life. The daughter of the people is willing to stay by the side of the immortal master to serve her as a slave and maidservant, without any complaints." Happy, respectfully kowtowed to Wang Changsheng a few times, and said sincerely.

"You answer my question first. In order to save your mother, you don't even want your life?" Wang Changsheng glanced at the blood on the round-faced girl's forehead and asked lightly.

"October births are more kind, but three births are less rewarding," the round-faced girl replied seriously.

"October births are more kind, and three births are less rewarding," Wang Changsheng muttered to himself, looking at the round-faced girl with a look of approval, he said:
"For the sake of your filial piety, I can help you once. Tell me! Where is your mother?"

When the round-faced girl heard the words, her face brightened, and she replied respectfully: "My mother is at the house of the minnv, and the home of the minnv is in a bamboo forest to the south of the town."

Wang Changsheng nodded, and with a flick of his sleeves, a white wooden boat flashed out. At the same time, it swelled against the wind and floated a few feet above the ground.

Wang Changsheng swayed, jumped up, and said: "Come up quickly, I don't have so much time to waste."

The round-faced girl responded and stepped onto the wooden boat.

Under the surprised gaze of the round-faced girl, following Wang Changsheng's word "go", the white wooden boat "swish", appeared tens of feet away, and disappeared into the sky not long after.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng appeared hundreds of feet above the town. To the south of the town, there was a dense bamboo forest.

Wang Changsheng made a tactic with one hand, and Xue Fengzhou's speed suddenly increased, turning into a white light and disappearing.

None of the residents in the town noticed that a white light flashed from a high altitude and landed in the bamboo forest to the south.

Wang Changsheng circled the bamboo forest and landed in front of a bamboo hut.

Before landing, Wang Changsheng had checked with his divine sense. There were only two people in the bamboo house, and one of them was very weak. He should be Wang Zhaodi's mother.

As soon as it landed on the ground, Wang Zhaodi rushed towards the bamboo house and shouted loudly at the same time: "Mother, I have invited the fairy master."

As soon as the words were finished, a dark-faced man came out of the house quickly. When he saw Wang Changsheng, his expression changed, and he knelt down immediately, and said respectfully: "Xiaomin Zhao Daniu pays respects to Immortal Master Wang."

Wang Changsheng nodded and walked into the house.

A middle-aged woman in her 30s was lying on the bed, her eyes were closed, her lips were blue, her face was covered with a layer of black air, her breath was vague, and there were two tiny pinholes on her left arm.

Wang Changsheng doesn't know how to cure diseases, but since the middle-aged woman was bitten by a poisonous snake, he should be given an antidote elixir.

Wang Changsheng took out a white porcelain bottle, poured out a Qingling pill, handed it to Wang Zhaodi, and said, "Give it to your mother, it should be able to cure her of the poison."

Wang Zhaodi thanked her, took the Qingling Pill, put it into the middle-aged woman's mouth, and poured some warm water into her mouth.

It didn't take long for the blackness on the middle-aged woman's face to gradually dissipate, and finally disappeared, and a rosy color gradually appeared on her face.

Seeing this scene, Wang Zhaodi and Zhao Daniu were overjoyed.

Immediately, Wang Zhaodi remembered something, knelt down and kowtowed heavily to Wang Changsheng a few times, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Master Wang, for your rescue. When my mother is fully recovered, the daughter of the people will definitely go to the mountain to serve the immortal master, as a slave and a handmaiden." Nothing to say."

"I'm calling you..." Zhao Daniu sighed, seeing this, with a dazed look on his face.

"Serve? When did I say I want you to serve around?" Wang Changsheng said lightly.


"Forget it this time, but I don't want a second time, do you understand?" Wang Changsheng said meaningfully.


"Just understand, stay and serve your mother well!" Wang Changsheng nodded, got up and walked out.

"Master Immortal, stay a step," Wang Zhaodi suddenly called out to stop Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng frowned when he heard the words, and said with some displeasure, "Is there anything else?"

"No, the fairy master saved my mother, and he doesn't want the maids to serve him. The fairy master's great kindness and virtue are nothing to be repaid by the folk daughters. I would like to present it with an ancestral item."

"Heirloom? Come out with me," Wang Changsheng raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and after glancing at Zhao Daniu next to him, he ordered. After speaking, he walked out first.

Wang Zhaodi nodded and quickly followed out.

"Tell me! What is a family heirloom? Since you are willing to give it to me, it should not be used by ordinary people!" Wang Changsheng said lightly.

"It's something from the fairy family. Master fairy, wait a moment, and the girl will fetch it right away." After finishing speaking, Wang Zhaodi turned around and walked to a small room next door.

Not long after, Wang Zhaodi returned to Wang Changsheng, holding a somewhat broken round futon in her hand.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng looked a little displeased. Futons are indeed useful for cultivators, but so can ordinary people. Isn't this deliberately fooling him?
Wang Zhaodi noticed the change in the expression on Wang Changsheng's face, and hurriedly explained: "Immortal Master, don't blame me. This thing is indeed used by a fairy. It is definitely not an ordinary futon. This thing was handed down by an ancestor of our Wang family. It is said that our ancestor He is also an immortal, but the descendants did not give birth to another immortal cultivator, so he settled down here."

Wang Changsheng's face softened when he heard the words, he took the round futon, observed it carefully for a while, and even sniffed it a few times, but found nothing unusual.

Wang Changsheng hesitated for a moment, let go of his consciousness, and invaded into the wooden strips woven into a futon.

It was very comfortable, as if the whole person was bathed in the warm sunshine, and at the same time, he felt his spirit was shaken.

He only felt this feeling when he took the Rejuvenation Pill and lit the Rejuvenation Incense. Obviously, this seemingly broken futon also had a similar effect.

Withdrawing his consciousness, Wang Changsheng looked at the futon in his hand with a happy expression on his face. After a while, he came back to his senses and asked Wang Zhaodi: "This thing is good. I want it. I don't need these worldly things, so I will leave them for you." You!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Changsheng took out a storage bag, poured out a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry from it, and scattered them on the ground.

Then, under Wang Zhaodi's grateful eyes, Wang Changsheng released the Snow Wind Boat, jumped on it, and disappeared into the sky after a few flashes.

(End of this chapter)

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