A seal of immortality

Chapter 478 Undercurrent

Chapter 478 Undercurrent
Two months later, Ningzhou, Yueyang Mountains.

A black light flew from the distant sky, and finally stopped in the sky above Fumo Mountain.

The black light is a black flood dragon more than ten feet long. On its back sits a young man in white. The young man in white is Wang Changsheng.

Xiao Hei's huge body naturally attracted the attention of the Wang family's guards, and they rushed to report.

Soon, Wang Mingyuan and others came out of the house one after another.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng's expression changed, Xiao Hei's body twisted, and he quickly fell downwards. After a few flashes, he landed on the ground.

Over the past ten years, Wang Mingyuan has a lot more white hair on his head, and he looks a lot older.

"Father, uncle, third uncle," Wang Changsheng jumped off Xiao Hei's back, smiled at everyone, and greeted everyone.


"Eternal life is back."

"It's the fifth brother."

Seeing Wang Changsheng, members of the Wang family were overjoyed.

Wang Mingyuan stepped forward quickly, grabbed Wang Changsheng's hands tightly, his eyes turned red, and said, "Son, I thought you would never come back again!"

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng felt sore. He smiled at Wang Mingyuan and said, "How could it be! Dad, haven't I just returned?"

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back," Wang Mingyuan grasped Wang Changsheng's hands tightly, and muttered to himself, his expression very excited.

"Okay, second brother, if you have anything to say, go back to the room and say it," Wang Mingzhi patted Wang Mingyuan on the shoulder and said.

Wang Mingyuan nodded, and led Wang Changsheng into the hall.

Seeing this, Wang Mingming waved his hand to tell others not to follow, and gave Wang Changsheng and his son a chance to be alone.

Wang Mingyuan probably hadn't seen Wang Changsheng for too long, he kept holding Wang Changsheng's hands, and talked to Wang Changsheng about the changes in the family over the years.

In the past ten years, the power of the Wang family has more than doubled. Both the number of clan members and the monthly profit of the clan have increased significantly. Wang Mingyuan abdicated as early as three years ago, and the current patriarch is Wang Changqing. .

Wang Changxue gave birth to a daughter a year ago, and Wang Changyue also sent someone back a few years ago, saying that she was doing well without saying where.

"Son, how long can you stay when you come back this time?" Wang Mingyuan asked with a flash of his eyes.

"If my child remembers correctly, it will be your birthday in two months, and we will leave after your birthday," Wang Changsheng said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, okay," Wang Mingyuan nodded and said three good words in succession.

Next, Wang Changsheng talked to Wang Mingyuan about his experiences over the years. Of course, he only chose the good things to talk about, and didn't mention any bad things.

The sky gradually darkened, and Wang Changsheng and his son didn't notice it at all.

Hearing Wang Changsheng's statement, Wang Mingyuan was deeply moved, especially when he knew the existence of Xingchenhai, he was shocked. He didn't expect that there was a wider area outside the Great Song Dynasty.

"Okay, it's getting late, and you're tired after giving birth, so go back and rest first! Let's talk tomorrow," Wang Mingyuan said as he stood up.

Wang Changsheng nodded, got up and walked out.

Back in his room, Wang Changsheng took out his mother's portrait, hung it on the wall, and fell asleep on the bed.

Yongzhou is located in the west of the Song Dynasty, and its area can only be regarded as medium among the [-] states. Most of its territory is a plain and water town, with rich products and a large population. It is a famously rich place.

But in this rich land, there is a notorious fierce island.

Fierce Island was originally called Baiwu Island, and the entire island was covered by thick fog, making it difficult for people to see the situation on the island. I don’t know when, ships that entered the island within three miles would sink to the bottom of the water for no reason. , this island is also known as the fierce island.

Since there is no boat that can enter within three miles of the fierce island, naturally no one can land on the island.

The worldly people would never have imagined that as early as hundreds of years ago, the entire Baiwu Island was occupied by the Yang family, a big clan of immortal cultivators.

In order to avoid the intrusion of mortals, the formation masters of the Yang family set up a cloud formation formation near Baiwu Island. Any ship within three miles of the island would touch the formation formation, causing the ship to sink and people to die.

No matter how many casualties these mortals suffered, the Yang family would not take it to heart.

In a heavily guarded attic on Baiwu Island, a secret clan meeting is being held.

All the elders in charge of the Yang family gathered here, sitting in two rows.

Sitting in the main seat was a middle-aged man in a white Confucian robe, and beside him stood a one-armed man in white. The facial features of the two were quite similar.

The one-armed man is Yang Qian.

"Brother, what happened, we all need to be called," said an old man in yellow robe with thick eyebrows and big eyes sitting on the left, frowning.

"Let Qianer tell you!" the middle-aged man said flatly.

After hearing this, the elders of the Yang family sitting on both sides turned their eyes to Yang Qian.

Yang Qian bowed to the elders sitting on both sides, and said:
"Decades ago, under the orders of my father, my nephew went through hardships and entered the Taiqing Palace, and worshiped under the head of the Taiqing Palace. According to my father's wishes, my nephew pursued a senior sister with a prominent background. If my little nephew If my nephew marries this girl, there is a great chance of becoming the next head of the Taiqing Palace. Once my nephew becomes the head of the Taiqing Palace, the power of the family will rise to a higher level, but now I have encountered a big problem, so I have to ask everyone Uncle helps.

"Big trouble? Could it be that your broken right hand is related to this trouble?" the old man in yellow robe narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"Eldest nephew, talk when you have something to say, fart when you have something to say, don't beat around the bush with your seventh uncle, your seventh uncle doesn't like this kind of thing," a big bald man with a fleshy face said impatiently.

"Yes, Uncle Qi, that's the case. A fellow junior from a small family is also pursuing this girl, and my right hand was also beheaded by this person. My nephew hopes that all uncles can help me get rid of this girl." People, remind me, this person is proficient in the art of talismans, he has escaped from the hands of monks in the alchemy stage many times, and even escaped unscathed when he was trapped by a monk in the alchemy stage." Yang Qian nodded , said slowly.

"You don't intend to let us old guys attack a foundation cultivator together!" The bald man frowned and said.

"I want the uncle present here to take action, but it is not against this person, but against this person's master, and he has to do it cleanly. It is best to blame the monks. Without the master as a backer, this person will be much easier to deal with." Yes," Yang Qian shook his head and said lightly, a cold light flashed across his eyes.

"It seems that you already have a comprehensive plan, let's hear it!" The old man in yellow robe glanced at Yang Qian and said lightly.

"Yes, Uncle Six, my nephew wants to borrow the sword from the Taiqing Palace to kill this person and get rid of his master, because he doesn't want this person to have any chance of turning things around. As long as this person dies, that senior sister with a prominent background will definitely return to me When I become the head of the Taiqing Palace, I will definitely bring the power of my family to a higher level, and even take charge of the Taiqing Palace," Yang Qian said confidently.

"Where do you have the confidence that that senior sister will return to your embrace? After hundreds of years, how much painstaking effort did you spend to get to where you are today? Because of your personal grievances, you have to gamble on the future of the entire family, you Don't you think it's ridiculous?" An old man in gray clothes with white hair sneered.

After hearing this, although many elders did not speak, expressions of approval appeared on their faces.

"Uncle Eleven, this is my nephew's personal grievance, but it is also related to the future of the family. This person has cultivated to the foundation establishment Dzogchen before he was 50 years old. Although he failed to hit the alchemy stage, who can guarantee his success next time?" Will it succeed? Once he succeeds in forming the alchemy, do you think he will let me go? Once he and Senior Sister Murong form a dual cultivator and become the head of the Taiqing Palace, then not only I, Yang Qian, but everyone here will be unlucky All uncles and the entire Yang family," Yang Qian said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the gray-clothed old man frowned, and the expressions of the others were very serious.

They are all alchemy stage monks, and they know very well what it means to reach the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen before the age of 50, which means that the other party has a high chance of advancing to the alchemy stage, or even the Nascent Soul stage.

"How sure are you of getting rid of this person? Will the sharp blade of Taiqing Palace hurt our Yang family?" The yellow-robed old man was silent for a while, frowning.

"As long as it's done cleanly, my nephew guarantees that I won't hurt my family. This is my nephew's plan. All uncles, take a look," Yang Qian said confidently.

After finishing speaking, he took out more than a dozen jade slips, and with a flick of his wrist, more than a dozen jade slips came out, and one jade slip each fell in front of an elder.

Seeing this, the old man in yellow robe and others picked up the jade slip and stuck it on their foreheads.

After a while, the old man in yellow robe took down the jade slip, pondered for a while, and said:
"This plan is really good, I can agree to take action, but I hope that after you get rid of this person, you will restrain me a little bit and don't cause any trouble. I don't want to wipe your ass every day. After it's done, you can practice with peace of mind. Strive to break through the alchemy stage as soon as possible, and seek greater benefits for the clan."

"My nephew understands," Yang Qian said, his face brightened, and he agreed wholeheartedly.

"What do the other brothers think?" the middle-aged man sitting in the chief seat asked.

"No problem, I agree."

"I agree too."

In this regard, most people agreed, and the remaining few chose to remain silent.

"Since most of the brothers agree, then this matter is settled. The eighth brother, the ninth brother, the eleventh brother, and the thirteenth brother, the four of you are responsible for dealing with Wang Changsheng's master. Remember to kill his master. Others can let go, remember to wear a mask, don't be recognized by others, as for framing, the fourth and sixth are responsible, remember to do it cleanly, don't be seen through by others," the middle-aged man nodded, and calmed down. voice commanded.

"Yes, brother," everyone said in unison.

After speaking, they got up and left.

"Don't worry Qian'er, father will definitely seek justice for you," the middle-aged man patted Yang Qian's shoulder and assured him.

Yang Qian nodded, and thought to himself: "Wang Changsheng, let me see how you escaped unscathed this time."

(End of this chapter)

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