Chapter 479
Seven days later, in a dense bamboo forest near Guangyuanfang City, Yongzhou, a young man in blue shirt with handsome features walked with a girl in yellow shirt with a delicate face.

"Brother Ming, my grandmother's [-]th birthday next month, will you come?" the girl in yellow shirt said in a low voice, her voice was sweet and pleasant.

"Of course, I have already told my father about the two of us, and my father will bring me to celebrate my birthday, and propose marriage to your father by the way," the blue-shirted youth nodded and said tenderly.

The girl in the yellow shirt blushed when she heard this.

Suddenly, a blue light flew from a distance, and after a few flashes, it stopped at a distance of more than ten feet in front of the two of them.

Qingguang is a paper crane with cyan runes all over its body. A young man in white clothes with ordinary facial features is sitting on the cyan paper crane. There is a Tai Chi pattern on the sleeve of the young man in white clothes.

The young man in white turned his eyes and landed on the girl in yellow, with an obscene look in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, the girl in the yellow shirt showed a look of disgust in her eyes.

"This fellow Taoist? What's the matter?" The blue-shirted youth stepped forward quickly, blocking the yellow-shirted girl, looking at the Tai Chi pattern on the sleeve of the white-clothed youth, and asked with a frown.

"Hey, how to get to Guangyuanfang City, I hope fellow Taoists will tell you one or two," the young man in white laughed.

"Three miles to the east," the blue-shirted youth said lightly.

"Thank you fellow daoist for your guidance. By the way, Wang would like to invite the fairy behind you to go with him. I wonder if the fairy will appreciate you?" The young man in white said with a smile.

"What do you mean, Your Excellency?" The blue-shirted youth's face darkened when he heard this, and he put his right hand on the storage bag at his waist.

"What do you mean? Hmph, you don't have the place to talk here, get out of here, don't interfere with my work, or I want you to look good?" The young man in white snorted and sneered.

"Could it be that your Excellency can do anything reckless just because you are a disciple of the Taiqing Palace?" The blue-shirted youth frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, I just act recklessly, what can you do to me?" The young man in white sneered, and after speaking, he raised his right hand, and a stack of cyan talismans came out of his hand, turning into a cyan wind blade about ten feet long, Lasing towards the blue shirt youth.

"Sister Rong, run and go to Fangshi to ask for help," the blue-shirted young man's expression changed drastically when he saw this, and he hurriedly took out two cyan talisman seals from his storage bag, threw them forward, the blue light flashed, and the two blocks were several feet high. The transparent wind wall emerged and blocked in front of him.

With a few "bang" and "bang", more than a dozen cyan wind blades hit the transparent wind wall and flew out immediately.

"No, Brother Ming, I will die with you even if I die," the girl in the yellow shirt shook her head with a determined look on her face.

"Rong'er, you... ah!" The blue-shirted youth felt his heart warm when he heard the words, but before he finished speaking, a black light struck from the left side without warning, piercing through his head instantly.

The body of the blue-shirted youth fell straight down without breathing.

"Brother Ming? Thief, I will fight with you," the girl in yellow yelled in grief when she saw this, her eyes turned red, and she slapped the storage bag on her waist with her right hand, and a yellow dagger appeared in it hand.

But at this moment, a golden light flashed and circled around her hands several times.

As soon as the golden light converged, it turned out to be a golden rope, tightly entwining the hands of the girl in yellow shirt.

"Little beauty, here I come," the young man in white rushed over with a lewd smile.

Seeing this scene, the girl in yellow shirt turned pale.

After a meal, the young man in white jumped onto the blue paper crane, turned into a ray of blue light and left the place.

The girl in the yellow shirt lay disheveled on the ground, her eyes were red and her face was full of tears.

Half a month later, in a valley of the Qingyuan Mountains in Yongzhou, a young man in white was fighting with two men in uniform blue gowns.

The young man in white kept throwing stacks of talisman seals, which turned into dozens of blue wind blades or red fireballs, and threw them at the two men in blue.

The two men in green shirts respectively controlled several magic weapons, blocking all the blue wind blades and red fireballs.

On the ground nearby, there were three corpses wearing blue long gowns. There were more than a dozen transparent ice cones and yellow soil cones stuck on the three corpses. They were beyond recognition and looked a little scary.

"This fellow Taoist from the Taiqing Palace, do you really want to kill them all? Our Qingyuan Sect has a good relationship with your Taiqing Palace. You killed several disciples of this sect for a few hundred-year-old elixir. Don't you worry about the two sects becoming enemies? ?” The older man frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Hmph, what's the matter with Mr. Wang for the two sects to fight each other? Besides, as long as you are all dead, who knows that Mr. Wang did it," the young man in white said nonchalantly.

After finishing speaking, he raised his right hand, and a stack of cyan talisman seals came out of his hand, turning into cyan wind blades dozens of feet long, and shot towards the two of them.

The speed of the cyan wind blade was extremely fast, and after a few flashes, it arrived not far from the two of them.

Seeing this situation, the expressions of the two men in green shirts changed, and they hurriedly manipulated the magical weapons to meet them.

There was a dull sound of "bang" and "bang", dozens of blue wind blades collapsed one after another, and the aura of the two magic weapons also dimmed a little.

At this moment, the two men in blue shirts only felt their feet go limp, and their bodies sank down.

They were surprised to find that the hard ground under their feet turned into soft sand at some point, and the small half of their bodies sank into the ground immediately.

"Not good," the older man in the blue shirt realized something, his face changed, he hurriedly took out a golden talisman and slapped it on his body, a golden light flashed, and a golden light curtain emerged close to him, protecting him inside.

He had just finished all this when dozens of blue wind blades came in a flash.



With a scream, the younger man in the blue shirt fell into a pool of blood, and the older man in the blue shirt was covered with a golden light curtain, safe and sound.

Even so, the man in the green shirt broke out in a cold sweat.

"Hmph, let's see how long you can last," the young man in white snorted softly when he saw this, took out a stack of red talisman seals, and was about to throw it out.

Seeing this scene, the man in blue shirt turned pale.

At this moment, the young man in white frowned, turned his hand and took out a yellow talisman and crushed it. Countless yellow talismans gushed out of it, wrapped his body together, and disappeared into the ground.

Seeing this, the man in the blue shirt showed a hint of confusion in his eyes.

Not long after, there was a strange song of birds from the sky, and a dozen giant cyan eagles moved from far to near, and finally stopped over the valley where the man in the green shirt was.

"Junior Brother Zhao, where is the murderer who killed the disciples of this sect!" A middle-aged woman sitting on the giant blue eagle saw several corpses lying on the ground, frowned and asked in a deep voice.

"He ran away with the Earth Escape Talisman, and he probably hasn't run very far, so hurry up and chase after him," the man in the green shirt shouted loudly.

"Junior brother Li, you guys chase after him on a green-scaled eagle. Once you find this person, immediately call the police. Junior brother Zhao, you come back to the sect with me, explain clearly the origin and appearance of this person, and issue a warrant to arrest him. Bring this person to justice," the middle-aged woman ordered.

"Yes, Senior Sister," everyone replied in unison.

A month later, in Taixingfang City, Yuanzhou, which is next to Yongzhou, a man surnamed Wang from the Taiqing Palace had an argument with several disciples of Gui Yuanzong. A cyan paper crane left.

Two months later, when several members of the Zhou family of the Xiuxian family in Guangxin County, Yuanzhou went out, they were unfortunately robbed and killed. According to the memories of the survivors, the other party was a disciple of the Taiqing Palace. bat.

In just over two months, a white-clothed young man from the Taiqing Palace frequently appeared in Yongzhou of the Great Song Dynasty and the counties near Yongzhou. Blood Book committed suicide.

As soon as this incident happened, it immediately shocked the world of cultivating immortals in most of the western part of Song Dynasty.

On the one hand, the family or sect from which the victim was born sent a large number of people to arrest this person. On the other hand, they put pressure on the western branch of the Taiqing Palace to demand severe punishment for the murderer.

(End of this chapter)

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