Chapter 480
On the seventh day of June, the Wang Family Manor was decorated with lights and festoons, and everyone's faces were filled with excitement.

Wang Mingyuan stood in the welcoming hall, smiling and greeting the guests who came to celebrate the birthday.

There were as many as two to three hundred of these guests, some of them arrived today, and some arrived at the Wang Family Manor four or five days ago.

As early as more than half a month ago, Wang Changsheng asked Wang Changqing to send a team of people to send invitations to the Cultivation Clan who had good relations with the Wang family.

"Brother Mingyuan, I heard that your son is back, why didn't you introduce us?" A gray-haired old man in yellow shirt said with a smile, beside him stood a young girl in blue shirt with delicate features.

"That's right! Brother Mingyuan, why doesn't your son come out on your birthday? Could it be that he looks down on us old guys?" An old man in a blue robe with a red face said a little displeased, standing beside him , stood a graceful purple shirt girl.

Most of the guests who came to celebrate the birthday brought a young woman with them. They all came to celebrate the birthday with the intention of marrying into the Wang family. If they could establish a relationship with Wang Changsheng, it would be of great help to the development of their family.

"The newborn is dealing with some personal matters, and he will come out later, everyone sit down first, please forgive me for the poor hospitality," Wang Mingyuan explained.

After hearing this, everyone's expressions softened.

In a secluded courtyard of the Wang Family Manor, Wang Changsheng and Wang Changxue were sitting at a stone table drinking tea and chatting. Wang Changxue was holding a little girl carved in pink and jade in his arms.

"I didn't expect Eighth Sister to worship in the Demonic Dao Sect. It seems that she is right not to come back," Wang Changxue sighed and said in a low voice.

"Yes! But I didn't expect Bamei to be so hot-tempered. If I bring her back by force, she will kill herself in front of me," Wang Changsheng nodded and smiled wryly.

"Eighth Sister's temperament is just like that. By the way, this is your niece Li Pingping. Seventh Brother, you haven't hugged me yet, right? Let me give you a hug," Wang Changxue said with a smile. Passed it lightly.

Wang Changsheng nodded and took it.

The little girl's face was pink, her facial features were delicate, her skin was white and rosy, her big black eyes were looking straight at Wang Changsheng, and she made a babbling sound, she was very cute.

Wang Changsheng held the little girl in his left hand, stretched out his right hand and lightly grasped the little girl's wrist, and began to let the spiritual power flow slowly in her body, but soon after, he let go of the wrist.

"This child's aptitude is good, it turned out to be a pair of spiritual roots, these two artifacts can be regarded as a gift from my uncle!" Wang Changsheng praised, returned the little girl to Wang Changxue, and then took out a handful of blueberries. He handed Wang Changxue a colored dagger and a green round bead.

The two magic weapons were sparkling, and they were both top-level magic weapons.

"Then I will thank you uncle for Ping'er," Wang Changxue thanked, and accepted the two magical artifacts.

"If she wants to enter the Taiqing Palace when she grows up, she has to practice hard in the future, otherwise my uncle will not be able to help her if he wants to," Wang Changsheng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Wang Changxue's face brightened, and he thanked her again.

Wang Changxue knew that if her daughter stayed in the Li family, she would most likely marry a child of a Xiuxian family as a tool for marriage. She didn't want her daughter to repeat her mistakes. will say such a thing.

"Elder Sister, Seventh Brother, all the guests are here, let's talk later if you have anything to say! The guests have been waiting for a long time, so it's time to have an opinion," Wang Changqing urged as he walked in.

Wang Changsheng nodded and walked out with Wang Changxue.

As soon as Wang Changsheng showed up, he naturally attracted the attention of the birthday guests. While saying words of praise, they introduced the young woman beside them to Wang Changsheng.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. Out of affection, he politely refused, saying that he had a sweetheart.

When the birthday guests knew that Wang Changsheng had a sweetheart, they were very disappointed and did not pester Wang Changsheng any more.

At the banquet, a group of guests exchanged glasses, talking and laughing, and it was very lively.

After the sky darkened, the guests took their leave one after another.

After celebrating his father's birthday, Wang Changsheng stayed at home for more than half a month. Apart from instructing the young clansmen to draw talisman seals on weekdays, he just talked with his father.

On this day, Wang Changsheng and his son stood in front of a tomb on a certain hill near Fumo Mountain.

Looking at his mother's tombstone, Wang Changsheng felt a little sad.

"Okay, it's getting late, give your mother a stick of incense, and go on the road! Be careful on the road, and come home when you have time," Wang Mingyuan sighed lightly, and said sadly.

Wang Changsheng nodded, lit a bunch of incense, put it in front of his mother's grave, and then knocked his head heavily.

"Father, don't stay too late, it's windy here, go back early," Wang Changsheng said with concern.

Wang Mingyuan nodded, waved his hand, and signaled Wang Changsheng to leave.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, and Xiao Hei jumped out amidst the billowing black air, floating in front of him.

"Father, I'm leaving, I'll come back to see you when I have time," Wang Changsheng jumped onto Xiao Hei's back, and Xiao Hei's body twisted, carrying Wang Changsheng quickly to the sky, Ji Ge disappeared after a flash skyrim.

Looking at Wang Changsheng's leaving back, Wang Mingyuan sighed heavily.

In Guanning County, a middle-aged man wearing a blue robe stepped on a blue giant sword and flew slowly in the sky. Zhao Qingshan rode a gleaming blue paper eagle to keep pace with him. Dozens of people from the Taiqing Palace Disciple Yu Qi followed behind the two of them.

Just as a group of people passed over a lush green mountain range, two sounds of "嗖" and "嗖" sounded through the air, and two black lights shot up from the mountains below with astonishing momentum. Come to Zhao Qingshan.

The speed of the black light was extremely fast, and after a few flashes, it arrived not far from Zhao Qingshan.

Seeing this, Zhao Qingshan's face changed, and he raised one hand, a blue light and a red light flashed out, but it was a blue short sword and a red flying knife about a foot long, facing the two black lights .

With two sounds of "bang" and "bang", the four collided together.

The black light flashed, revealing the bodies of the two black lights, but they were actually two black arrows about a foot long.

At the same time as the two black lights appeared, two black escaping lights soared into the sky from the two mountain peaks, and after a few flashes, they appeared behind the group of Foundation Establishment disciples in Taiqing Palace.

The two black escaping lights are obviously two alchemy cultivators wearing black robes and black grimace masks.

A black-robed monk raised his sleeves, and three black flying knives flashed out, turning into three black lights and slashing at the foundation-building disciples.

There was a scream, and a dozen Foundation Establishment cultivators had no time to react before they were beheaded by three black flying knives.

Another black-robed man raised his right hand, and a gleaming green flag flashed out. After swaying in the wind, it turned into a ferocious evil ghost several feet tall.

The evil ghost stretched out its hairy hands and grabbed the two nearby foundation-building monks.

Two screams sounded one after another, and the bodies of the two Foundation Establishment monks were grabbed by ghost hands, and their bodies shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Dozens of Foundation Establishment cultivators died in less than a few breaths, and their bodies quickly fell towards the mountains below.

At this time, the middle-aged man who stepped on the blue giant sword also reacted.

"Who are you? How dare you attack us?" The middle-aged man frowned.

As he said this, he raised his right hand, and a blue bead flashed out, hovering above his head.

To this, the two black-robed monks did not answer, and drove three black throwing knives and a ferocious ghost to attack them.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man's face darkened, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a blue short sword, and went up to meet him.

At this time, two black rays of light shot up from the mountain below, and finally stopped in front of Zhao Qingshan and Zhao Qingshan. The two were also wearing grimace masks and black robes.

Four black-robed monks surrounded Zhao Qingshan and the middle-aged man.

Seeing this, Zhao Qingshan frowned, his lips moved a few times, and the middle-aged man nodded.

Zhao Qingshan made a tactic with one hand, the cyan short sword and the red flying knife blazed brightly, knocking away two black arrows, at the same time, the middle-aged man controlled the blue short sword and knocked back three black flying knives, One circled, and slashed at the ferocious evil spirit.

Seeing this, the ferocious ghost turned into a green light and retreated behind.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Qingshan stepped on the cyan paper eagle under his feet, turned into a green light and flew towards the mountains below. The cyan short sword and red flying knife circled and followed him to the mountains below.

The middle-aged man flickered, merged with the blue dagger, turned into a blue light and flew towards the sky. After a few flashes, he was in the void hundreds of meters away.

Seeing this situation, the four black-robed monks chased after Zhao Qingshan without hesitation.

Not long after, a scream came from the mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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