A seal of immortality

Chapter 481 Arrest

Chapter 481 Arrest
At the same time, in the Taiqing Palace, a heavily guarded black palace, six monks in white sat cross-legged with their eyes slightly closed.

In front of every white-clothed monk, there are some sparkling spirit cards, each with a name written on it.

Suddenly, with a bang, a spiritual tablet in front of a monk in white on the far left shattered.

The voice was not loud, but the six monks in white opened their eyes one after another.

"Not good, Master Zhao Qingshan's natal spirit tablet from Xuanfu lineage is broken, go and inform Master Chen," the white-clothed cultivator saw the broken spirit tablet, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly ordered.

A white-clothed monk responded, got up and walked quickly to the side room.

Not long after, a blue light flew out from the black palace and headed straight for the Patriarch Hall.

A quarter of an hour later, six melodious bells rang throughout the Taiqing Palace.

A day later, a huge cyan boat with a length of one hundred feet appeared above the fallen mountains of Zhao Qingshan.

On the deck of the huge blue boat, a middle-aged man in a blue robe pointed to the mountains below and said, "This is where we were attacked, and this is where Senior Brother Zhao and I broke up."

"Come on, go down and search for me, and you must find Junior Brother Zhao's body," a big man in red robes carrying a giant red sword ordered in a deep voice.

As soon as the words fell, dozens of disciples in the foundation establishment period flew down to the mountains.

Half an hour later, two foundation-building disciples flew back to the deck, holding a blue sword hilt and a mummy in their hands.

"Report to Senior Uncle Sun, we only found these two things, and did not find Uncle Zhao's body."

The red-robed man looked at the mummy in front of him, frowned, and after a little thought, he opened his mouth and said: "Junior brother Zhou, younger sister Chen, and younger brother Li, you three, bring these two things back to the sect and hand them over to the senior brother in charge. Stay here and continue looking for other evidence, be careful on the road."

"Yes," the man in the blue robe nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, the blue-robed man and his two companions escorted the two pieces of evidence away with a group of disciples.

A few days later, the two elders of the Blood Flame Sect, one of the top ten demon sects, never returned after going out, and the original order plates they left in the sect were also shattered.

Regarding this, the Blood Flame Sect was furious, and sent a large number of people to investigate, but there was no result, and finally nothing happened.

Two months later, Taiqing Mountains.

A black light flew from the distant sky, and it didn't take long to appear above the Taiqing Mountains.

A black light flashed, revealing a black flood dragon more than ten feet long, it was Xiao Hei.

Wang Changsheng sat on Xiao Hei's back, looking at the Taiqing Mountains below, with a smile on his face.

After going out for a while, Wang Changsheng also figured it out. He planned to take the magic weapon spaceship to go overseas, cultivate overseas, and come back after forming alchemy. At that time, he would not appear embarrassed when facing Murong Bing.

As soon as Wang Changsheng appeared above the Taiqing Mountains, there was a crisp bird song, and four or five green lights flew from a distance.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng didn't take it seriously.

This is the territory of the Taiqing Palace, and those who can appear here are naturally brothers from the same sect.

Not long after, these green lights stopped in front of Wang Changsheng. The green lights were huge blue birds about the size of Zhang Xu, and on the back of each big blue bird sat a foundation cultivator.

"Huh, it's you?" A middle-aged man in black gave a light gasp when he saw Wang Changsheng, his face was full of joy.

"What? You know me, Junior Brother?" Wang Changsheng was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and asked curiously.

"You have a bad name, who doesn't know you, I am from the Law Enforcement Hall, and now I suspect that you have violated the door rules, please come with me to the Law Enforcement Hall?" The middle-aged man's face darkened, and he said coldly.

"Breaking the door rules? Junior brother, did you make a mistake?" Wang Changsheng frowned when he heard this, and said with some displeasure.

"Hmph, did you feel wronged? Let's talk about it when we return to the Law Enforcement Hall. Our Law Enforcement Hall has always acted in accordance with the law and will not wrong people," the middle-aged man snorted softly and said in a deep voice.

Wang Changsheng frowned upon hearing this.

"What? You want to arrest? According to No. 40 of the sect's ninth rule, when law enforcement disciples arrest a suspect, the suspect must obey obediently. If he disobeys, he will be killed without mercy," the middle-aged man's face turned cold when he saw this. , a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Hearing this, several Foundation Establishment cultivators around showed alert expressions on their faces, and put their right hands on the storage bags around their waists.

"Do you have an identity token? Show me, if you are really a disciple of the Hall of Law Enforcement, I will go with you," Wang Changsheng said after pondering for a moment.

The middle-aged man's face softened when he heard the words, he took out a black token and threw it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng took it over and took a closer look, and found that it was indeed the identity token of a disciple of the Hall of Law Enforcement.

"Okay! I'll go with you, lead the way!" Wang Changsheng said calmly, throwing the token back to the middle-aged man.

"You're sensible, wait a minute," the middle-aged man nodded, raised his sleeve, and a black talisman flashed out, turning into a black fireball the size of a water tank, and heading straight to the sky.

There was a loud bang, and the black fireball exploded after flying high into the sky.

Not long after, dozens of green lights came from all directions, and there were several patrol teams, each of which had a law enforcement disciple dressed in black.

"Hey, isn't this the suspect who was ordered to be arrested by the superior?" A law enforcement disciple said in surprise.

Wang Changsheng frowned when he heard this, he vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he could confirm that these people were indeed disciples of the Taiqing Palace, and he was not worried that they would persecute him.

"Okay, you continue to inspect the mountain gate, and we will take him back first," the middle-aged man gave orders to other patrolling disciples, and then said to Wang Changsheng: "Senior brother, come with us!"

After finishing speaking, he patted the big blue bird under him, and the big blue bird made a crisp cry, spread its wings, and quickly flew towards the sect.

Wang Changsheng nodded, and when his expression changed, Xiao Hei twisted his body and chased after him.

Seven or eight law enforcement disciples followed behind with imperial weapons, vaguely surrounding Wang Changsheng.

A quarter of an hour later, the middle-aged man landed at the foot of Xingfeng Mountain, followed by Wang Changsheng.

"Senior brother, please!" The middle-aged man made a gesture of invitation, signaling Wang Changsheng to go ahead.

To this, Wang Changsheng did not refuse, put Xiao Hei back into the spirit beast bag, and walked up the mountain.

The middle-aged man moved his lips a few times, and the three law enforcement disciples flew in other directions, while the remaining disciples followed the middle-aged man and escorted Wang Changsheng up the mountain.

Not long after, the middle-aged man brought Wang Changsheng into a dark secret room. In the center of the secret room, there was a silver magic circle several feet in size.

There is a black light curtain on the wall of the secret room, and a gust of wind blows from time to time, making the whole secret room look a bit eerie.

"According to the regulations, all suspects must stand in the Hunyuan Tianlei formation when they are being interrogated," the middle-aged man said coldly, pointing to the silver magic circle in the center of the secret room.

Wang Changsheng frowned when he heard this.

"Don't worry, as long as you answer the questions honestly, we won't punish you. Besides, there are recording beads here. All interrogations will be recorded and will be checked by special personnel to ensure that the interrogation is fair and just," the middle-aged man pointed to the hanging A silver ball in the upper left corner of the secret room explained slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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