Chapter 485
An hour later, a black light flew from the distant sky at an extremely fast speed, and it landed in Wang's Manor not long after.

After the black light faded, a handsome man in black appeared, with a three-foot-sized black bat standing on his feet, and the mana fluctuations on his body were as strong as the foundation building.

"Who is your Excellency?" The four Taiqing Palace disciples who stayed behind immediately surrounded him, and a middle-aged man with a sharp face asked.

"I'm right to ask you this question. Did you kill my father?" the man in black looked at Wang Mingyuan and others lying in a pool of blood, his expression changed drastically, and he said coldly.

"Your father? Your surname is Wang?" The middle-aged man frowned upon hearing this.

"It seems that my father and the others died at your hands. I want to avenge my father," the black-clothed man's eyes flashed fiercely, he took off a leather bag from his waist, threw it forward, and muttered.

Soon, a thick black mist mixed with gusts of sinister wind gushed out from the mouth of the bag, and in the blink of an eye, a large black sea of ​​mist was formed.

Seven corpses in bronze armor with withered and fleshless faces jumped out of the black mist, and rushed towards the four middle-aged men.

"Not good, bronze armored corpse? Don't let them approach," the middle-aged man's face changed drastically when he saw this, and he shouted hastily. After speaking, he raised his sleeves, and five yellow throwing knives about a foot long flashed. He came out and shot at the seven bronze armored corpses.

At the same time, the other three Taiqing Palace disciples also sacrificed magic weapons to attack the bronze armored corpse.

The attack of the four of them did not cause too much damage to the seven bronze armored corpses. Their magical weapons slashed on the bronze armored corpses, leaving only a few faint marks.

Seeing this situation, the middle-aged man could only lead his three companions back, but soon, they retreated to the corner of the meeting hall.

The four middle-aged men teamed up to release a golden light curtain, covering the four of them inside. The sharp nails of the seven bronze armor corpses kept poking on the golden light curtain, making random "bang" and "bang" noises.

The four middle-aged men manipulated magical weapons and chopped on the seven bronze armored corpses, but they failed to cause too much damage to the bronze armored corpses. The golden light curtain became crumbling under the attack of the seven bronze armored corpses.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man frowned, his lips moved a few times, and five yellow throwing knives circled one by one, shooting at the man in black.

At the same time, the other three also manipulated the magic weapon, turned around, and attacked the man in black.

Seeing this, the man in black sneered, and with a flick of his sleeve, three black beads the size of longan flashed out, facing the attacking magic weapon.

There were three loud bangs, and as soon as the black ball got close to the attacking magic weapon, it burst open and turned into a large black flame, drowning the attacking magic weapon.

The middle-aged man was surprised to find that his magic weapon lost contact.

After a while, the black flames dissipated and disappeared, and there were a few broken instruments scattered on the ground, the light was extremely dim.

At this time, the light of the golden light curtain became increasingly dimmer, as if it could not last for a long time.

Seeing this situation, the middle-aged man raised his brows and moved his lips slightly. The two men behind him looked at each other, put their hands on the other two men, and the four began to murmur.

A moment later, a yellow light glowed from the four of them, wrapped in a dazzling yellow light, they disappeared into the ground.

Seeing this, the man in black chuckled, flicked his finger, and a black light flashed out, hitting the leather bag suspended in mid-air.

The seven bronze-armored corpses turned into seven streaks of black light and disappeared into the leather bag.

Not long after, a yellow light flashed on the halfway up Fumo Mountain, and four middle-aged men emerged from the ground.

As soon as the four of them showed up, they each released a big blue bird about the size of Zhang Xu, and jumped on it.

The big cyan bird spread its wings and quickly flew towards the sky. After a few flashes, it became four blue lights.

At this moment, two sharp piercing sounds sounded, and two black lights flew out from the Wang Family Manor, heading straight for the two blue lights.

The speed of the black light was extremely fast, and after a few flashes, it caught up with the two blue lights.

Two screams sounded one after another, and two blue lights quickly fell downwards.

Seeing this scene, the remaining two were frightened out of their wits, hurriedly urged the big blue bird under them to speed up, and disappeared into the sky not long after.

The man in black stomped on the ground with one foot, turned into a black light and left the Wang's Manor. Before leaving, he set fire to it.

The fire grew stronger and soon covered the entire Wang Family Manor.

The soaring flames attracted the attention of many people. When they arrived at Fumo Mountain, the Wang Family Manor was already in ruins.

One day later, the news of the Wang family's destruction spread like wildfire. The outside world did not know the real reason for the Wang family's destruction, but the destruction of the Wang family made other cultivating families very disturbed, and they were deeply afraid that they would be the next victims.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the members of the royal family who escaped the catastrophe either took refuge in others, or left Yueyang County overnight.

Seven days later, a group of disciples from the Taiqing Palace rushed to the Yueyang Mountains. They posted notices in Fangshi: The Wang family colluded with the devil and mutilated the disciples of the Taiqing Palace. This is an unforgivable crime. Those who are guilty of the same crime as the members of the royal family and who provide the whereabouts of the members of the royal family will be rewarded with certain rewards.

As soon as the notice was posted, some members of the royal family were bound and sent to the disciples of the Taiqing Palace immediately, and they were rewarded.

For a while, the members of the Wang family became street rats that everyone shouted and beaten, and the industrial stores that originally belonged to the Wang family were also occupied by other families.

A certain mountain a few miles away from Yueyang Fang City, Li Family, Yingxian Pavilion.

The elders and stewards of the Li family sat in two rows, and a majestic old man in red robes sat in the main seat.

"Presumably you have also received the news that our in-laws, the Wang family, have colluded with demons to kill the disciples of the Taiqing Palace. Now the Taiqing Palace has posted a notice to arrest the members of the Wang family. What do you think?"

"Needless to say, of course it is to cooperate with the Taiqing Palace and arrest the Wang family members to prove their innocence. If they cover up the Wang family members, they may end up in the same fate as the Wang family," an old man in yellow robe suggested.

"I agree with this point of view. Although the Wang family is our in-laws, they are not our in-laws if they collude with the devil. In addition to arresting the Wang family members, I suggest that we immediately send people to the shops of the Wang family in other cities. In the name of assisting in catching important criminals, take over the shop of the Wang family," said a white-haired old man nodding.

"What about our niece and daughter-in-law, the daughter-in-law of the Wang family? Are you going to hand her over to the Taiqing Palace?" A blue-robed Taoist priest hesitated for a moment and asked.

"The daughter of the Wang family is also the mother of our Li family. We handed her over with our own hands. Isn't this letting others say that our Li family is snobbish!" A white-haired old woman said a little displeased.

"Huh, although she is the mother of our Li family, she is a member of the Wang family after all, and she is also a core member of the Wang family. If we don't hand her over, if the Taiqing Palace blames her, will our Li family want to bury her for her?" ? "The white-haired old man snorted softly and sneered.

After hearing this, the white-haired old woman remained silent.

"That's right, let's hand her over! It would be bad if our Li family was implicated, but whoever tells Zhen'an that she is his wife who has shared the same bed for decades after all, and he should tie her up with his own hands." Escort your own married wife to the disciples of the Taiqing Palace?"

After hearing this, everyone was silent for a while, no one wanted to be this villain.

"No need, Xueer took Pingping and left," at this moment, Li Zhenan pushed the door and walked in, saying in a deep voice.

"What? She ran away? Hurry up and send someone to chase after her," the white-haired old man's face changed drastically when he heard the words, and he hurriedly ordered.

"That's enough. After all, Xue'er is my wife who has been sleeping with me for decades. You are worried about implicating the family, so you want me to personally tie up your own wife and escort her to the Taiqing Palace disciples? Have you considered my plan?" Do you feel it?" Li Zhenan roared, his face flushed red.

"Don't forget, you are the head of the Li family, and you should put the interests of the Li family first in everything you do, and not follow your temperament," the white-haired old man snorted softly, and said with some displeasure.

"Forget it, let's go. If anyone asks, just say that she has absconded and has nothing to do with our Li family. Zhen'an, you should go back and rest first!" The red-robed old man waved his hand and said.

"I, Li Zhenan, put my words here. If anyone dares to send someone to hunt down Xue'er and Pingping, I, Li Zhenan, will fight with him forever," Li Zhenan said harshly, turned and left.

Hearing this, the white-haired old man looked a little displeased, but he didn't say anything.

On the top of a mountain near Fumo Mountain, Wang Changxue held Li Pingping in his arms, looking at the Wang Family Manor in ruins, with red eyes.

She looked at the daughter in her arms, with a look of determination in her eyes, and walked down the mountain quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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