A seal of immortality

Chapter 486 Escape

Chapter 486 Escape

A day later, disciples of the Taiqing Palace went to Li's house to arrest Wang Changxue, all in vain.

For this, the Li family deeply apologized and took the initiative to send a large number of people to hunt down Wang Changxue, but nothing was gained.

A few days later, the disciples of the Taiqing Palace escorted more than a dozen members of the royal family back to the main helm, but were attacked by unknown persons on the way, and all of them were killed.

Taiqing Palace, Xingfeng.

"What? They're all dead? Not a single witness?" Shangguan Yun looked at Qian Kun standing in front of him, and said with some displeasure.

"Yes, Junior Brother Zhao and the others were in charge of escorting the witness back, but there was no news for a long time. In the end, the Youzhou branch sent people to search, and finally found some corpses on the border of Youzhou. According to the clothes on his body, it can be confirmed that it was Zhao. Junior brother and the others, it's a pity that the other party handled it very cleanly, and I don't know who did it," Qian Kun replied honestly.

Upon hearing the words, Shangguan Yun frowned, pondered for a moment, and said, "Go see Nephew Wang! Let's see what he has to say?"

After speaking, he got up and walked out.

Not long after, Shangguan Yundun appeared in the secret room where Wang Changsheng was being held.

"Uncle Shangguan, has the escort team returned?" Wang Changsheng asked impatiently when he saw Shangguan Yun Dun, his face brightened.

"Your father and the others are all dead," Shangguan Yun said lightly with a sigh.

"What? They're all dead? Impossible?" Wang Changsheng's face changed drastically when he heard this, and he said in surprise.

"Impossible, okay, how could my father and the others be dead! Impossible, this must not be true," Wang Changsheng muttered to himself with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Martial Nephew Qian, please tell Nephew Wang what happened," Shangguan Yun frowned when he saw this, and ordered.

"Yes, Uncle Shangguan," Qiankun nodded, and said to Wang Changsheng: "That day, we rushed to Fumo Mountain in Yueyang County, your father and the others..."

Qian Kun didn't hide anything, and told the whole story of that day in detail.

"Impossible, it's fine, how could my father and the others attack you!" Wang Changsheng's eyes were full of suspicion.

In his impression, his father had always been polite, and he hardly ever blushed with others. Wang Changsheng did not believe that his father would lose his mind and attack law enforcement disciples for no reason.

"The truth of the matter is that we have always been very polite when talking to your father and the others. We have never said anything harsh, nor have we said anything about your arrest. I don't know what's going on. I suspect it's a tea problem. , Unfortunately, before we had time to collect the tea, a gust of wind blew down the tables and chairs in the hall, and the tea was scattered on the ground, and then we heard screams. When we walked out of the meeting hall, we found all of you Afterwards, I let four brothers from the same school stay in the manor. As soon as we left, a member of the family surnamed Wang from the foundation period returned to the manor and fought with Zhao Zhao and the others. In the end, there were only two The fellow disciples were able to escape, according to the memories of the surviving Chen disciples, the other party manipulated zombies, Senior Brother Wang, please explain to me what happened to this fellow who manipulated zombies," Qian Kun shrugged and said word by word .

"Manipulating zombies? Impossible, my great-grandfather and I are the only two Foundation Establishment cultivators in our family. Besides, there is no third person," Wang Changsheng said with a frown.

"We also suspected it was a fake. Unfortunately, when we arrived again, your family manor had been turned into ruins, and there was no way to check the genealogy," Qian Kun said with a sigh.

"Martial nephew Wang, think again about who can testify for you. This time, I will go there in person to ensure that nothing like this will happen," Shangguan Yun Dun swore.

"I'll think about it, and I'll let you know when I think about it," Wang Changsheng said flatly.

Shangguan Yun nodded suddenly, turned around and walked out.

When the door closed, there was a roar of grief and indignation in the secret room.

"Take care of him and don't let other people touch him. If he has any needs and doesn't violate the rules, try to satisfy him," Shangguan Yun Dun ordered.

"Yes, Uncle Shangguan," the guard readily agreed.

In the secret room, Wang Changsheng held his head in his hands, his face was distorted, and his face was full of grief and indignation. As expected, someone was plotting against him, and the witnesses and physical evidence were in front of him. If Wang Changsheng did not produce other evidence to prove his innocence, Once the crime is confirmed, even if the Zongmen will not punish him severely, the person who plots against him behind the scenes will not let him go easily.

At this time, Wang Changsheng knew that he couldn't escape, he had to wait here to die, or escape.

Wang Changsheng took a deep breath, calmed down, and began to think.

After half an hour, Wang Changsheng shouted loudly: "Come here, I have something to ask to see Uncle Shangguan."

Not long after, Shangguan Yundun appeared in front of Wang Changsheng.

"Uncle Shangguan, I remembered, I have evidence to prove my innocence, and the evidence is in my residence," Wang Changsheng said calmly.

"Your residence, yes, I'll send someone to get it," Shangguan Yun nodded and said.

"No, I have to go get it myself. I can't trust others. If Uncle Shangguan is not at ease, you can go with me," Wang Changsheng shook his head and said lightly.

"I don't have that time to accompany you, hurry up and come back, Qian Kun, send a few people to go with him, by the way, put on handcuffs and shackles before going," Shangguan Yundun ordered.

Wang Changsheng had no objection to this, and let Qian Kun use handcuffs and shackles to lock his hands and feet.

After arriving at the foot of Xingfeng Mountain, Qian Kun released a black flying boat several feet in size, carrying Wang Changsheng to the Thirteen Peaks of Yanyun.

Wang Changsheng looked calm on the surface, but his heart was beating fast. Yes, he was going to escape from prison. The reason why he invited Shangguan Yundun to go with him was to dispel the other party's worries.

It is impossible for a monk in the alchemy period to run around with a foundation-building monk.

Although Shangguan Yundun did not go with him, he still sent four Foundation Establishment Dzogchen to follow Wang Changsheng and lock his hands and feet. Even if Wang Changsheng wanted to escape from prison, it would be difficult.

Naturally, Wang Changsheng didn't care, he had already thought up a complete plan, as long as he was allowed to leave Xingfeng, he would have a way to escape from Taiqing Palace.

Soon, Qian Kun and the others escorted Wang Changsheng to the Golden Dragon Palace.

"The evidence is in my bedroom, and only I know where it is," Wang Changsheng said flatly.

"Junior Brother Chen, you go in with me. Junior Brother Zhou and Junior Brother Sun stay outside to guard. If we don't come out in half a quarter of an hour, you should sound the alarm," Qian Kun ordered, and escorted Wang Changsheng with a big man in blue. Walked into the Golden Dragon Palace.

Not long after, the three walked into the bedroom.

"Things are in the secret compartment under the bed," Wang Changsheng said, pointing to the stone bed in the bedroom.

"Junior Brother Chen, go get it," Qian Kun ordered, looking at Wang Changsheng warily.

The big man in the blue shirt responded and walked towards the stone bed.

At this moment, Wang Changsheng forcefully knocked away Qian Kun who was beside him, then took out a few golden silk talismans from the storage beads, and threw them at the two of them.

Qian Kun only felt a huge force coming, and his body immediately flew upside down for several meters, hitting the stone wall fiercely. Just as he was about to open his mouth to call out, several golden lights flashed and turned into countless golden threads, He was bound tightly, his mouth was entangled with dense gold wires, and he couldn't speak a word.

The incident happened suddenly, and the big man in the blue shirt was also unprepared, and was entangled tightly by countless gold threads.

Wang Changsheng took out a bunch of purple sandalwood and lit it, inserted it in the bedroom, then closed the stone door, and retreated out.

The sandalwood was made from the gallbladder of the sweet whale beast, and the immortal cultivator would fall into a coma after smelling it.

Qian and Kun's hands and feet were bound tightly, they could only keep whining, unable to move, and watched Wang Changsheng close the door.

Wang Changsheng took out the Golden Moon Sword and slashed at the handcuffs fiercely.

There was a sound of "Keng", and there was not even a trace of the place where the golden moon sword was struck.

Wang Changsheng frowned, and slapped the spirit animal bag on his waist with his palm, and Xiao Hei flashed out amidst the billowing black air.

"Help me break the handcuffs and shackles," Wang Changsheng ordered.

Xiao Hei nodded knowingly, opened his bloody mouth, and bit the handcuffs fiercely, leaving a few shallow marks on the handcuffs.

"Are you really going to force your way out?" Seeing this, Wang Changsheng frowned.

At this moment, Xiao Hei opened his mouth and sprayed some purple liquid, which landed on the iron chain of the shackles. Where the purple liquid touched, a puff of white smoke suddenly appeared, and the iron chain was corroded and pitted.

With a sound of "pit", the golden moon sword struck the rusty iron chain and broke it.

Afterwards, Wang Changsheng cut off the iron chains of the handcuffs according to the gourd drawing, but his hands and feet were still bound by the iron chains. If he was seen by others, he would definitely be suspicious.

Outside the Golden Dragon Palace, two men stood guard at the door.

"It's been almost a quarter of an hour. Why hasn't Senior Brother Qian come out yet? Could something have happened?" An older man said suspiciously.

"Probably not, Senior Brother Qian and Senior Brother Chen are watching him, no matter how powerful he is, he can't solve Senior Brother Qian and the two of them silently," another young man said indifferently.

At this moment, a figure floated out from the Golden Dragon Palace, it was Wang Changsheng.

As soon as Wang Changsheng showed his face, he raised his hands together, and several golden thread talismans came out of his hands, turning into countless golden threads, entangled the two of them so tightly that they couldn't even utter a word.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng heaved a sigh of relief. He pasted the high-level talisman and seal talisman on his body in advance, and then ran out with Lingbo microsteps, only then was he able to restrain the two of them.

Wang Changsheng threw the two of them into the bedroom, closed the bedroom door, took out a set of array flags, and placed several restrictions on the door.

After leaving the Golden Dragon Palace, Wang Changsheng released the Snow Wind Boat and quickly flew towards the outside of the sect.

He knew that the Great Song Dynasty couldn’t stay here any longer. The Sea of ​​Stars is as far away as the Taiqing Palace’s sub-rudders. It’s hard for the countries around the Song Dynasty not to have the Taiqing Palace’s sub-rudders. To the north is the endless sea. There is no flying magic weapon overseas. , to the west, there is a vast and boundless desert, to the south, where the Xiuxian sects practice all kinds of poisonous skills, and they are very repulsive to outsiders. It seems that there is only one way left, east, Dongyu.

The area of ​​Dongyu's world of cultivating immortals is less than one tenth of that of Song Dynasty, and the resources for cultivating immortals are poor. If you want to reach Dongyu, you must pass through the territory of the Wu clan.

After thinking about it, Wang Changsheng found that Dongyu was the best place to hide. Wang Changsheng once inquired about the situation of Dongyu's world of cultivating immortals in the Cangjin Pavilion, and described only a few words. From this, it can be seen that Taiqing Palace is not very friendly to Dongyu. Familiar, in this way, if he hides in Dongyu, he can avoid the Taiqing Palace's pursuit.

Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged in the snow wind boat, with his hands retracted into his sleeves, for fear of being seen by others, but fortunately no one questioned him, so he left the Taiqing Palace very easily.

After flying out of the Taiqing Mountains, Wang Changsheng sacrificed the paper crane and flew east quickly.

Half an hour later, three melodious bells sounded in the Taiqing Palace, and then hundreds of immortal cultivators flew out of the Taiqing Palace on spirit birds to hunt down Wang Changsheng.

At the same time, Shangguan Yundun used formations to contact the sub-rudders of the Taiqing Palace in various places in the Song Dynasty, issued a wanted order, and dispatched a large number of people to hunt down Wang Changsheng, regardless of life or death.

(End of this chapter)

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