A seal of immortality

Chapter 487 Chapter 472

Chapter 487 Chapter 470 The Second Bodyguard
A few days later, in Wanhua Valley, the originally clear blue sky suddenly changed drastically.

A large piece of dark cloud has shrouded the sky of Ten Thousand Flowers Valley since some time ago. There is a silver cave in the thick black cloud. From time to time, there are lightning bolts as thick as bowls piercing the sky and rumbling thunder.

At the same time, the aura of heaven and earth within a radius of a hundred miles surged towards the Valley of Thousand Flowers one after another, forming a vortex of aura visible to the naked eye above the Valley of Thousand Flowers.

The aura vortex grew bigger and bigger, and it didn't take long for it to grow from a few feet in size to a behemoth of tens of feet, completely absorbing the aura of heaven and earth within dozens of miles nearby.

"Someone has formed an alchemy again, and someone has formed an alchemy again," said a disciple of the Taiqing Palace who was passing by in surprise.

"Tsk tsk, I remember that the last time someone formed a pill was more than half a year ago! I didn't expect that in just one year, two people in this sect hit the pill formation stage. I don't know if this one can succeed."

The monks near Ten Thousand Flowers Valley stopped in their tracks one after another, looking at the aura vortex above Ten Thousand Flowers Valley with envious expressions on their faces.

Under everyone's envious eyes, the spiritual vortex of Ten Thousand Flowers Valley slowly descended towards Ten Thousand Flowers Valley.

A quarter of an hour later, the vortex of spiritual energy fell into the Valley of Thousand Flowers.

The next moment, the dark clouds over Wanhua Valley dissipated, and the thunder and lightning disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers knew that there was another alchemy cultivator in the Taiqing Palace.

In the cave of Wanhua Valley, the door of the bedroom was opened, and Murong Bing walked out from it, his face was full of joy.

"Finally the golden elixir has been formed, presumably Junior Brother Wang has also succeeded in forming the elixir!" Murong Bing muttered to himself, his cheeks flushed slightly.

When she came to the gate of the cave, she saw a red sound transmission talisman running around like a headless fly.

"Could it be the sound transmission talisman of Junior Brother Wang?" Seeing this, Murong Bing's face became happy, he turned his hand and took out a white token, and said in his mouth: "Take it."

As soon as the words fell, the red sound transmission talisman flew into her hand.

Murong Bing crushed the sound transmission talisman, and a clear female voice came out from it: "Senior Sister Murong, I am Zhao Ling'er, my sixth brother Wang Changsheng is in trouble, he wants you to go to the Hall of Law Enforcement."

"The Hall of Law Enforcement? Did something happen to Junior Brother Wang?" Murong Bing frowned when he heard this.

Afterwards, she opened the cave, stamped her feet on the ground, turned into a white ray of light and broke through the air, heading straight for the law enforcement hall.

In a certain attic of Xingfeng, "Brother Shangguan, what are you talking about? Brother Wang killed innocent people in Yongzhou and escaped during the interrogation?" Murong Bing looked at Shangguan Yundun in front of him, and said in surprise, his eyes full of doubts color.

"Yes, there are people who testify to material evidence. Nephew Wang didn't deny it at all. A few days ago, he used the excuse of going back to the cave to get evidence, but he wounded the four law enforcement disciples he was escorting and escaped from the sect. According to the rules of this sect, we An arrest warrant has been issued, and I believe he will be brought to justice soon," Shangguan Yun Dun nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Impossible, Junior Brother Wang definitely didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately, someone must have framed him, how could he kill innocent people indiscriminately!" Murong Bing muttered to himself, his face full of suspicion.

Seeing this scene, Shangguan Yun raised his brows, thought for a while, and said, "Junior Sister Murong, our Law Enforcement Hall uses evidence to do things, and everything is based on evidence. In front of the sect's rules, everyone is equal. If Junior Brother Wang Really never done it, we will return him innocent, the premise is that he is willing to come back with us, from the moment he escaped from the sect, I am afraid he is ready to resist arrest, according to No. 11 of our Law Enforcement Hall It stipulates that anyone who resists arrest will be killed without mercy."

"Senior Brother Shangguan, I hope you will review this case seriously. If I find out that you have been unfair, I will hate you forever," Murong Bing said coldly, and after she finished speaking, she turned and left.

Seeing this, Shangguan Yun frowned, sighed, and said nothing.

Luanzhou, Beicang City.

A white light flew from the distant sky and landed in a small forest outside Beicang City.

The white light faded, revealing the figure of a young man, wearing a blue Confucian shirt, with a mole on his left cheek, and his left eye was blocked by an eyepatch.

The man was Wang Changsheng in disguise.

Wang Changsheng still underestimated the influence of Taiqing Palace. As soon as he escaped from Fengzhou, he met the first wave of pursuers, a hunting team composed of thirty foundation-building monks.

As soon as these pursuers saw Wang Changsheng, they killed him without saying a word.

After a lot of hard work, Wang Changsheng broke out of the siege, and escaped underground with the escape talisman.

When he returned to the ground and passed through a square market opened by a medium-sized sect, he was hunted down by local immortal cultivators. Wang Changsheng killed more than a dozen of the pursuing monks and escaped.

Later, when Wang Changsheng became more knowledgeable, he simply put on a cloak to cover his face.

Unexpectedly, there is a new regulation in the square market opened by the Zhengdao sect or the affiliated family of the Zhengdao sect. All immortal cultivators who enter the square market must pass inspection before entering the square market.

As a result, Wang Changsheng could only flee to the territory of the Demonic Dao Sect.

It's okay for the monks of the righteous way to hunt him down, but who would have thought that the monks of the evil way would also join the hunting team.

Wang Changsheng was inadvertently seen by two demonic monks. After leaving the market, more than a dozen demonic monks chased after him.

Fortunately, the strength of these people is not high. With the help of Xiao Hei and two bloodthirsty spirit bats, Wang Changsheng killed them all. Wan Lingshi arrested him, regardless of life or death.

The Demon Sect may not obey the order of the Taiqing Palace, but under the stimulation of 3 yuan of spiritual stones, many Demonic monks spontaneously formed an arrest team to arrest Wang Changsheng.

In desperation, Wang Changsheng could only disguise himself to avoid pursuit.

At this time, less than two months after he escaped from the Taiqing Palace, Wang Changsheng encountered seven or eight groups of pursuers, including monks from both righteous and evil ways.

Wang Changsheng is now a frightened bird, afraid of being recognized again, he ran away to the secular world.

Even if both the righteous and the devil hunt him down, the secular government can't hunt him down too!
Wang Changsheng put away the snow wind boat and walked towards Beicang City.

Beicang City is the state city of Luanzhou. It is located on an important traffic road, and there are many merchants coming and going. Many merchants specialize in transporting goods to the border. In order to ensure safety, merchants usually hire bodyguards to go with them.

Bei Cang Escort Bureau is the largest bodyguard bureau in Bei Cang City, and it is said that it is backed by the royal family.

Since the opening of the North Cang Escort Bureau, it has never failed. It is a model in the industry that the bodyguards must be successful.

After Wang Changsheng inquired about the location of the North Cang Escort Bureau with passers-by, he went straight to the North Cang Escort Bureau.

Soon, Wang Changsheng appeared in front of a mansion that occupied an extremely large area. On the plaque hanging at the gate of the mansion was written the four golden characters of "Northern Cang Escort Bureau".

Wang Changsheng glanced lightly at the two guards standing outside the door, then walked towards the door.

"This is the Beicang Security Bureau, idlers are not allowed to wander around," a tall guard stopped Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng was plainly dressed, he didn't look like a rich man at all, so they naturally wouldn't let Wang Changsheng in.

"Is this how your Bei Cang Escort does business?" Wang Changsheng said indifferently, and took out an ingot of gold weighing twelve taels.

Seeing Jin Zi, the guard immediately forced a smile on his face, slapped himself, and said with a sneer: "Little people look down on people, and I hope you don't care about people like villains."

"Okay, quickly take me to meet your chief escort, I have business to discuss with him," Wang Changsheng threw a piece of silver to the guard.

"Okay, Young Master, come with me," the guard took Sui Yin, the smile on his face deepened, and he led Wang Changsheng into the mansion.

Soon, Wang Changsheng saw the head of the North Cang Security Bureau in the living room, a middle-aged man with a firm face.

"Chen Demao, the head of the Xiabei Cang Escort Bureau, I don't know what to call this young master," the middle-aged man said with a smile on Wang Changsheng and clasped his fists.

"Ning Yue," Wang Changsheng gave a fake name.

"It turned out to be Mr. Ning. I wonder what Mr. Ning wants us to escort and where?" the middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Take me to the border. I hope to leave as soon as possible. This is the deposit," Wang Changsheng said straight to the point. After finishing speaking, he took out a cloth bag and threw it to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man took the cloth bag and opened it to see that there were seven or eight gold pieces of different sizes inside, adding up to more than 20 taels. The middle-aged man showed a deep smile on his face and said:
"Success, no problem, I will immediately send bodyguards to escort Mr. Ning on the road."

Soon, the middle-aged man dispatched more than a dozen bodyguards, led by him personally, to escort Wang Changsheng out of the city.

Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged in the compartment of the carriage, and slowly closed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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