A seal of immortality

Chapter 488 Wuyang City

Chapter 488 Wuyang City

The capital, Pingnan Palace.

In a certain secret room, a graceful middle-aged woman in her forties was talking to a middle-aged man with a bookish face.

"Send someone to collect more treasures. The auction held by our royal family once in a hundred years can't be underestimated. Also, take my token and go to the warehouse to get a catty of copper essence to Master Zhao, so that he can quickly sell that piece. The magic weapon is refined, and it will be auctioned at the auction," the middle-aged woman ordered.

"Yes, Lord Wuguan, this subordinate understands, and I will take my leave," the middle-aged man nodded, bowed and retreated.

Just as the middle-aged man stepped out, a graceful woman in a red dress walked in quickly.

"Qi Gu, good news, good news," said the woman in the red dress with a face full of joy.

She walked quickly to the middle-aged woman, handed a notice to the middle-aged woman,
"The arrest warrant from the Taiqing Palace, Wang Changsheng? What? You don't want to tell me to help the Taiqing Palace arrest this person!" The middle-aged woman glanced at the words on it and frowned.

"Hehe, of course not. The Taiqing Palace has been suppressing our royal family. Of course I will not help the Taiqing Palace. This Wang Changsheng is proficient in the art of talisman seals. We can find him and ask him to help our royal family draw talismans and teach us how to make talismans." What do you think of the teacher-made talisman?" The woman in the red skirt smiled and suggested.

"Well, that's a good suggestion. If it weren't for this son, the Li family might have joined our royal family. I'll give an order to send someone to look for him secretly," the middle-aged woman nodded. Then she remembered something and said :
"By the way, according to our people lurking inside the Taiqing Palace, there is a female monk in the Taiqing Palace who succeeded in forming alchemy. You have to learn from others and focus on cultivation. You don't need to worry about other things for the time being. "

"Understood, Qigu," the woman in the red dress agreed.

A year later, in a dense forest in the Guangman Mountains at the junction of Tianshan County and Wuyang County in Wuzhou.

A dozen tall men were grilling a wild boar around a fire, talking and laughing, and a carriage stopped not far away.

"Zhao Da, send this piece of barbecue to Mr. Ning," a middle-aged man with a firm face cut off a large piece of barbecue with a dagger, wrapped it in lotus leaves, and handed it to a black-faced man next to him, pointing The carriage ordered.

"No need, I'm not hungry, you just need to eat," a lazy voice came from the carriage.

As soon as the words were finished, a young man wearing a blindfold came out from the carriage. It was Wang Changsheng.

"Chen Biaotou, how long will it take to arrive in Wuyang City?" Wang Changsheng asked the middle-aged man.

"Come on, we'll be there after passing the three mountains in front," the middle-aged man said, pointing to a big mountain ahead.

Wang Changsheng looked up at the sky, nodded, took out a leather bag, threw it to the middle-aged man, and said, "Let's part now! I can walk the rest of the way by myself, this is the remaining reward. "

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the middle-aged man to reply, Wang Changsheng rode on a fine horse and galloped towards the big mountain ahead.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

The middle-aged man seemed to have thought of something, opened the leather bag and saw dozens of gold leaves inside.

An hour later, Wang Changsheng stopped in front of a huge city.

The huge city ahead is Wuyang City, the state city of Wuzhou.

Wuyang City covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of acres. From a distance, the winding city wall lies like a giant dragon at the junction of the Song Dynasty and the Eastern Tang Dynasty, firmly guarding Wuyang City, an important frontier town.

Wuyang City is backed by mountains and rivers, so it is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Its city wall is more than twenty feet high, and it is made of huge blue stones that are about ten feet long. Every piece of blue huge stone is like cast iron, which cannot be shaken.

On the city wall, flags were fluttering, and every ten feet, you could see a soldier in full armor, monitoring everything coming and going, not letting go of any trouble.

Outside the majestic and majestic East City Gate, a long queue of people had already formed for several miles.

The people queuing up to enter the city are all businessmen traveling from north to south, most of them are citizens of the Song Dynasty, and a small number of them are people from other countries.

Seeing this scene, Wang Changsheng heaved a sigh of relief, as long as he left Wuyang City, it would no longer be the territory of Song Dynasty.

He reluctantly turned his head and glanced behind him, leaving Da Song this time, maybe he would never come back again.

This is also a matter of no choice. Now that both the righteous and the devil are looking for him, staying in Da Song will only lead to a dead end, and leaving Da Song still has a glimmer of life.

Wang Changsheng took a deep breath, and slammed his whip on the horse's buttocks. The horse under him neighed, and quickly ran towards Wuyang City.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng led the steed to the gate of the city, and several divine senses flew past him.

Wang Changsheng is now at the Great Consummation of Foundation Establishment, unless monks above the alchemy stage use their spiritual sense to probe, no one will find out his true cultivation.

After Wang Changsheng paid a sum of money, he entered the city.

There were many pedestrians on the street, most of them were merchants doing business. Besides ordinary people, Wang Changsheng also saw several immortal cultivators.

Considering that it was getting late, Wang Changsheng found an inn to stay.

In the early morning of the second day, Wang Changsheng left the inn and walked towards the direction of the city.

At this time, it was just dawn, and not many people left the city.

Four soldiers, led by a middle-aged man dressed as an officer, checked the things carried by the people who left the city, and let them go after confirming that they were correct.

Soon, Wang Changsheng came before the middle-aged man.

Seeing Wang Changsheng, who was empty-handed, the middle-aged man waved his hand, signaling Wang Changsheng to go over.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng was overjoyed and walked forward quickly.

"Wait," the middle-aged man called out to Wang Changsheng, and two soldiers immediately stopped Wang Changsheng.

"Master, is there any question?" Wang Changsheng asked.

The middle-aged man looked at Wang Changsheng carefully, raised his eyebrows, pondered for a while, and ordered, "Take off the blindfold."

"Master Jun, my little one is blind in his left eye. It's convenient." Wang Changsheng was startled and had a bad premonition, but he still forced a smile on his face, took out a piece of silver, and handed it to the middle-aged man.

"Stop talking nonsense, take off the blindfold immediately, or I will be impolite," the middle-aged man's face darkened, he said coldly, and drew out his long knife.

At the same time, the four soldiers also drew out their long knives and surrounded Wang Changsheng.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng frowned and took off his blindfold.

"It really is you, come with me," the middle-aged man ordered when he saw Wang Changsheng's face, his face beamed with joy.

When Wang Changsheng heard this, his heart sank, and he touched his left cheek with his palm.

"It's broken, so the mole is gone." After Wang Changsheng frowned slightly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a golden light flashed in his right hand, which hit the middle-aged man like lightning.

The middle-aged man's body immediately flew upside down, and finally hit the ground heavily, with no breath, and a large dent in the chest where the heart was.

Seeing this scene, the four soldiers thought that Wang Changsheng had just gained a bit of strength, so they rushed forward brandishing their long knives.

With a flick of Wang Changsheng's sleeve, two cyan talisman seals flashed out, turning into two giant wind blades about ten feet long, and shooting towards the four soldiers.

Unsurprisingly, four screams sounded one after another, and the four soldiers fell into a pool of blood.

"Cultivator," someone said in surprise, recognizing Wang Changsheng's identity.

Wang Changsheng snorted softly, took out a golden talisman and slapped it on his body, and his whole body turned into a golden light and flew away.

Not long after he left, several foundation-building monks appeared at the gate of the city. After a few simple inquiries, the several foundation-building monks released flying magic weapons and chased in the direction where Wang Changsheng was fleeing.

(End of this chapter)

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