A seal of immortality

Chapter 500 Green Face Ghost

Chapter 500 Green Face Ghost

"Does senior sister have a topographic map of the surrounding area?" Wang Changsheng asked after thinking about it.

"Of course, ten pieces of spirit stones. Well, I have a ghost disk here, which can show the exact location of low-level ghosts within a hundred feet. One piece of spirit stones costs 90 yuan. Do you want to buy one?" The middle-aged woman asked. Said with a smile.

"Can you show the exact location of low-level ghosts? Alright! I want a ghost disk and a topographic map," Wang Changsheng nodded. After speaking, he took out a middle-level spirit stone and put it on the counter.

The middle-aged woman put away the spirit stone, took out a silver disc and a black jade slip, and handed them to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng put away the silver disc, put the black jade slip on his forehead, and checked the contents inside.

After a while, Wang Changsheng took off the jade slip on his forehead, asked the middle-aged woman how to use the Dinggui disk, and the imperial weapon flew eastward.

After Wang Changsheng flew high into the sky, he saw a dark and desolate land as far as he could see. The entire sky was also covered with dark clouds, and there was not a single ray of sunlight to be seen.

After flying for five miles, Wang Changsheng saw a black river hundreds of feet long. According to the markings on the map, this black river was exactly the Yin River.

Wang Changsheng manipulated the blue disc and landed near the Yin River.

The Yin River is three or four feet wide, and the water is black, making it difficult to see what is going on underneath.

Wang Changsheng's expression changed, and he took out a big fireball talisman, threw it forward, and it turned into a giant fireball the size of a water tank, and smashed into the Yin River.

There was a loud bang, and a large cloud of water mist erupted on the surface of the water.

After a while, the mist dissipated, and there was no abnormality in the Yin River.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng raised his brows, turned his hand and took out a large black net, and threw it into the Yin River. Most of the large black net did not enter the Yin River, and a small part was exposed to the water.

Wang Changsheng threw a few big fireball talismans, hitting the water behind the big black net.

Suddenly, Wang Changsheng saw the big black net shaking violently a few times, his face brightened, and he made a tactic with one hand. The big black net immediately sank into the bottom of the river, then flew out, and landed in front of Wang Changsheng.

There are more than a dozen chi-long black strange fish in the big black net. The mouth of the strange fish keeps opening and closing, and two groups of sharp teeth can be vaguely seen. There are two slender black claws on the abdomen, which looks hideous and terrifying.

Wang Changsheng recognized the strange fish, which was exactly the grimacing fish he was looking for. Unfortunately, the grimacing fish in the big black net was only a low-rank one, but what Deacon Palace wanted was a high-ranking grimacing fish.

Wang Changsheng threw the big black net into the river and fished several times, but only caught a few first-level mid-level ghost-faced fish, not a single first-level high-level ghost-faced fish.

For this situation, Wang Changsheng thought about it carefully, and he didn't find it strange.

The Yingui Cave existed at the beginning of the Nether Corpse Sect's sect. I don't know how many Nether Corpse Sect disciples enter the Yin Gui Cave every year. It is so easy to catch a first-level high-level grimacing fish, and the Deacon Palace will not buy it at a price of [-] contribution points.

Wang Changsheng thought about it for a while, walked a few hundred meters forward, and threw the big black net into the river, but he still didn't catch a first-level high-level grimacing fish.

Seeing this situation, Wang Changsheng gave up his plan to catch Grimace Fish, and instead set his targets on Yin Luoguo and Xueqihua.

Both the Yin Luo Fruit and the Blood Weeping Flower grow in places with strong Yin Qi, and the Yin Luo Fruit and Blood Weeping Flower should grow there.

Thinking about this, Wang Changsheng sacrificed the blue disc, and the imperial weapon flew towards the mountains ahead.

Half a quarter of an hour later, when Wang Changsheng flew over a dense black forest, hundreds of black bats several feet in size flew out of the black forest and rushed towards Wang Changsheng.

The speed of the black bat was extremely fast, and within a few breaths it entered within a hundred feet of Wang Changsheng. At the same time, the ghost disk in Wang Changsheng's arms shook violently.

Wang Changsheng took out the ghost plate, and there was a red dot on the ghost plate, and a large black dot was rushing towards the red dot. These black dots were the group of black bats. Obviously, these bats were all ghosts.

Knowing the details of the black bat, it is much easier to deal with it.

Wang Changsheng raised his hands together, and a stack of big fireball talismans came out of his hands, turning into dozens of giant fireballs the size of a water tank, and facing the approaching black bats.

As soon as dozens of giant fireballs touched the black bat, there was a loud "bang" sound, and the giant fireball turned into billowing flames and engulfed the black bat.

After the flames subsided, the remaining hundreds of black bats continued to pounce on Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng raised his right hand, and a dozen large fireball symbols flashed out, turning into more than a dozen giant fireballs the size of a water tank, and went up to them.

After a loud bang, the billowing flames engulfed the black bat.

After the flames dissipated, hundreds of black bats disappeared.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng nodded in satisfaction, and with one hand he made a tactic, and the blue disc carried him forward quickly.

Half an hour later, Wang Changsheng landed outside a valley filled with white mist.

Wang Changsheng could feel that the yin energy in this place was unusually strong. When he came to the sky above the valley, the two armored corpses in the body bag around his waist were restless, conveying excitement to him.

On the left and right sides of the valley are two black mountain peaks hundreds of feet high, from time to time there are gusts of wind blowing from the valley.

Wang Changsheng took a picture of himself with a fire talisman, holding the ghost plate in his left hand, and walked into the valley with his feet.

Wang Changsheng had just walked more than ten meters, when the ghost plate in his hand buzzed, and two gray shadows flashed out from the stone walls on both sides of the valley, and rushed straight at Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's lips moved slightly, and a layer of golden light emerged from the red mask out of thin air, wrapping his body. Then, he raised his right hand, and a black light flashed out, heading straight for the gray shadow on the right.

With a scream, black light passed through the gray shadow on the right, and the gray shadow turned into a puff of blue smoke and dissipated out of thin air.

With a "bang", the black figure on the left took the opportunity to pounce in front of Wang Changsheng, stretched out a gray ghost claw, and smashed the red mask, but was blocked by the golden light.

Wang Changsheng turned his head and saw the gray shadow's true face clearly. It was a fierce ghost in human form.

Wang Changsheng's expression changed, a golden light flashed in his right fist, and he threw at the humanoid ghost.

With a scream, the humanoid ghost was hit by Wang Changsheng's fist, and disappeared in a puff of green smoke.

Wang Changsheng made a move with his right hand, and a black light flew into his sleeve and disappeared. He took a picture of the fire talisman for himself, and continued walking forward.

After walking more than a hundred meters, a dark cave appeared in front of Wang Changsheng's eyes. Even though it was more than ten meters away, Wang Changsheng could still feel an extremely cold aura, which was Yin Qi.

Wang Changsheng's expression changed, he took out a big fireball talisman, threw it forward, and it turned into a giant fireball the size of a water tank, flying into the cave.

After a loud bang, the flames in the cave rolled.

But soon, the flames were extinguished, and nothing escaped.

Wang Changsheng hesitated for a moment, took a few more defensive talisman seals on his body, and walked in.

The cave is not very spacious, it can only accommodate two people walking side by side.

After walking more than a hundred meters, Wang Changsheng came to a grotto with a size of more than a hundred feet. In the upper right corner of the grotto, there was a small black tree as tall as a person, and two fist-sized black fruits hung on the tree.

"Yinluo fruit? It seems to be 50 years old," Wang Changsheng said in surprise when he saw the two black fruits on the tree.

Wang Changsheng didn't immediately go forward to pick the Yinluo fruit, but used his spiritual sense to scan the entire grotto.

Although Wang Changsheng's cultivation has dropped, his spiritual consciousness has not been affected by the blood septica technique. Under the nourishment of the soul-nourishing wood chips, his spiritual consciousness has not decreased but increased.

He used his spiritual sense to check several times, but found nothing unusual.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng walked towards the little black tree in peace.

Coming to the small black tree, Wang Changsheng grabbed a Yinluo fruit with his right hand. At this moment, a black ghost claw poked out from behind the small black tree, and grabbed Wang Changsheng's right hand like lightning.

The incident happened so suddenly that Wang Changsheng had no time to dodge, and his right hand was grabbed by the black ghost claw.

Then, a ghost with blue face, fangs and eyes like copper bells jumped out from behind the small black tree, and rushed straight at Wang Changsheng.

With a sound of "poof", the masks on Wang Changsheng's body were like paper paste, Li Gui easily passed through these masks and got into Wang Changsheng's body.

After Wang Changsheng's face twisted for a while, his body shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a mummy. The green-faced ghost emerged from the mummy, his eyes full of doubts.

With a "poof", the mummy turned into a blue talisman, which spontaneously ignited without wind.

At the same time, at the entrance of the grotto, after a burst of space fluctuations, Wang Changsheng's figure emerged.

"The green-faced ghost?" Wang Changsheng frowned when he saw the blue-faced ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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