Chapter 501
Wang Changsheng already knew that there were ghosts in this grotto. He met two low-level ghosts outside the valley. The cave is so dark, how could there not be a ghost?
He used his divine sense to scan several times but found nothing unusual, so it can only be said that this ghost knows how to hide.

After much deliberation, Wang Changsheng guessed that the ghost might be hiding in the small black tree. The Yin Luo fruit tree absorbs the Yin Qi to grow, and its own Yin Qi is relatively heavy. With the cover of the Yin Luo Fruit Tree, it is really not easy to find the existence of the ghost.

Wang Changsheng was also suspicious, so he used the Water Shadow Talisman, but he did not expect that he had guessed that the ghost was really hidden in the Yin Luo fruit tree.

Judging from the aura emanating from this green-faced ghost, it is clearly a ghost general, equivalent to a cultivator in the foundation period.

The green-faced ghost's eyes turned red, and it turned into a black shadow and flew towards Wang Changsheng.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng snorted softly, raised his sleeves, and a stack of silver talisman seals came out of his hand, turning into five or six feet long silver thunder spears, and shot towards the green-faced ghost.

Seeing this, the green-faced ghost's face changed, and a large black mist suddenly appeared on his body, and in the blink of an eye, it condensed into a black air wall about ten feet high.

The silver thunder spear collided with the black air wall, and with a few loud bangs, the silver thunder spear turned into a silver arc, drowning the black air wall.

With a "bang", the silver arc burst, and a black mist rolled out of it, rushing towards Wang Changsheng quickly.

Wang Changsheng raised his right hand, and three gleaming silver talisman seals came out of his hand, turning into three palm-sized silver thunderbirds, facing the black mist.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Changsheng's lips moved slightly, and a layer of golden light appeared close to his body.

Unable to dodge the black mist, it collided with a silver Thunderbird.

With a loud bang, a large piece of silver light burst out, and there was a miserable howl in the silver light, the sound was full of pain.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the remaining two silver Thunderbirds sank into the silver light one after another.

There were two loud bangs of "Boom", and the silver light flourished.

After a while, the silver light faded, revealing the figure of the green-faced ghost.

At this time, the green-faced ghost's breath was very weak, and his body shrunk by one-third. There was no trace of blood flowing from his body, but wisps of black air kept emitting.

The green-faced ghost looked at Wang Changsheng with a trace of fear in its eyes, it turned around, turned into a black mist, and rushed towards the small black tree.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng sneered, turned his palm, and a golden mirror appeared in his hand.

After injecting mana, the golden mirror sprayed out a burst of colorful rays of light, shooting towards the black mist transformed by the green-faced ghost.

As soon as the colorful glow came into contact with the black mist, countless blue smoke would rise from the black mist.

After a miserable cry, there was only one emerald green bead left on the ground.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng nodded in satisfaction, turned the golden mirror, checked the entire grotto, and after confirming that there were no ghosts, he walked towards the small black tree in peace.

Wang Changsheng picked up the green bead, took off two Yin Luo fruits, put them into a blue wooden box, turned and walked out.

After leaving the cave, Wang Changsheng took some defensive talisman seals for himself, and continued walking forward.

Half an hour later, Wang Changsheng walked out of the valley, and a dense black forest appeared in front of him.

Wang Changsheng squinted his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and walked into the dense forest.

It was very quiet in the dense forest, and there was no sound at all.

As he was walking, Wang Changsheng suddenly stopped, his eyes narrowed slightly looking at the two bone cows not far ahead.

Two bone cows, one big and one small, the big one was about ten feet high and two feet long, the small one was half a foot high and about ten feet long, they had no flesh and blood on their bodies, and there were two green flames in their eye sockets.

The larger bone ox moved its limbs and rushed towards Wang Changsheng quickly, followed by another bone ox.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng's expression did not change. These two bone cows were only equivalent to the Qi refining period and could not hurt him.

I saw Wang Changsheng raised his right hand, and a stack of big fireball symbols flashed out, turning into five giant fireballs the size of water tanks, and facing the two bone cattle that rushed.

The larger bone ox let out a howl and quickly changed direction in an attempt to avoid the giant fireball.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng smiled lightly, and with a twist of his fingers, the three giant fireballs changed direction and flew towards the larger bone ox.

The bone cow couldn't dodge for a while, and was hit by a giant fireball, and the billowing flames immediately engulfed it. Soon, the remaining two giant fireballs also hit it, and the fire suddenly rose.

At the same time, the smaller bone ox was also hit by two giant fireballs, engulfed by the billowing flames.

After the flames faded, the bone cow disappeared, leaving only a dozen black bones on the ground.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng nodded and continued walking forward.

Half an hour later, Wang Changsheng came to the depths of the dense forest and was walking slowly.

Suddenly, there was a humming sound from the left side. It was very quiet at first, but it soon became louder.

Wang Changsheng was stunned, and hurriedly turned his head to look to the left, but his face suddenly turned pale.

A hundred meters away, a large group of green bees were flying towards his direction.

The body of the emerald bee is extremely shriveled, but there is a white spike on the tail, giving people a shivering feeling.

At the same time as the green bee appeared, the ghost plate in Wang Changsheng's hand also shook violently, and a large green light appeared on it.

"Damn it, I actually encountered a large ghost bee swarm," Wang Changsheng frowned, took out a red talisman and crushed it, and disappeared in a package of dazzling flames.

After the flames subsided, Wang Changsheng found himself at the foot of a black mountain hundreds of feet high, with a dense black forest behind him.

Wang Changsheng thought for a while, then raised his feet and walked up the mountain.

After a cup of tea, when Wang Changsheng came to the middle of the mountain and passed a dark cave, there was a burst of explosions coming from the cave.

Wang Changsheng frowned, raised his foot and continued to walk forward. Since there were people inside, he didn't have to go in, so as not to conflict with his fellow disciples in the cave.

But before he had gone far, there were several screams in the cave, and the screams seemed to be made by people.

Hearing the screams, Wang Changsheng stopped immediately, hesitated for a moment, then turned and walked into the cave.

The cave was very wide, and after walking tens of meters, a stone room about fifty or sixty feet in size appeared in front of Wang Changsheng.

On the ground lay the corpses of two men, one corpse had ten blood holes in its chest, and the other corpse had two finger-thick blood holes in its neck.

Two shriveled zombies with blue faces and fangs are attacking a gray light curtain. Inside the gray light curtain are two women, the older one has the eleventh level of Qi refining, and the younger one has the ninth level of Qi refining.

However, Wang Changsheng's attention was not on them, but on the upper left corner of the stone room, where more than a dozen blood-red flowers grew, one of which was about a foot high and brightly colored.

The blood-red flower was exactly the blood-weeping flower that Wang Changsheng was looking for. The blood-weeping flower that was about a foot tall was at least a hundred years old. If these blood-weeping flowers were handed over to the Deacon Palace, it would be worth at least five or six hundred contribution points.

Seeing someone coming in, the two women's faces were happy, but when they saw that the other party was only a monk at the seventh level of Qi refining, their expressions were a little disappointed.

"Junior brother, hurry up and move the rescuers. If the two of us can be saved, there will be a reward," the middle-aged woman with a pretty face shouted eagerly.

(End of this chapter)

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