Chapter 502

"Rescue soldiers? No need, I can take care of these two wandering corpses myself, but let's say first, those blood weeping flowers are all mine," Wang Changsheng said lightly, shaking his head.

"What? Can you deal with it? Don't be kidding, these two wandering corpses are already in the late stage of wandering corpses, and they are just one step away from entering purple zombies. You are only at the seventh level of Qi refining, what can you do to deal with them," the young woman with delicate features smelled. Yan frowned, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Junior brother, don't be joking, we can't last long, hurry up and move the rescuers," the middle-aged woman urged with a wry smile, her eyes full of suspicion.

"Well, I will kill these two wandering corpses after you are dead. By then, these weeping blood flowers will also be mine," Wang Changsheng said calmly after hearing the words, without disturbing the two. Human life is at heart.

Before he betrayed the Taiqing Palace, Wang Changsheng still had principles in his actions. Now, after betraying the Taiqing Palace, he only considers his own preferences and acts as he pleases. His approach is also the approach of many demon monks.

"You..." When the young woman heard this, an angry look flashed across her face, but she didn't know how to answer.

At this time, under the constant attack of the two zombies, the gray light curtain was already crumbling, and the light was relatively dim. It seemed that it could not last long.

"Okay, it's up to you, if the younger brother can get rid of these two wandering corpses, all those blood weeping flowers will belong to the younger brother," the middle-aged woman gritted her teeth after a flash of determination flashed through her eyes.

"Senior Sister Chen, you can't agree to him. Senior Brother Zhao and the others will lose their lives because of the blood weeping flowers," the young woman hurriedly said loudly when she saw this.

"My life is gone, is there any use in wanting those blood weeping flowers?" The middle-aged woman rolled her eyes at the young woman and said flatly.

"Okay! Junior brother, hurry up!" Hearing this, the young woman's face softened, and she said reluctantly.

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng nodded, raised his right hand, and two big fireball talismans flashed out, turning into two giant fireballs the size of water tanks, and threw them at the two zombies.

The two zombies were attacking the gray light curtain. They didn't pay attention to the movement behind them at all. They were hit by two giant fireballs. The billowing flames immediately engulfed their bodies, and a painful whine came from the flames.

The next moment, a green mist swept out from the flames and extinguished the flames.

The bodies of the two zombies were only a little darker, and the others were not affected. They jumped towards Wang Changsheng with fierce eyes.

When Wang Changsheng saw this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, he raised his sleeves, and several red talismans flashed out, turning into six giant fireballs the size of water tanks, and smashing them towards the two rushing zombies.

The bodies of the zombies were stiff and it was inconvenient to move. Three giant fireballs hit each of the zombies, and the billowing flames submerged their bodies again.

Wang Changsheng slapped the storage bag on his waist with the palm of his hand, and a golden short sword flew out of it. After one circled, it turned into a golden light and slashed at the two flames.

There were two "bang" and "bang", the flames split into four, and it could be vaguely seen that they were the corpses of zombies. It didn't take long for the two zombies to be burnt to nothing.

It took less than a few breaths from Wang Changsheng's strike to the killing of these two zombies.

The two women witnessed the whole process and were dumbfounded. The middle-aged woman looked at Wang Changsheng with fear.

Now the two of them have very little mana left, if this fellow sect kills her, she will not be able to survive by herself.

Thinking of this, she looked at Wang Changsheng warily, not daring to remove the gray light curtain.

Wang Changsheng glanced at the two daughters, then raised his feet and walked towards Xueqihua.

Although Wang Changsheng turned his back to the two women, his spiritual sense had already been released, and he was not worried about being attacked by the two women at all.

Even though the two women were unwilling, they could only watch helplessly as Wang Changsheng poached away all the blood weeping flowers.

"Okay, I'm leaving, you can take care of yourself," Wang Changsheng left a sentence, and walked out.

"Wait, Junior Brother," the middle-aged woman rolled her eyes and stopped Wang Changsheng.

"Is there anything else?" Wang Changsheng turned around and said calmly.

"It's nothing, thanks to the junior brother, we two were able to save the day. I don't know what the junior brother is called. My concubine is Chen Yue. This is Liu Yan junior sister," the middle-aged woman shook her head and said sincerely.

"Wang Changsheng," Wang Changsheng thought about it for a while, and said truthfully, then he remembered something, and then said: "By the way, do you know where there are Yinluo Fruit and Blood Weeping Flower?"

"We don't know where the Yinluo fruit is, but I know there is a place where there should be blood weeping flowers, but there is a purple zombie guard there," before the middle-aged woman answered, the young woman said first.

"Oh, where? If it's true, you'll benefit from it," Wang Changsheng said with interest after hearing the words.

"In a cave on the top of the mountain, all our zombies were killed by the purple zombies in the cave. Otherwise, we wouldn't be helpless against these two zombies," the young woman said unwillingly.

"Did you see the blood weeping flowers in that cave with your own eyes?" Wang Changsheng asked suspiciously.

"I have domesticated a blood crow, which is extremely sensitive to the smell of blood weeping flowers. I can be sure that there are blood weeping flowers in the cave inside. If Junior Brother Wang is interested, we might as well work together to get the blood weeping flowers. We six Four points, six for us, four for you, how about it?" the middle-aged woman asked.

"Cooperation? No need, this mid-level spirit stone will be used as money for me to buy news, don't follow me, lest unpleasant things happen," Wang Changsheng shook his head, and said with deep meaning. After speaking, he took out a middle-level spirit stone Jie Lingshi threw the stone on the ground, turned and left.

"Senior Sister Chen, I heard you right! This guy wants to deal with that purple zombie alone? Should we follow up and help out," the young woman said in a low voice.

"Forget it, this junior brother doesn't like to be in contact with others, so let's not follow. It's bad if he misunderstands. Since he intends to deal with Zi Zong alone, he should have something to rely on!" The middle-aged woman shook her head. , rejected the proposal.

The young woman nodded when she heard the words, but said nothing more.

The two women didn't know that they escaped a catastrophe invisibly. With Wang Changsheng's powerful spiritual sense, he could hear their conversation clearly. If there was any evil intention in the words of the two women, Wang Changsheng would definitely turn around. kill two people.

After leaving the cave, Wang Changsheng quickly ran towards the top of the mountain using Lingbo microsteps.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Changsheng came to a wide cave. He let go of his consciousness, and indeed sensed a gloomy and cold aura, probably the purple stiff head.

Wang Changsheng took out a few Thunderbird Talismans and clasped them in his hands, and walked in.

The cave was very cold. After walking more than a hundred meters, the front suddenly opened up, and a grotto with a size of more than one hundred feet appeared in front of Wang Changsheng.

In the center of the grotto, there is a black coffin, with more than a dozen limbs lying on the ground, which seem to belong to zombies. In the upper right corner of the grotto, there is a blood weeping flower, and there are seven or eight of the century-old blood weeping flower alone. .

The moment Wang Changsheng entered the grotto, with a "bang", the coffin lid of the black coffin was thrown open, flying towards him.

A blue light flashed under Wang Changsheng's feet, and his figure flickered, and he appeared more than ten meters away on the left.

With a "bang", the coffin lid slammed heavily on the stone wall, creating a groove about a foot deep.

A shriveled, purple zombie jumped out of the coffin. Its hands were stretched out, and its nails were all purple.

Seeing Wang Changsheng, the purple stiff jumped towards Wang Changsheng with a fierce look in his eyes without saying a word.

With a light jump, Zi Zong jumped several meters away.

Wang Changsheng raised his right hand, and a black talisman flew out of his hand, flying towards Zi Zhan.

When the black talisman arrived not far from Zi Zang, it burst open with a "poof", turning into a huge black animal cage, covering Zi Zang inside.

(End of this chapter)

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