Chapter 512

"The test begins."

Following the words of the black-robed old man, the disciples on the ring made their moves one after another.

Wang Changsheng raised his right hand, and two cyan talisman seals came out of his hand, turning into two giant wind blades about ten feet long, and shot towards the tall and thin man.

The speed of the giant wind blade was extremely fast, and it arrived in front of the tall and thin man in a few flashes.

At this time, the tall and thin man had just taken off the body bag around his waist, and before he had time to throw it out, his expression changed, his lips moved a few times, a black light flashed, and a black light curtain emerged close to his body.

With two sounds of "bang" and "bang", two giant wind blades slashed fiercely on the black light curtain. After the black light curtain shook twice, the giant wind blades collapsed and disappeared.

The next moment, a gust of wind blew by, and Wang Changsheng suddenly appeared in front of the tall and thin man, clenched his right fist, and slammed hard at the black light curtain.

With a "bang", the black light curtain shattered, Wang Changsheng's fist hit the tall and thin man's chest, and the tall and thin man flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

With a "poof", the tall and thin man fell to the ground, his face turned red, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Before he had time to stand up, Wang Changsheng appeared in front of the tall and thin man.

Wang Changsheng held a golden dagger in his hand, pointing at the tall and thin man's neck.

"Are you a body repairer?" The tall and thin man looked at Wang Changsheng, his eyes filled with disbelief.

In his impression, there are not many physical practitioners in the sect, so why did he just meet one?
"That's right! What? You still want to fight?" Wang Changsheng said lightly.

"No, I admit defeat," the tall and thin man glanced at the golden dagger less than an inch away from his neck, and said with a wry smile.

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng nodded, and put away the Golden Moon Sword.

At this time, other arenas were in full swing.

Wang Changsheng took a look at the competitions in other arenas, and found that both sides were controlling zombies to fight back and forth. It seemed that it would be impossible to tell the winner for a while.

Seeing that Wang Changsheng had won so quickly, the black-robed old man standing in the distance nodded his head with a look of approval in his eyes.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the nineteen arenas ended their martial arts one after another. A total of 19 disciples advanced to the second round, and they drew lots to compete again.

This time, Wang Changsheng drew the first lottery, and his opponent was an ordinary-looking middle-aged woman with a mid-stage Foundation Establishment cultivation.

At the beginning of the competition, the middle-aged woman put a white shield on herself, and crushed a black talisman, turning it into a black light curtain, covering herself, forming two protective circles.

Judging from this method, the middle-aged woman is a cautious person, and she did not underestimate the enemy just because Wang Changsheng's cultivation level is lower than hers.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng patted the body bag on his waist without hesitation.

A streak of black clouds rolled out of it, revealing the figures of five bronze armored corpses.

As soon as the five bronze-armored corpses appeared, they rushed at the middle-aged woman from different directions. They jumped and jumped, and each time they jumped, they could jump four or five meters away, and their speed was relatively fast.

Seeing this, the middle-aged woman's eyes flashed with astonishment, but she didn't think about it, she took out a short red ruler about a foot long, and shook it forward, a ball of fire swept out, and quickly condensed into a water A giant fireball the size of a cylinder flew towards a bronze armored corpse.

The short red ruler in her hand shook non-stop, and giant fireballs the size of water tanks swept out, flying towards the bronze armored corpse.

With several loud bangs, the billowing flames engulfed the figure of the bronze armored corpse.

The next moment, a jet of black air swept out from the flames and extinguished them.

The five bronze armored corpses jumped towards the middle-aged woman again, within a few breaths, they entered within ten feet of her.

Seeing this situation, the middle-aged woman shook her sleeves, and a thick black iron rope rolled out, circled the five bronze armored corpses several times, and tied the five bronze armored corpses together.

The bronze-armored corpse does not know any spells, its body is tightly bound, and it cannot be freed for the time being.

Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged woman slapped the body bag at her waist with her palm, and a black glow rolled out of it, and a human-shaped skeleton more than two feet high appeared, and the human-shaped skeleton was holding a handful of ten-foot-high bags in its hand. A long bone sword.

Seeing the green light in his eyes flickering endlessly, and the aura on his body is astonishing, it is a bone corpse with a trace of spirituality.

As soon as the human-shaped skeleton appeared, the green flames in its eyes flickered a few times, and rushed towards Wang Changsheng.

Soon, the human-shaped skeleton came in front of Wang Changsheng, and the white bone sword in his hand slashed towards Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's body flickered, and then disappeared. The next moment, he appeared more than ten meters away in front of him, but soon, his figure flickered again, disappeared again, and reappeared more than ten meters away. It's for a middle-aged woman.

Seeing this, the middle-aged woman snorted softly, and with a flick of the short red ruler in her hand, a giant fireball the size of a water tank swept out and smashed towards Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng disappeared in a flash, appeared more than ten meters away on the left, and then rushed towards the middle-aged woman.

Seeing Wang Changsheng's strange moving speed, the middle-aged woman frowned slightly, and the short red ruler in her hand shook unceasingly, several giant fireballs the size of water tanks swept out one after another, and shot all around.

Without exception, these giant fireballs did not hit Wang Changsheng, but hit the ground.

The middle-aged woman only felt a flash in front of her eyes, and Wang Changsheng appeared in front of her.

Seeing Wang Changsheng appearing in front of her eyes, the middle-aged woman sneered, raised her right hand, and released a red talisman, which turned into a giant fireball the size of a water tank, and threw it at Wang Changsheng.

Due to the distance from Taiji, Wang Changsheng couldn't avoid it at all, and was hit by a giant fireball, and the billowing flames engulfed his body.

Seeing this, the middle-aged woman showed a smile on her face, but the next moment, there was a sound of breaking through the flames, and a black fist flashed out of the flames, hitting the white light curtain.

With a "bang", the white light curtain shattered, and the black light curtain inside couldn't stop it. Fortunately, the black fist finally stopped, only an inch away from the middle-aged woman's heart.

All this happened so fast that the middle-aged woman had no time to react, only seeing a black fist resting on her chest.

At this time, the flame also collapsed and disappeared, revealing Wang Changsheng's figure.

Wang Changsheng was covered with a gleaming red mask, which was transformed by the fire-avoiding talisman.

"I didn't expect my younger brother to be a double cultivator of Dharma and body. I admit defeat, thank you for your mercy," the middle-aged woman said with a wry smile.

After finishing speaking, she moved her right hand, and the black iron chain released the five bronze armored corpses, and they flew back to her sleeves and disappeared.

Wang Changsheng didn't say anything, put away the five bronze armored corpses, and walked off the ring.

Witnessing the whole process of Wang Changsheng's fighting skills, the approval in the eyes of the black-robed old man grew stronger.

It didn't take long for other arenas to end their battles one after another. A total of nine people won, but one of the winners was cut off by his opponent when he was fighting, and his vitality was seriously injured, so he voluntarily withdrew from the competition.

In this way, there are only eight people left, and there will be another round of competition, and the four who win will be able to represent the sect to participate in the Heavenly Demon Conference.

After the lottery was drawn, the eight people were divided into four groups to fight. This time, Wang Changsheng's opponent was a short and fat man with a fleshy face, who had a cultivation base in the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

At the beginning of the competition, the short and fat man turned his hand and took out a small black umbrella. After opening it, a black light flashed, and a black mask suddenly emerged, covering him inside.

Immediately afterwards, he patted the body bag on his waist with the palm of his hand, and a black glow rolled out from it. After the glow faded, three bronze armored corpses and seven iron armored corpses appeared.

As soon as these zombies showed up, they jumped towards Wang Changsheng.

At the same time, Wang Changsheng also released his zombies, five bronze-armored corpses and two iron-armored corpses, bouncing up to meet them.

More than a dozen zombies fought together. Although Wang Changsheng's zombies were relatively small, there were five bronze armored corpses, and they were no match for the short and fat man's zombies.

Seeing Wang Changsheng release the five bronze armored corpses, a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the short and fat man, but soon, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and he slapped another body bag around his waist with his palm, and a black glow rolled out of it. Out of it, a huge skeleton surrounded by gray air appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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