A seal of immortality

Chapter 513 Successfully Selected

Chapter 513 Successfully Selected

This skeleton bull-beast human body has two crescent-like horns on its head, three or four feet high, and two fist-sized green flames in its eye sockets. It holds a huge bone ax about ten feet in size, emitting A cold breath.

"Go," the short, fat man stretched out his hand and pointed at Wang Changsheng, and the giant skeleton with the head of a cow strode towards Wang Changsheng.

Seeing the giant skeleton rushing towards him, Wang Changsheng's face remained unchanged, with a flick of his sleeve, five golden throwing knives flashed out, heading straight for the short and fat man.

The short and fat man didn't pay any attention to this, and controlled the giant skeleton to quickly run towards Wang Changsheng.

With a few "bang" and "bang", five golden flying knives slashed on the black mask, and the black mask shook slightly a few times.

At this time, the giant skeleton also came in front of Wang Changsheng, and the huge bone ax in his hand slashed towards Wang Changsheng fiercely.

With a flash of Wang Changsheng's figure, he appeared more than ten meters away behind him.

With a "bang", the huge bone ax smashed on the ground of the arena, and a crack several feet long appeared on the ground.

One blow failed, and the giant skeleton rushed towards Wang Changsheng again. When it got to the front and back of Wang Changsheng, the huge bone ax in its hand slammed down again.

With a flash of Wang Changsheng's figure, he appeared more than ten meters away to the left, and the giant skeleton's attack failed again.

Seeing this situation, the short and fat man made a tactic with one hand, and the giant skeleton turned around, opened its mouth and sprayed out a beam of black light that was as thick as a bowl, and shot towards Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng flickered, and once again escaped the attack of the giant skeleton.

With a sound of "Boom", the black beam of light hit the ground, and a large hole appeared on the ground.

Seeing this, the giant skeleton spewed out a black beam of light that was as thick as a bowl, and shot at Wang Changsheng.

With a flash of blue light under Wang Changsheng's feet, he once again avoided the attack of the giant skeleton.

Wang Changsheng dodged the giant skeleton's attack one after another, which surprised the short and fat man, but he also understood that the opponent was wearing a magic weapon with boots, which made his figure so flexible.

Controlling eleven zombies plus one magic weapon was already his limit, and he couldn't think of a better way for a while, so he could only control a giant skeleton to attack Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng relied on Lingbo's micro-step movement, coupled with the blessing of cloud treading boots, his figure was very flexible, and he easily avoided the attack of the giant skeleton.

With the passage of time, the mana of the short and fat man was not much left, and his spiritual consciousness was also greatly depleted, and a thin layer of sweat slowly oozed from his forehead.

The five golden throwing knives continuously slashed on the black mask, making chaotic noises of "bang" and "bang", and the light of the black mask gradually dimmed.

With a "bang", a black beam of light hit the ground, and a large pit was formed on the ground. Obviously, the giant skeleton's attack failed again.

This time, as soon as Wang Changsheng landed on the ground, the blue light under his feet shone brightly, and he quickly ran towards the short and fat man.

After a few flashes, Wang Changsheng was in front of the short and fat man.

The short and fat man was startled, and hurriedly took out a gleaming red talisman and threw it forward, turning into a red firebird the size of a palm, and threw it at Wang Changsheng.

With a loud bang, the red firebird collided with Wang Changsheng's fist, and immediately burst open. The billowing flames engulfed Wang Changsheng's body, but the next moment, a black fist flew out of the flames, hitting the ground like lightning. on the dimly lit black mask.

With a "bang", the black mask shattered, and the black fist hit the short fat man's chest. The short fat man flew upside down immediately, and at the same time opened his mouth to spurt out a big mouthful of blood, his face became extremely pale.

As soon as the short and fat man landed, Wang Changsheng appeared in front of him, and his black fist quickly hit the short and fat man.

"I admit defeat, stop now," the short fat man's face changed drastically, and he shouted hastily.

As soon as the words fell, the black fist stopped, only a few inches away from the short and fat man's head.

Seeing this, the short and fat man broke out in a cold sweat.

Wang Changsheng put the zombie back into the body bag and walked off the ring.

Not long after, the other three arenas also ended their battles one after another.

Among the four victors, three men and one woman, Wang Changsheng's cultivation level is the lowest, the other two men are at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and the only woman has the foundation establishment Dzogchen.

The three of them were quite surprised that Wang Changsheng could win, but they didn't say anything.

"The selection is over. Hao Bin, Chen Yingying, Liu Yuan, and Wang Changsheng will represent our sect to participate in the Heavenly Demon Conference. The four of you go back to rest and gather here in three days," the black-robed old man announced loudly.

"Yes, Master Uncle," Wang Changsheng and the others agreed after hearing this.

After returning to the residence, Wang Changsheng fed the seven zombies with some monster blood, and then began to meditate.

At this time, in the main hall of the Yinsha Peak, the main peak of the Nether Corpse Sect, Huang Xiaowen, the head of the Nether Corpse Sect, and the black-robed old man who presided over the selection gathered together to discuss something.

"Junior Brother Zhou, what about the disciples who participated in the Heavenly Demon Conference this time? Don't be like last time, the whole army will be annihilated, and this sect's face will be ruined," Huang Xiaowen said with a slight frown.

"I've seen it. The four of them have rich fighting experience. I believe we can get a good ranking this time," the black-robed old man nodded and said confidently.

"I don't expect a good ranking, just don't be at the bottom," Huang Xiaowen said shaking his head.

Hearing this, the old man in black robe smiled embarrassingly.

In the previous Heavenly Demon Conference, it would be good if they were not at the bottom of the Nether Corpse Sect. They had never won a good ranking. Over time, the top management of the Nether Corpse Sect became numb.

At this moment, footsteps suddenly came from outside the hall, and then a man's voice came from outside:
"Report to Master Uncle Zhou and Uncle Zhou that you have brought the materials of the selected disciples."

"Come in!" Huang Xiaowen nodded and said.

"Yes," the man replied respectfully, and walked in.

The man is in his 30s, with good facial features, tall and tall, and has the cultivation base of Dzogchen.

"This is the information of the four of them," the middle-aged man took out a black jade slip from his arms, and held it to Huang Xiaowen with both hands.

Huang Xiaowen took the jade slip and swept away his consciousness.

"Why is it him!" Huang Xiaowen frowned, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Brother Sect Leader, what's going on? Is there something wrong with these people?" Seeing this, the black-robed old man frowned and asked curiously.

"Just look at it," Huang Xiaowen handed the jade slip to the black-robed old man.

The old man in black robe took the jade slip, his consciousness swept away, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"The other three people are fine, but this Wang Changsheng came to the door with the Nether Corpse Order, and he was promoted from the eighth level of Qi Refining to the Foundation Establishment Stage in less than a month. It's too fast, so fast that people doubt his real cultivation," Huang Xiaowen said with a serious face.

"It's really too fast. There were people in our sect who practiced this technique before, and it took several years to build a foundation. It seems that this person probably concealed his cultivation, or was seriously injured and fell to the eighth level of Qi refining. Cultivation The speed is so fast," the black-robed old man nodded and said slowly.

"If it's the latter, forget it. If it's the former, what is the purpose of him hiding his cultivation and sneaking into this sect? Could it be a spy sent by another sect?" Huang Xiaowen said solemnly.

"Probably not! The overall strength of this sect is the bottom of the four sects of Qi, so there is no need for them to insert people into this sect," the black-robed old man shook his head and said with some uncertainty.

"It might be, who knows what the hell they're up to," Huang Xiaowen said shaking his head.

Hearing this, the black-robed old man thought for a while, and said, "How about arresting Wang Changsheng and interrogating him with the Heavenly Ghost Mirror? Unless he is a Nascent Soul cultivator, it is absolutely impossible to deceive the Heavenly Ghost Mirror." Probe."

"Use the Heavenly Ghost Mirror? I don't need it for now," Huang Xiaowen's face was a little moved when he heard this, but he immediately remembered something, and continued:

"Interrogation is to be interrogated, but not now. Wait until he comes back alive after participating in the Demon Conference. If he dies in the Demon Conference, there is no need to ask."

"Understood," the black-robed old man nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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