A seal of immortality

Chapter 520 Disfigurement

Chapter 520 Disfigurement
Seeing this, Wang Changsheng wanted to put the three spirit beasts back into the spirit beast bag, but at this moment, a blue light appeared in the sky and flew towards the mountain where he was.

Wang Changsheng frowned, and looked up to the sky.

Not long after, Qingguang stopped in the sky above the mountain peak. Qingguang was a cyan flying boat several feet long, and there were three men standing on it.

Seeing the five corpses and three third-level spirit beasts on the ground, the expressions of the three changed.

"It's not good, I've encountered a hard stubble, get out," the young man shouted, and with one hand he made a tactic, and the blue flying boat under his feet suddenly glowed blue, and flew back and forth.

The three third-level spirit beasts, especially the third-level flood dragon, were not something they could deal with at all.

"Kill them," Wang Changsheng's face darkened, and he pointed at the three of them and ordered.

Xiao Hei twisted his body and chased after him with claws and teeth. The two bloodthirsty spirit bats turned into two black lights and also chased after him.

Wang Changsheng shook his sleeve, and a palm-sized cyan paper crane flew out of it. The cyan paper crane swelled in the wind. Wang Changsheng jumped onto the paper crane's back and made a tactic with one hand. Chasing after the three of them, the speed was a bit faster than Xiao Hei and the others.

The cyan flying boat driven by the disciples of the Qingdan Sect was only a high-level flying instrument with average quality. Soon, the distance between Wang Changsheng and the three disciples of the Qingdan Sect was getting closer and closer, and it was only a matter of time before he caught up with them.

Seeing this situation, the young man's eyes flashed with determination, and he said to the middle-aged man, "Senior brother Li, your magic power is stronger than mine, you can control it! You have to speed up, don't let him catch up. "

The middle-aged man nodded and took over the command.

At this moment, the young man took out a golden talisman, slapped it on his body, it turned into a golden light and flew away, and disappeared into the sky after a few flashes.

"You bastard, you left us alone to run for your life," the middle-aged man was furious when he saw this.

At this moment, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and dozens of giant wind blades with a length of several feet shot out.

The middle-aged man was startled, and with one hand he made a tactic, and the cyan flying boat rose rapidly, dodging dozens of giant wind blade attacks.

Before the middle-aged man could heave a sigh of relief, a black figure flashed over and slapped fiercely on the light curtain of the blue flying boat.

With a "bang", the light curtain shattered, and a long dragon tail slapped on the middle-aged man and the bald man. The two felt a huge force coming, and their bodies flew out of the blue flying boat, and then Fall down quickly.

Two screams came from the mountains below one after another.

Wang Changsheng made a tactic with one hand, and the cyan paper crane quickly flew towards the place where the two fell. Not long after, Wang Changsheng flew out from the mountains below, holding two cyan storage bags in his hand.

He made a tactic with one hand, and the blue origami crane returned along the way it came.

Wang Changsheng returned to the place where he stayed before, searched away the belongings of the five people, burned the bodies of the five people, and flew the imperial weapon to the Nether Corpse Sect.

Seven days later, Wang Changsheng returned to the Nether Corpse Sect.

After returning to his residence, Wang Changsheng habitually swept his consciousness towards Han Li's residence. This time, he was surprised to find that Han Li was not there.

Wang Changsheng frowned, and came to the stone house where Han Li lived. The house was clean and tidy, and there was not a single elixir in the spiritual field. It seemed that Han Li had gone out to do some business.

"The Secret Code of Five Poisons" has been cultivated to the sixth level, which is the most critical time. Han Li's spare body is not here, which makes Wang Changsheng hesitate to wait for Han Li to come back.

Suddenly, Wang Changsheng frowned slightly, took out a mirror, looked down, and saw his face was purple for a while, green for a while, and black again for the next moment.

This is a sign that the four kinds of venoms converge to form a new venom. You must immediately start to practice the sixth layer, and use the venom of the poisonous toad to achieve a balance.

Wang Changsheng thought for a moment, then walked into the attic.

Back in the basement, Wang Changsheng took out a black iron cage several feet in size, then took out a leather bag from his arms, threw it into the cage, and hit the leather bag with a spell.

As soon as the leather bag was opened, a green cloud rolled out from it, and a green toad about four or five feet in size appeared.

The back of the green toad is covered with fist-sized bulges, and the green eyeballs the size of copper bells are constantly turning.

As soon as the green toad appeared, it opened its bloody mouth wide, and a long blood-red tongue came out along the gap in the cage, and shot towards Wang Changsheng.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng frowned, raised his right hand, and released a stack of wind blade talismans, turning into giant wind blades several feet long, to meet them.

With a few "bang" and "bang", the blood-red long tongue swept away several giant wind blades, and continued to shoot towards Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng raised his left hand, and several gleaming red talisman seals came out of his hand, turning into several palm-sized red firebirds, and went up to meet them.

There were several loud bangs, and as soon as the long blood-red tongue touched the red firebird, it was engulfed in billowing flames.

Wang Changsheng flipped his right hand, and the Golden Moon Sword appeared in his hand, slashing towards the flames.

With a "poof", a black object several feet long was scattered on the ground.

At the same time, the green toad let out a scream and retracted the remaining part of its tongue.

The next moment, a fierce light flashed in its eyes, the bulges on its back burst, and a large green poisonous mist surged out of it, sweeping towards Wang Changsheng.

Seeing this scene, Wang Changsheng smiled lightly, and without avoiding it, he inhaled all the green poisonous mist into his body, and began to practice the sixth layer of the "Secret Code of Five Poisons".

The green toad kept spewing poisonous mist, all of which was sucked into Wang Changsheng's body, and Wang Changsheng's complexion also became colorful, one third of his face was purple, one third was green, one third was black, and his hands were swollen.

Wang Changsheng was sweating profusely and his eyes were closed tightly.

After an unknown amount of time, Wang Changsheng opened his eyes, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in them.

Suddenly, Wang Changsheng frowned, and he smelled an unbearable stench.

Wang Changsheng's expression changed, he turned his hand and took out a mirror, looked down, and saw a swollen face in the yellow copper mirror, with several big bumps on the face, which looked hideous and terrifying.

Seeing this scene, Wang Changsheng's face darkened, and his face was full of disbelief.

He touched the bulge on his face with his hand and found that the bulge really existed.

If anyone was here, they would definitely be shocked. Wang Changsheng's face was swollen like a pig's head, colorful and terrifying.

Wang Changsheng thought for a while, turned his hand and took out a white porcelain bottle, poured out two yellow pills from it, and swallowed them.

A quarter of an hour passed, but the abnormality on his face did not change at all, and there were even signs of festering.

"Impossible, I obviously cultivated according to the "Secret Code of Five Poisons", how could I be disfigured!" Wang Changsheng muttered to himself, his face was full of inconceivable expressions.

Unwilling to give up, Wang Changsheng took out several antidote elixirs and swallowed them.

A cup of tea passed, but the abnormality on his face remained unchanged, the bulges were even broken, and a foul-smelling green liquid flowed out.

At the same time, Wang Changsheng felt his arms were extremely itchy. He opened his sleeves and found green bumps on his arms.

Seeing this scene, Wang Changsheng couldn't control the anger in his heart anymore. He threw away the bronze mirror in his hand, put his head in his hands, and roared to the sky.

He obviously cultivated according to the steps mentioned in the classics, how could he be disfigured!

More importantly, he could feel that the toxins gathered in his dantian were about to move. If he couldn't find a solution and the toxins in his dantian got out of control, his life might even be in danger.

Wang Changsheng forced himself to calm down and think about countermeasures.

At this point, he has only two ways to go. One is to seize his body and change his body. If he seizes Han Li's body, he needs to start practicing the "Secret Code of Five Poisons" again, and it is very likely that he will reach the sixth level. Failed again at the first floor; the second way, looking for the detoxification elixir, to dissolve the extra toxins on the body.

 I know that some people in this chapter will say that I abuse the Lord. I prepared this setting at the beginning. The senior sister of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion also said that the higher the number of layers of the Five Poisons Secret Code, the more dangerous it is. It is impossible because the protagonist is The protagonist is fine. In addition, as I said at the beginning, nine out of ten people who practice the Five Poisons Secret Code will die. This is the test that the protagonist must go through.

(End of this chapter)

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