A seal of immortality

Chapter 521 Seeking Pills

Chapter 521 Begging for Dan (adding a new memory)
After much deliberation, Wang Changsheng planned to make two-handed preparations, while searching for the antidote elixir, and at the same time preparing the seized body.

Thinking about this, Wang Changsheng took out a black cloak, put it on, and walked out of the basement.

After leaving the attic, Wang Changsheng discovered that Han Li hadn't returned yet.

After thinking for a while, he left the yard, and the imperial weapon flew towards the deacon's hall.

"Stop, who is it?" As soon as Wang Changsheng approached the Hall of Deacons, he was stopped by a group of patrolling disciples, led by a tall middle-aged man.

"Wang Changsheng," Wang Changsheng said on his lips, took out his identity token, and after injecting mana, the skull and jaw on the token opened and closed.

"It's broad daylight, why are you wearing a cloak?" Seeing this, the middle-aged man calmed down and asked with some doubts.

"The face was injured, so it's inconvenient to see people," Wang Changsheng explained lightly.

"It turns out that if the injury is not serious, you should not wear a cloak, or you will be easily misunderstood," the middle-aged man nodded and suggested.

"Understood, thank you senior brother for your guidance," Wang Changsheng nodded and said, after speaking, he quickly walked into the hall of deacons.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng quickly walked out of the Hall of Deacons, and the imperial weapon returned to his residence.

Back in the basement, Wang Changsheng immediately took out the detoxification elixirs exchanged at the Deacon Hall, and took a few of each detoxification elixir.

After a cup of tea, Wang Changsheng's face was still swollen, and several bulges were broken, exuding an unbearable stench.

At this moment, Wang Changsheng couldn't maintain his composure, so he took all the remaining detoxification pills, trying to change the situation on his face.

To Wang Changsheng's despair, the condition on his face not only didn't improve, but got worse.

Seeing this situation, Wang Changsheng was terrified. According to this trend, he seemed to have no other choice but to seize the house.

"Is it really necessary to seize the house?" This thought flashed in Wang Changsheng's mind.

But soon, Wang Changsheng dismissed this idea, it is not yet necessary to seize the house, there is no need to seize the house immediately.

At this time, Wang Changsheng thought of a sect of cultivating immortals—Qingdanmen.

Qingdanmen is one of the five sects of cultivating immortals in Zhao State. It is famous in Zhao State for its alchemy skills. Most of the disciples of Qingdanmen refine elixirs.

"Perhaps the alchemist of Qingdan Sect can heal the injury on his face," Wang Changsheng thought to himself.

Wang Changsheng calculated that if he traveled with all his strength, it would take more than ten days to go back and forth from the Yinsha Mountains to the Cuiyun Mountains. He didn't know whether the toxin would get out of control during this time.

After much deliberation, he decided that it would be better to take Han Li on the road. If the toxins on the road got out of control, Han Li could be taken away.

Wang Changsheng changed his clothes and walked out of the attic, only to find that Han Li hadn't returned yet.

He waited for a long time, but Han Li did not come back.

"Isn't this kid going out and getting killed?" Wang Changsheng raised his brows and muttered to himself.

Wang Changsheng waited for another half an hour, but Han Li still hadn't come back. He shook his head, sacrificed the snow wind boat, and flew to the outside of the sect.

The world of cultivating immortals lacked everything, except for low-level monks. At worst, they caught a Qi-refining monk on the way, so there was no need to wait for Han Li.

After leaving the Yinsha Mountain Range, Wang Changsheng poured a lot of mana into the Snow Wind Boat, and quickly flew towards the Cuiyun Mountain Range.

Qingdan Pavilion is a shop opened by Qingdan Gate. It sells many kinds of elixirs to the outside world. The business is very hot. There are many immortal cultivators entering and leaving Qingdan Pavilion.

Zhao Wu is an attendant of Qingdan Pavilion. He is responsible for introducing pills to customers. The more customers buy, the more commission he will get.

On this day, Zhao Wuzheng was waiting at the door, his eyes quickly passed over the customers who entered the store, as if he was looking for something.

Suddenly, a man wearing a black cloak and three spirit animal bags around his waist appeared in Zhao Wu's sight.

Based on Zhao Wu's many years of experience, with three spirit animal bags hanging around his waist, the other party must have a lot of wealth, and such a guest is very generous.

Zhao Wu's eyes lit up, and he greeted him with a smile on his face: "Senior, do you need a little help?"

He sniffed lightly a few times, and smelled an unbearable stench from the man in front of him. He frowned, but he quickly returned to normal.

"Where is your shopkeeper, take me to see him," a man's voice came from within the cloak.

"Yes, senior, please come with me," Zhao Wu said, his face brightened, and he led the other party up to the second floor.

The man wearing the cloak is naturally Wang Changsheng. Qingdan Pavilion is a shop opened by Qingdanmen. Wang Changsheng hopes to buy detoxification pills here.

When he came to the second floor, Wang Changsheng saw a middle-aged man with good facial features reading a book with great interest.

Seeing someone coming up, the middle-aged man immediately put down the scroll in his hand.

Zhao Wu walked quickly to the side of the middle-aged man, and whispered a few words in his ear.

"I see, you go down!" The middle-aged man nodded and ordered.

Zhao Wu responded, bowed and retreated.

"My lord, Hao Zhen, I don't know what to call this fellow Taoist?" The middle-aged man stood up and said to Wang Changsheng with a smile on his face.

"Zhao Gan, I want to buy some antidote elixirs, do you have any in your store?" Wang Changsheng gave a fake name and made it clear what he came for.

"Of course, there are several kinds of elixir for detoxification. Well, Baidu Dan, Qingling Pill, Qingyuan Powder, Xueqing Pill, which one would Daoyou Zhao want?" the middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Is it just these four? Are there any other antidote pills?" Wang Changsheng shook his head and said.

"There is also a kind of Xiyuan pill, but this kind of pill is extremely difficult to refine. An alchemist in our shop can refine this pill, but whether you can persuade her to make alchemy for you is up to you," the middle-aged man said. nodded and said.

"Oh, is this alchemist here? I wonder if Fellow Daoist Hao can give me an introduction?" Wang Changsheng rolled his eyes and asked.

"No problem, fellow Daoist Zhao wait a moment," the middle-aged man agreed, and after finishing speaking, he turned and walked to a side room on the second floor.

Not long after, a middle-aged man came out, followed by a woman in a yellow shirt with handsome features and a curvaceous figure, who had a mid-stage Foundation Establishment cultivation base.

"Junior Sister Liu, this fellow Daoist Zhao wants you to help refine the Xiyuan Pill," the middle-aged man pointed at Wang Changsheng and introduced.

The woman in the yellow shirt nodded, sniffed lightly a few times, and a look of disgust flashed across her eyes.

"Fairy Liu, right? I hope Fellow Daoist Liu can help refine a furnace of Xiyuan Pill, and the price is negotiable," Wang Changsheng said straight to the point.

"Do you have a thousand-year elixir?" the woman in the yellow shirt said coldly.

"What? Is a millennium elixir needed to refine the Xiyuan Pill?" Wang Changsheng asked calmly.

"No, but I need a thousand-year elixir. If I don't have a thousand-year elixir, don't think about me refining the Xiyuan Pill for you," the woman in the yellow shirt said coldly.

"I don't have a thousand-year-old elixir on my body, but I still have two 3000-yuan spirit stones, so how about it! Fairy Ruoliu helped refine a batch of Xiyuan pills. In addition to the 2000-yuan spirit stone reward, I will have two 500-year-old spirit stones in my hand. How about giving the medicine to the fairy as well?" Wang Changsheng pondered for a moment, then said.

After hearing this, the woman in the yellow shirt was a little moved. After thinking for a moment, she said, "Xiyuan Pill is extremely difficult to refine. It's not bad if you can make one out of ten furnaces. Your reward is far from enough."

"I can add another 2000 yuan of spirit stones," Wang Changsheng said through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry, I don't lack spirit stones. I'm only interested in the thousand-year elixir. Without the thousand-year elixir, I won't help you to refine the Xiyuan Pill." The woman in the yellow shirt shook her head and said coldly, After finishing speaking, she turned and walked towards the side room.

"I'm sorry, Fellow Daoist Zhao, Junior Sister Liu has such a temper, why don't you look elsewhere? Or go bid for a thousand-year-old elixir?" The middle-aged man smiled mischievously and suggested.

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng nodded, turned around and walked downstairs.

In fact, Wang Changsheng does have a thousand-year-old elixir in his hand, but this is the territory of Qingdanmen, he dare not take out the thousand-year-old elixir easily. Shi, several disciples of Qingdan Sect followed behind him maliciously.

Thousand-year elixir, this is something that even monks in the alchemy stage are tempted by.

In addition to worrying that the other party will be motivated by money, Wang Changsheng also has another concern, that is, the other party has received the thousand-year-old elixir, but has been perfunctory.

The Qingdan Pavilion was opened by the Qingdan Sect, and Wang Changsheng had no choice but to say that he could not refine the Yuandan to wash it.

After leaving Qingdan Pavilion, Wang Changsheng went to several shops selling elixirs. There were many elixirs for detoxification, but Wang Changsheng had tried all these elixirs, and they were useless at all.

It seems that we still have to ask the woman in yellow to make a move, but if he takes out the thousand-year-old elixir, Wang Changsheng is worried that the other party will have something to do with Cai.

Wang Changsheng thought about it, and a bold idea came to his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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