Chapter 522

Soft is not enough, then come hard, he intends to tie up the female alchemist and force her to refine Xiyuan Pill.

Fangshi was opened by Qingdanmen, at least there is a monk in the Dandan stage sitting in the town, and the location of Qingdanmen is only more than 100 miles away from Fangshi. Going directly to Qingdan Pavilion to snatch this woman away is tantamount to courting death.

In this way, the only way to lure this woman outside of Fangshi is to start. How to lure her outside of Fangshi!
Just as Wang Changsheng was thinking hard, a Qingdan sect disciple with a fair face walked past Wang Changsheng.

Seeing this person, Wang Changsheng's eyes lit up. This person was Zhou Lang who sold him the fourth-level poisonous toad. Zhou Lang joined forces with two fellow disciples to follow behind Wang Changsheng. The situation was not good, so he ran fast and escaped a catastrophe.

Zhou Lang is in the late stage of foundation establishment, if he is tied up and asked to lead the female alchemist out of Fangshi, this plan may be feasible.

Wang Changsheng glanced at the two Qi-refining disciples who were following Zhou Lang, and a plan immediately came to mind.

He quietly followed behind Zhou Lang and the others, trying to find an opportunity to strike.

When Zhou Lang walked into the Qingdan Pavilion, he let the two disciples move about on their own.

A young man with a handsome face stayed in Qingdan Pavilion, while another man with a simple and thick round face walked along the street.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng was overjoyed, and followed closely behind the round-faced man.

When the round-faced man walked into a sparsely populated alley, Wang Changsheng flickered, appeared behind the round-faced man, and patted the round-faced man's shoulder with his palm.

"Who..." The round-faced man frowned, turned around and saw Wang Changsheng's extremely ugly face.

A blue light flashed in Wang Changsheng's eyes, and the expression of the round-faced man suddenly became dull.

The round-faced man was only at the eighth level of Qi Refining, and with Wang Changsheng's cultivation in the middle stage of foundation establishment, he couldn't resist the ecstasy technique at all.

"Follow me," Wang Changsheng said, before turning around and walking out of the alley.

The round-faced man nodded and followed without hesitation.

After leaving Fangshi, Wang Changsheng released the snow wind boat and flew away with the round-faced man.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Changsheng landed in the valley outside the Cuiyun Mountains, and led the round-faced man into an abandoned cave.

"Do you know Zhou Lang?" Wang Changsheng asked straight to the point.

"Yes, he is my master," the round-faced man replied truthfully, his eyes glazed over.

Hearing these words, Wang Changsheng nodded in satisfaction, his eyes lit up for a while.

When the round-faced man saw the white light, he regained consciousness immediately.

Seeing Wang Changsheng and the surrounding environment, the round-faced man's expression changed drastically, and he subconsciously said, "Who are you? I am a disciple of the Qingdan Sect, how dare you..."

With a "slap", before the round-faced man finished speaking, Wang Changsheng slapped the round-faced man.

The round-faced man's face suddenly became red and swollen.

"Answer my question honestly, otherwise you might not be able to leave this place today," Wang Changsheng said flatly.

"Senior, please, junior will answer truthfully," the round-faced man touched his swollen face, and replied submissively. At this time, he also saw the situation clearly. The other party was a mid-stage foundation-building cultivator, and he wanted to deal with him. It's easy for monks in the early stage.

"Is Zhou Lang your master? Think carefully before answering. If you answer wrong, your head will fall to the ground," Wang Changsheng said lightly. After speaking, he flipped one hand, and the Golden Moon Sword appeared in his hand. face man's neck.

Seeing this situation, the round-faced man suddenly sweated profusely in fright, and hurriedly replied: "Yes, the master of the younger generation is Zhou Lang, does the senior know the master of the younger generation?"

With a "slap", Wang Changsheng slapped the round-faced man again, and said in a cold voice, "I ask you an answer, and you answer what I ask. If there is another time, I will kill you immediately."

Hearing this, the round-faced man's heart shuddered, and he agreed, his eyes full of fear.

"Is there any way to lure your master out and answer after you have thought it over. I would like to remind you that if I am not satisfied with the answer, you will immediately become a dead body," Wang Changsheng said lightly, and Jin Yuejian patted his round face. Men's shoulders.

The round-faced man swallowed his saliva, rolled his eyes, and said cautiously: "Master is suspicious by nature, and it may be very difficult to lure him here. The senior let the junior leave, and the junior will definitely lead the master here. Senior How do you feel?"

With a sound of "poof", the golden moon sword in Wang Changsheng's hand suddenly slashed, and the round-faced man's left arm fell off in a fight, and a large amount of blood gushed out from the severed arm.

The round-faced man let out a scream, covered the wound with his right hand, and his face became extremely pale.

Wang Changsheng took out a blue talisman and slapped the round-faced man's left arm, the blue light flashed, and the blood stopped.

"Let you go? Do you think I'm a three-year-old? I'll give you another chance. If your answer doesn't satisfy me, your head will be moved," Wang Changsheng said coldly.

"If the junior can't see the master, how can he be brought here?" The round-faced man smiled wryly.

Wang Changsheng thought for a while and said, "Sound transmission talisman, tell me, I'll send someone to deliver it. Remember, if your master doesn't come, you will never get out of this cave." After finishing speaking, Wang Changsheng turned his hand and took out three sound transmission talismans.

Seeing this situation, the round-faced man was terrified. Looking at the other party's posture, he didn't intend to let him leave at all, but if he refused, he would die immediately.

After being silent for half an hour, the round-faced man said: "Dare to ask senior, what is this place? I must tell my master the name of the place!"

"A valley on the outskirts of Cuiyun Mountain Range, um, outside of the valley there is a lake about an acre in size, and there is a peach blossom forest beside the lake," Wang Changsheng said after thinking for a while.

The round-faced man nodded, thought for a while, and said, "Master, my disciple is Liu Jie. I found a 300-year-old elixir in Peach Blossom Valley. Unfortunately, there is a third-level three-headed python guarding it. Come quickly."

"No, this reason is too fake, change it," Wang Changsheng shook his head and vetoed it.

"This junior really can't think of a better reason, how about senior giving me some advice?" The round-faced man asked cautiously.

"That's your problem. I'll give you fifteen minutes. If you can't think of a reason to satisfy me, you know the consequences," Wang Changsheng said coldly.

Hearing this, the round-faced man turned pale, and a thin layer of sweat oozes from his forehead. After a moment of silence, he said: "Master, Uncle Li from Zizhu Peak is waiting for you in Peach Blossom Valley. He said he has something important to discuss. If you don't come, he will accuse you of killing innocent people indiscriminately, and I hope the master will come quickly."

"Well, the reason is pretty much the same," Wang Changsheng nodded in satisfaction.

The round-faced man was overjoyed when he heard the words, but at this moment, he felt a chill in his neck, and his head rolled down, and then his headless body swayed, then turned over and fell down with a "plop" sound. on the ground.

The next moment, a column of blood several feet high gushed out from the neck of the corpse, staining the ground red.

Wang Changsheng threw a fireball talisman and burned the corpse.

The reason given by the round-faced man was reasonable, but for the sake of caution, this man had to die, at worst, he would arrest a few more disciples in the Qi refining period.

As long as he can dissolve the excess toxins in his body, Wang Changsheng can do anything now, he really dared to go to the Qingdan Pavilion to snatch the female alchemist away when he was in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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