Chapter 528
A few days later, Wang Changsheng returned to Nether Corpse Sect.

When Han Li saw Wang Changsheng, his face was full of disbelief.

"Senior is really my master?" Han Li asked cautiously, his eyes full of doubts.

"Is there still a fake?" Wang Changsheng raised his brows and said in a deep voice. After speaking, he took out the identity token, and after injecting mana, the jaws of the skull on the token opened and closed.

The identity token absorbs the blood of the holder, and no one else can drive it except the holder.

"Disciple pays homage to master, just now I was blind, please forgive me." Han Li's face changed when he saw this, and he hurriedly bowed.

"Hmph, do you still know that I am your master? How did I tell you before? I told you to watch the cave, where have you been? Do you know that my friend almost missed my big event because of your negligence?" ?" Wang Changsheng snorted lightly, and reprimanded him angrily.

"Disciple is convicted, and I promise that there will be no next time." Han Li's face turned pale and his legs softened when he heard this, he knelt down and said in fear.

Because there is no backer, Han Li's life is very hard, and he can only help others plant elixir. Seeing that everyone of his age has cultivated to the eleventh and second levels of Qi Refining, he is still on the second level of Qi Refining. Very unwilling.

But all this changed since Han Li joined Wang Changsheng's sect.

Master Wang Changsheng not only didn't need him to do dangerous things, but also gave him elixirs for cultivation. Han Li even had the illusion that the master was like his relatives.

After finally hugging a thigh, Han Li was naturally unwilling to let go. Seeing Wang Changsheng getting angry, Han Li was very nervous. He was afraid that his master would kick him out, and he didn't want to live his previous life again.

"Convicted? Do you know where you are wrong?" Wang Changsheng said coldly.

Hearing these words, Han Li didn't know how to answer, he was sweating profusely, and his expression was terrified.

"Hmph, forget it this time. I don't want to have a next time. I'll give you a day now to get rid of the chores on hand. I don't want people who won't see you when they come out of retreat next time. Do you understand?" Wang Changsheng With a light snort, he said in a cold voice.

"I understand that I don't have any miscellaneous tasks on hand, and I will never leave the cave without my master's orders in the future. I will concentrate on helping the master take care of the elixir." Han Li nodded and said seriously.

"Well, that's about the same. Plant these elixir plants and take good care of Ningyanhua. I may use Ningyanhua to make alchemy after a while." Hearing this, Wang Changsheng's expression eased, and he took out several wooden boxes and handed them to Han Li.

Han Li responded, and took the wooden box with a respectful face.

"Help me take care of the elixir well. I will not treat you badly as a teacher. I have given you these bottles of elixir, so I will give you a reward for taking care of the elixir." After finishing speaking, Wang Changsheng took out two white porcelain bottles and threw them to the Han Li.

"Thank you, master, for the reward." Seeing this, Han Li was overjoyed and his expression became more respectful.

Wang Changsheng nodded, and after a few instructions, he walked into the attic.

Back in the basement, Wang Changsheng took off a leather bag at his waist after placing the restraint, threw it into the air, and at the same time hit the leather bag with a spell.

As soon as the leather bag was opened, a black cloud rolled over, and a black iron cage about five or six feet in size appeared.

Inside the black iron cage was a green toad about four or five feet in size, with bulges all over its back.

As soon as the green toad appeared, the bulge on its back burst open, and a large cloud of green poisonous mist rolled out, rushing towards Wang Changsheng.

With the previous experience, Wang Changsheng knew very well how powerful this level four poisonous toad was, so he didn't dare to absorb a large amount of these green poisonous mist.

He inhaled a little bit of the green poisonous mist, then quickly exited the basement, returned to the attic hall, and practiced the "Secret Code of Five Poisons" with the help of the absorbed poisonous mist.

In this way, Wang Changsheng absorbed a little bit of poisonous mist every time, and then withdrew. After refining the absorbed poisonous mist, he would absorb another bit of poisonous mist, and the cycle continued.

Once the door of the attic is closed, it will last 20 years.

Wang Changsheng who stayed in the attic didn't feel anything, but Han Li outside was very anxious.

Han Li originally thought that the master would come out after a year or so of retreat, but who knew that 20 years had passed and the master hadn't come out yet.

At the beginning, Han Li was worried that his master would make a mistake in his practice and he would lose his backing, but as time passed, he even hoped that Wang Changsheng would make a mistake in his practice and die in the attic.

If the master died in the attic, among other things, more than a dozen hundred-year-old elixir would belong to Han Li.

Thinking of this, Han Li became more concerned about taking care of the elixir.

Of course, all of this is just guesswork. Before confirming that the master had an accident, Han Li did not dare to touch the hundred-year-old elixir.

On this day, just as Han Li finished pouring the elixir with rain, the sky suddenly darkened.

Han Li looked up, and saw hundreds of feet above his head. At some point, a huge black cloud appeared. In the thick cloud, from time to time, there were streaks of lightning that were as thick as bowls piercing the sky, sending out bursts of lightning. Rumbling thunder.

The next moment, there was a strong gust of wind, and with Han Li's courtyard as the center, the auras of heaven and earth within a radius of a hundred miles gathered one after another, forming a vortex of auras visible to the naked eye.

The abnormal changes in the aura of heaven and earth naturally alarmed the nearby monks. Some experienced monks recognized this vision, which means someone is attacking the alchemy stage.

Han Li didn't know that the master was attacking the alchemy, but he also knew that the vision above the courtyard should be caused by the master.

The aura vortex grew bigger and bigger, and it didn't take long for it to grow to a size of eighty or ninety feet, completely absorbing the aura of heaven and earth within dozens of miles nearby.

Under Han Li's surprised gaze, the spiritual vortex slowly descended towards the attic.

A quarter of an hour later, all the spiritual vortexes fell into the attic.

At the same time, the dark clouds over the courtyard dissipated, and the thunder and lightning disappeared.

"Haha, congratulations to my younger brother, Jindan Dacheng, we have another Jindan cultivator in the Underworld Corpse Sect," a bold male voice sounded in the sky.

As soon as the words fell, a black light flew from the sky and stopped above the attic.

A black light flashed, revealing the figure of a middle-aged man with a red face.

The middle-aged man was stepping on a black shuttle, and the aura exuding from his body was astonishing.

Seeing the middle-aged man, Han Li was startled, hurried forward to salute, and said respectfully: "Disciple Han Li pays homage to Master."

"Hey, the sixth level of Qi Refining? Who are you? What is your relationship with the owner of this cave?" The middle-aged man let out a sigh and asked curiously.

"The owner of the cave is the disciple's master," Han Li said respectfully, with a nervous expression on his face. He had never seen a monk in the alchemy stage before.

"Oh, so the junior who successfully formed the alchemy just now is your master?" the middle-aged man asked in a deep voice.

"What? Alchemy?" Han Li was slightly taken aback when he heard this, his head was full of confusion.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man frowned, and was about to say something, when a faint male voice came from the attic: This brother, the younger brother has just successfully formed the alchemy, and it is not convenient to meet for the time being. chores, and then report to the head brother. "

"Haha, no problem, I'm just going to inform my brother on behalf of the head brother," the middle-aged man agreed.

After finishing speaking, the black shuttle under his feet circled, turned around, flew back and forth, and disappeared after a few flashes.

At this time, Han Li also came to his senses, and his face showed ecstasy. His master had actually become a cultivator at the alchemy stage.

"Stay well outside, I will come out to meet you in a few days," Wang Changsheng's voice came from the attic.

"I obey," Han Li nodded respectfully and replied respectfully.

In the attic, Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on the futon, with disheveled hair and a faint smile on his face.

After successfully cultivating the sixth layer of the "Secret Code of Five Poisons", Wang Changsheng continued to temper his mana, waiting for the opportunity to hit the alchemy stage.

With the experience of failure last time, this time, Wang Changsheng was extra cautious, feeling that he was very confident, and then he hit the pill.

(End of this chapter)

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