A seal of immortality

Chapter 529 Strange Dreams

Chapter 529 Strange Dreams
Fortunately, there are two auxiliary items for hitting the alchemy, one was used last time when it was hitting the alchemy, and one was left.

It was with the help of these auxiliary items that Wang Changsheng was able to form the alchemy successfully.

Although the alchemy was successful, Wang Changsheng was not very happy, the reason is very simple, the sepsis has not been resolved yet.

According to Wang Changsheng's guess, the witch old woman who performed the blood septic technique on him was at least a monk in the middle stage of alchemy, or even a monk in the late stage of alchemy.

In other words, if Wang Changsheng wanted to continue to practice the "Secret Code of Five Poisons", at least he had to practice until the late stage of alchemy before he could dissolve the Blood Suppression Technique.

When he practiced the sixth layer of the "Secret Code of Five Poisons", his face was ruined and he almost died from poisoning. After practicing "Secret Code of Five Poisons", he didn't know if he would encounter the same thing again.

But even if an accident occurs, Wang Changsheng must continue to practice the "Secret Code of Five Poisons".

The "Secret Code of Five Poisons" makes it very clear that once you start practicing this skill, you can't stop unless you reach the Nascent Soul Stage or die. With the addition of toxins, sooner or later it will get out of control. This is the dominance of the "Secret Code of Five Poisons".

To put it bluntly, the "Secret Code of Five Poisons" is to forcibly force practitioners to practice, and they will die if they do not conceive.

After forming the alchemy, an idea was born in Wang Changsheng's mind, that is revenge.

Thinking of the tragic death of his father and all the clansmen because of him, Wang Changsheng regretted it endlessly. He vowed that the black hands behind the scenes must pay for it with blood. Regardless of whether Yang Qian did it or not, Wang Changsheng would never Will let Yang Qian go.

However, with his current cultivation base, there is no way for him to take revenge. One must know that Zhao Qingshan and the mastermind who framed Wang Changsheng have all been eliminated.

Zhao Qingshan was in the middle stage of alchemy, and the murderer who killed Zhao Qingshan was at least in the late stage of alchemy.

Wang Changsheng pondered that he had to cultivate at least to the Yuanying stage before he could return to Song Dynasty to take revenge.

After entering the alchemy stage, Wang Changsheng has since become a high-level monk in the world of cultivating immortals. If there are no accidents, it will not be a problem to live for five or six hundred years.

At the same time, he can finally drive the magic weapon.

Wang Changsheng has four magic weapons in his hands, a black knife, a black ball, a command flag to accommodate ghosts, and a magic pen.

Among the four magic weapons, the magical power of the crouching pen seems to be the smallest, but Wang Changsheng feels that this treasure is not as simple as it seems.

In the past, because of his cultivation, Wang Changsheng could only use the Fumo pen to draw talisman seals. Now that he has entered the alchemy stage, he can finally explore the secrets of the Fumo pen.

Thinking up to this point, Wang Changsheng turned his palm, and the magic-subduing pen appeared in his hand.

It stands to reason that magic weapons can only be driven by monks above the alchemy stage, but it is very strange that Wang Changsheng can use the crouching pen at the Qi refining stage.

Wang Changsheng consulted a lot of classics, but he didn't see this kind of situation. He could only regard the crouching pen as a special magic weapon.

Wang Changsheng hesitated for a moment, and poured mana into the magic-subduing pen, which immediately shone brightly, but soon, he regretted it, because the mana in his body lost control and poured into the magic-subduing pen continuously.

Seeing this situation, Wang Changsheng's expression changed, and he wanted to throw the magic-subduing pen out, but the magic-subduing pen was firmly attached to his hand, continuously absorbing the magic power in his body.

With the loss of a large amount of mana, Wang Changsheng's face turned pale. Not long after, the mana in Wang Changsheng's body was sucked dry by the magic pen, and he passed out in a burst of pain.

When Wang Changsheng regained consciousness, he was surprised to find that he appeared in a gray dense forest.

Looking around, there is a large black tree with lush crowns, making this dense forest look very dark.

A gray full moon hangs high in the sky, exuding gray light, making this place look even more gloomy and gloomy.

The dense forest was very quiet, except for the tall black trees, there was not a single living thing, not even a bird.

The gray-black ground is full of swamps, and one or two bubbles pop out from the black mud from time to time, and a few white bones are scattered on the mud.

A gust of wind blew by, and a foul smell came to the nostrils.

Wang Changsheng took a deep breath, looked at everything around him solemnly, his eyes were full of confusion.

He was obviously in the basement, why did he come here?

What surprised him the most was that he didn't have a storage bag on him, not even a spirit beast bag.

"Could it be that I am entering this place in the form of a primordial spirit? Or is it a dream?" Wang Changsheng muttered to himself, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Reminiscent of the magic power of the Fu Mo pen, Wang Changsheng felt that he should be in a dream now, and this dream should be created by the Fu Mo pen.

Thinking of this, Wang Changsheng pinched his thigh vigorously, but he didn't feel the slightest pain.

"It really is a dream," Wang Changsheng heaved a sigh of relief seeing this.

Since it was a dream, he didn't have to worry about his own safety.

Thinking of this, Wang Changsheng walked forward with confidence.

As he was walking, there was a sudden noise of fighting in front of him, as if someone was fighting, but a hill ahead blocked his sight.

Wang Changsheng's expression changed, and he walked forward quickly.

Soon, Wang Changsheng passed through the hill, and the scene in front of him greatly surprised him.

I saw millions of troops fighting each other on a vast and boundless plain under the hill.

Judging from their attire, the group was divided into two factions, fighting together.

But the people on the side, regardless of men, women, young or old, were all dressed in black, and their skin was a little gray. As they chanted, the gray clouds behind them rolled and surged.

Immediately afterwards, ferocious ghosts with all kinds of strange appearances crawled out of the clouds and mists one after another, some spit out mist, some roared endlessly, the number was so numerous that it made one's scalp tingle.

As soon as these ghosts appeared, they rushed towards the enemy on the opposite side.

The other group seems to have a larger number of people, but their clothes are messy and their weapons are also weird and different.

What surprised Wang Changsheng was that the weapons of the group of people in messy clothes were all magic weapons, that is to say, this large-scale war was a war of monks above the alchemy stage.

In addition to fighting on land, there are also people fighting in the sky.

I saw hundreds of thousands of monks or imperial weapons, or riding spirit birds, circling and flying in the sky. A group of monks in black clothes was fighting with a group of monks in messy clothes. The two sides fought hard.

The most noticeable thing is a black dragon with a length of one thousand feet and a colorful phoenix with a size of seven or eight hundred feet.

The black dragon opened its huge mouth, and from it spewed out a black flame more than ten feet thick, and the spirit birds or monks with a little bit of black flame were burnt to nothing.

The colorful phoenix uttered a clear bird song, spread its wings, and dozens of giant fireballs with a size of more than ten feet flashed out. Once the monk in black was hit by the giant fireball, he screamed in a burst of screams. Human beings and spirit birds all disappeared, and even defensive magic weapons could not resist it at all.

Because both of them were too huge, other spirit beasts or monks were not their opponents at all. They gave up attacking others and fought with each other. For a while, it was hard to tell the winner.

Wang Changsheng raised his head and looked up into the sky. Near the gray full moon, seven rays of light of different colors surrounded a black light.

Wu Guang wanted to rush out of the encirclement several times, but was stopped.

As time passed, the light of the black light gradually dimmed.

At this moment, a dazzling black light erupted from the black light, a white light and a blue light were affected by the black light, and disappeared immediately.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wu Guang rushed out of the encirclement and headed straight down.

After a few flashes, the black light fell to the ground.

A black light flashed, revealing the figure of a man in black with a firm face. The man in black was pale and nervous, holding a black talisman pen in his hand.

At this time, the remaining five rays of light also fell to the ground.

The five rays of light are obviously five monks.

A graceful woman in green clothes held an ancient bronze lamp in her hand, and her face was a little pale; a middle-aged Taoist priest with a dignified face held a small golden tower in her hand; An old man in red robes held a small red tripod in his hand; a middle-aged man with a bookish face held a book in gold and silver; A golden bowl.

When the man in black saw the five people, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and he held the black talisman pen tightly with both hands. The black talisman pen suddenly shone brightly, and the man in black turned pale again.

The next moment, the black talisman in the man's hand swiped forward, and a thousand-foot-long black cloud rolled out, heading straight for the five of them.

Seeing this scene, a flash of fear flashed in the eyes of the five people, and they flew upside down one after another. A few flashes were thousands of meters away.

Seeing this situation, a sneer appeared on the corner of the man in black's mouth, and he made a tactic with one hand, and the black cloud suddenly burst open, turning into countless tiny black runes. The huge black sword slashed fiercely into the void above the heads of the two warring parties.

With a flash of black light, a thousand-foot-sized black hole suddenly emerged, and monks or spiritual birds who were close to the black hole were sucked into the black hole one after another.

The area of ​​the black hole continued to grow, and it doubled in the blink of an eye, blocking between the five men in black and the woman in green.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the black talisman pen in the hand of the man in black made gestures in the void, and a black light door suddenly emerged.

After he shouted a few words, some black-clothed monks left the battlefield one after another, quickly got into the black light door, and disappeared.

Seeing this, the five green-clothed women used magic weapons to attack the black-clothed man.

The black talisman in the black-clothed man's hand danced wildly, and one hundred-foot-long black giant sword flashed out to meet him.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the black talisman pen, and gestured towards the side of the black light gate. With a flash of black light, the area of ​​the black light gate more than doubled, and a large number of black-clothed monks entered the black light gate one after another.

At this moment, there was a sharp piercing sound, and six beams of silver light flew towards the man in black from different directions.

The man in black was startled, and waved the black talisman in his hand around. Nine huge black runes flashed out, and after turning around, they turned into a black mask, covering the man in black.

"Bang" and "bang", the first five silver lights hit the black mask, and the light of the black mask quickly dimmed, flickering.

When the sixth silver light hit the black mask, the black mask was instantly shattered, and the six silver lights pierced through the body of the man in black.

With a flash of silver light, it turned out to be six long silver spikes.

The six silver spikes were nailed to the chest of the man in black, and the man in black immediately bled profusely and his face turned pale.

After he raised his head to the sky and screamed, a layer of black fireworks erupted from his body. As soon as the silver spike touched the black fireworks, as if he had encountered a nemesis, the light quickly dimmed, and finally turned into a pool of silver juice.

The next moment, two silver lights flew from the distant sky, and stopped in the void after a few flashes. It was a man and a woman.

The two were dressed in uniform silver robes, and their aura was slightly stronger than that of the man in black.

When the man in black saw the two, his expression changed drastically. He gestured at the black light door with the black talisman pen in his hand, and the black light door closed without a single gap.

At this moment, the void above the head of the man in black fluctuated, and a large silver net several feet in size emerged and fell down.

Caught off guard, the man in black was covered by a large silver net, and bursts of blue smoke suddenly rose from his body.

Seeing this, the silver-robed man and the silver-robed woman nodded in satisfaction, their lips moved a few times, and a layer of silver flames appeared on the surface of the silver net.

The man in black suddenly burst into flames, his face twisted.

The next moment, a look of determination flashed in the eyes of the man in black, his lips moved slightly, and his whole body burst open, turning into countless black runes, and fled in nine directions along the gaps in the silver net, among which hundreds of black runes The rune rushed towards Wang Changsheng's position.

Seeing this, the silver-robed man frowned, and after a little frowning, his eyes locked on the black rune running towards Wang Changsheng's position.

He opened his mouth and sprayed out a silver longbow, while the woman in silver robe at the side opened his mouth and sprayed out a silver arrow about a foot long, with electric arcs flashing on the surface of the arrow.

The silver-robed man stretched his bow, and as soon as he let go, the silver arrow turned into a beam of silver light and shot towards hundreds of black runes. The speed was a bit faster than the black runes.

After a few flashes, there was a "poof", and the silver arrow sank into hundreds of black runes.

The black light flashed, and the black rune turned around, turning into a man in black with a silver arrow stuck in his heart.

The man in black fell not far in front of Wang Changsheng, his hands covering his heart, and the black talisman fell to Wang Changsheng's feet.

The void around Wang Changsheng fluctuated, and the figures of the silver-robed man and the silver-robed woman appeared.

Seeing the black talisman pen, the silver-robed man's eyes showed a fiery color, and he bent down to pick it up.

At this moment, the black talisman flashed brightly, covering the figures of Wang Changsheng and the silver-robed man.

When Wang Changsheng opened his eyes again, he found himself in the basement.

(End of this chapter)

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