A seal of immortality

Chapter 532 Trade Fair

Chapter 532 Trade Fair

In the secret room, Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on the futon, chanting a mysterious Buddhist scripture, the speed of the incantation became faster and faster, and a lot of golden light emerged around, and these golden lights turned into mysterious Buddhist scriptures in the sound of the incantation , suspended in mid-air.

As time passed, Wang Changsheng's chanting speed became faster and faster, and more and more golden Buddhist scriptures, tens of thousands of them, were suspended in front of him, covering his body and making him look like a mantra. The golden light is shining like a golden Buddha statue.

After a while, the sound of incantations in Wang Changsheng's mouth stopped, and he opened his eyes immediately, and said in a low voice: "Ju."

As soon as the words fell, the golden Buddhist texts suspended in mid-air burrowed into his body one after another.

Not long after, all the golden Buddhist texts got into Wang Changsheng's body.

Seeing this, Wang Changchang let out a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat off his face, and a smile appeared on his pale face.

The third level of Vajra Subduing Demon Kungfu actually requires [-] mantras. If it weren't for the futon made of soul-nourishing wood to nourish his consciousness, Wang Changsheng really couldn't finish the [-] mantras.

With the help of the vajra relics, it took Wang Changsheng five years to successfully cultivate the third level of the Vajra Subduing Demon Kung Fu. No wonder others say that the speed of practicing Buddhist kung fu is very slow.

Now it is only the preliminary completion of the third floor, and I don't know how long it will be until the third floor is completed!
After successfully training the third level of Vajra Subduing Demon Kungfu, together with Blood Demon Slash, Blood Shadow Dun and the three magic weapons, Wang Changsheng can also travel abroad.

There is not a single ghost in the ghost Luoban, it is just an empty shell. He has to tame some ghosts. It would be great if he can subdue a ghost king and become the main soul of the ghost Luoban. Finding the whereabouts of monk Tianlinggen, he has always been obsessed with the great array of corpses.

While thinking about it, Wang Changsheng walked out of the secret room.

As soon as he walked out of the secret room, a red light flew towards him.

Wang Changsheng's expression changed, and he crushed the red light, and a bold voice suddenly sounded:

"Junior Brother Wang, in half a month's time there will be a trade fair for alchemy-stage monks in Tianluo City, Xizhou. Brother Zhou and I plan to go there. If you plan to go too, let's go together! There should be someone to take care of you on the way."

Hearing these words, Wang Changsheng's face was a little moved. Speaking of which, he has formed alchemy for five years, and he hasn't communicated with alchemy monks from other sects yet!Furthermore, he is also very interested in the trade fair during the alchemy period, maybe he can get the whereabouts of the fifth-level poisonous spider.

Thinking about this, Wang Changsheng tidied up briefly, then left the cave, stomped on the ground with one foot, turned into a green light, and flew towards a nearby mountain peak.

Not long after, he landed on the top of the mountain, took out a sound transmission talisman, said something in a low voice, and threw it into the thick black fog ahead.

Not long after, the dense fog rolled and surged, and a middle-aged man with a red face and a thin-faced old man in gray came out of it.

"Haha, Junior Brother Wang, if you don't come again, Senior Brother Zhou and I will be leaving." The middle-aged man laughed and said boldly.

"That's right! Junior Brother Wang, it's almost time. If you don't go, you will miss it." The old man in gray said with a smile on his face.

"Little brother is practicing a secret technique. It has only been delayed for a few days. I am really sorry to have kept the two brothers waiting for so long. We can start now." Wang Changsheng nodded and explained.

"Hey, since Junior Brother Wang is here, let's go! I'll explain to Junior Brother Wang about the trade fair on the way," the middle-aged man said enthusiastically with a smile.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said nothing.

The middle-aged man is in the early stage of alchemy, talks a lot, and belongs to the category of being unable to stop talking. The gray-clothed old man is in the middle stage of alchemy, reticent.

The relationship between Wang Changsheng and the two is not bad, it can't be called warm, but it is still a little friendly.

The gray-clothed old man patted the spirit animal bag on his waist, and a black cloud rolled out of it, turning into a giant black bat five to six feet in size. The three of them jumped onto the back of the giant black bat one after another.

As soon as the giant black bat spread its wings, it turned into a beam of black light, carrying the three of them and flew out of the Nether Corpse Sect.

Xizhou is located in the northern part of Qi State, and the Tianluo Mountains are located in the northwest of Xizhou, next to the neighboring Wu State. There is a Tianluo City built deep in the mountains. Tianluo City is the most popular city in Qi State. Zong is in charge of management.

Every once in a while, the Hehuan Sect will hold an auction for monks of different ranks, because the auctions held by the Hehuan Sect have brought out many good things for auction, and it has attracted many people to participate.

Half a year ago, the news of the Acacia Sect holding the alchemy trade fair spread. Not only many local monks from the Qi Kingdom participated, but also the alchemy monks from several countries near the Qi Kingdom came to Tianluo City after hearing the news. .

And one month before the trade fair, the Hehuan Sect removed most of the restrictions on the city guard formation to facilitate the entry and exit of some monks who arrived early. At the same time, the Hehuan Sect sent a large number of disciples to patrol near the Tianluo Mountains , lest someone make trouble.

Apparently, the Hehuan Sect's worries are superfluous. The Hehuan Sect is not only the number one sect in the Qi Kingdom, but also has a late Nascent Soul cultivator in charge, so no one dares to disturb it.

Because of the convening of the Alchemy Fair, Tianluo City became more and more lively, and people came and went on the streets, as if it were an ordinary city in the secular world.

On this day, a few days before the trade fair, a black light flew from a distance.

It was only when he got closer that he could see clearly that the black light was a giant black bat about five or six feet in size, and there were three men standing on it, none other than Wang Changsheng and the other three.

Not long after, the giant black bat landed on a low flat slope, and Wang Changsheng and the others jumped off the giant black bat.

"Is this Tianluo City?" Wang Changsheng looked at the [-]-foot-high city wall several miles away and said in a low voice.

"Hey, this is the first time for Junior Brother Wang to see such a big city! This is the size of today's scale after the Hehuan Sect has been expanded several times. Although I dare not say that it is the first city in Dongyu, it is a well-deserved first city in Qi State. One city," the middle-aged man explained with a chuckle.

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng smiled lightly, but said nothing. The city in front of him was just an ordinary city in the Sea of ​​Stars.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's hurry up and enter Tianluo City! I heard that some fellow Taoists have held a small exchange meeting in private," the gray-clothed old man urged.

After hearing this, Wang Changsheng and Wang Changsheng did not object.

After all, in the few days when the trade fair is officially held, there are many treasures, but they are definitely not affordable for ordinary monks. If you really want to buy suitable things, it is better to go to the city to trade as soon as possible.

All Wang Changsheng could take out were a dozen or so demon pills above level five, among which two level seven demon pills were the most precious.

(End of this chapter)

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