A seal of immortality

Chapter 533 Goodbye, Mu Houhou

Chapter 533 Goodbye, Mu Houhou

Wang Changsheng doesn't know how to make alchemy, nor does he know how to refine weapons. The things he is interested in, apart from the hides of high-level monsters, are five-level poisonous spiders. Of course, Wang Changsheng is also interested in a ghost king, but probably no one will. To trade a ghost king, even if he had one, Wang Changsheng would not be able to give what the other party wanted. After all, monks above the alchemy stage usually trade things for things, and rarely trade spirit stones.

Therefore, this trade fair, Wang Changsheng mainly came to gain experience, and he didn't have much hope for this trip.

The three swaggered towards the gate of the city. After approaching Tianluo City, they could see a large number of monks walking towards Tianluo City from other directions, which seemed very lively.

Wang Changsheng and the others didn't want to cause commotion, so they restrained their own mana fluctuations, and it looked like they were only in the foundation building period.

The gate of the city was guarded by the disciples of the Hehuan Sect, but the monks who entered the city were not checked, and they were allowed to come in and out freely.

As soon as you enter Tianluo City, you will be greeted by rows of neatly arranged stone houses. The distance between the stone houses is the same. If someone looks at Tianluo City from a high altitude, you can find that the layout of the city looks exactly like a Taiji pattern.

"Junior Brother Wang, there is a VIP building here for high-ranking monks for free, we can just live there," the middle-aged man said, pointing to a dazzling white light curtain.

Of course, Wang Changsheng would not have any objections, and followed the two towards the white light curtain.

Not long after, the three of Wang Changsheng came in front of the white light curtain.

Behind the white light curtain, there are all kinds of quiet and elegant lofts.

The low-level monks passing by the white light curtain looked at the attic inside the white light curtain with awe and envy in their eyes.

The old man in gray swiped one hand on the white light curtain, and at the same time a burst of black light appeared on his hand.

With a sound of "Here!", the white light curtain was separated by the palm of the gray-clothed old man with a big gap.

In a flash, he walked in unceremoniously, followed by the middle-aged man, and finally Wang Changsheng.

When Wang Changsheng walked in, the white light curtain quickly healed.

"Junior Brother Wang can choose one of these attics at will, but a forbidden light is on outside the attic, indicating that someone has already lived in it, so we have to choose another one," the middle-aged man explained to those attics with a smile on his face.

Wang Changsheng looked in the direction the middle-aged man was pointing at, and sure enough, he saw forbidden lights flickering outside a small part of the attic.

"Junior Brother Wang, although there are many attics here, the three of us should live together! We can take care of each other if we have something to do, what do you think?" The gray-clothed old man pointed to a purple attic more than ten feet high, and suggested.

"My little brother can't ask for it," Wang Changsheng agreed with all his heart.

He is not familiar with the situation in this place, it is better to stay with the two of them.

At this moment, a short and fat man in a gray robe came out from an attic not far away.

Seeing Wang Changsheng and the others, the gray-robed man was a little surprised and said, "Hey, isn't this Zhou Daoyou and Li Daoyou? Why are you here so late! The fair will start the day after tomorrow."

Wang Changsheng recognized the gray-robed man at a glance. He was the alchemy cultivator led by Yin Luozong of the Heavenly Demon Conference.

"Hehe, it turned out to be Daoist Sun, who was delayed by something on the way, so he was late. Fortunately, he didn't miss the fair. By the way, this is the new alchemy cultivator of our Underworld Corpse Sect. Brother Wang, you see you too, fellow Daoist Sun. One time." The old man in gray pointed at Wang Changsheng and introduced.

"I met you Wang Daoyou?" The gray-robed man looked at Wang Changsheng carefully and asked with some doubts.

"My next king Changsheng, I met him at the Heavenly Demon Convention more than 20 years ago." Wang Changsheng said calmly.

"Heavenly Demon Conference? Wang Changsheng? Wang Daoyou seemed a little different then?" The gray-robed man's face was full of disbelief. After all, Wang Changsheng had changed his face, and he couldn't recognize it at all.

"It's nothing, it's just a little mistake in practicing." Wang Changsheng shook his head and said.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that in less than 30 years, Wang Daoyou would advance from the early stage of foundation establishment to the stage of alchemy formation. I'm afraid no one in Qi country can match this talent." Hearing this, the gray robed man's face softened. , Tsk tsk wondered, he immediately remembered something, and then said:

"By the way, I happen to be with a few familiar fellows, the better. I'm going to Yingxianju to hold a small trade fair. Why don't the three fellow daoists go and have a look together, maybe you can find something suitable!"

"I won't go, I have other things to do, Senior Brother Zhou, you go with Junior Brother Wang!" Hearing this, the middle-aged man was about to vomit Asia Pacific, and politely refused.

Hearing this, the old man in gray turned his eyes to Wang Changsheng, as if asking for Wang Changsheng's opinion.

"Little brother is not familiar with the situation in this place, let's go with Sun Daoyou and Senior Brother Zhou!" Wang Changsheng said after thinking for a while.

Next, the middle-aged man stayed alone in the selected attic. Wang Changsheng and the old man in gray followed the man in gray and walked out of the white light curtain.

Not long after, the three of them came to an attic as white as jade. This building was more than ten feet high, and there was a silver plaque hanging on it. On the plaque were written three golden characters of "Yingxianju".

There were two Foundation Establishment cultivators in black guarding the door, but they didn't stop the three of them and let them in.

On the way to Tianluo City, he learned a lot about the trade fair from the middle-aged man.

All the monks who came to participate in the trade fair were magic monks, and none of the righteous monks participated.

A monk in the alchemy stage can participate in any private fair held by anyone. Of course, the number of people participating in this kind of private fair is not very large, and the things they bring out are not too precious. It can be said that it is a fair held for the Acacia Sect warm up.

The first and second floors were empty, and there was no one there.

Walking into the third floor, I finally saw a dozen alchemy cultivators in different clothes.

The third floor is a round hall with a round wooden table in the middle. Dozens of large grand master chairs are sparsely placed around the wooden table, and most of the grand master chairs are already occupied by monks.

More than a dozen monks at the alchemy stage exuded a cold aura, and it seemed that they were all demon monks.

These people glanced at Wang Changsheng and the three of them, and finally fell on the gray-clothed old man. As for Wang Changsheng, who was in the early stage of alchemy, he did not receive much attention.

The three of Wang Changsheng each found a chair and sat down. No one had any intention of talking, as if they were waiting for something.

After a while, another five or six alchemy cultivators came up, and one of them, a graceful young woman, caught Wang Changsheng's attention.

The young woman was obviously Mu Wanhou, who did not expect that she would also participate in this private exchange meeting.

Wang Changsheng noticed that Mu Houhou was accompanied by a blue-shirted young man with handsome facial features. It seemed that the two were companions, not only whether the blue-shirted young man was a monk of the Hehuan Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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