A seal of immortality

Chapter 542 3 years

542 Three Years
"Level [-] demon pill? I want this demon pill." The blue-robed old man's eyes lit up, and he reached out to grab the red wooden box.

But at this moment, the black-robed man flicked his sleeves, and the red wooden box disappeared.

"Guan Daoyou, what do you mean?" the blue-robed old man frowned and said.

"Fellow Daoist Dongfang, this little friend hasn't said it will be auctioned yet!" the black-robed man said calmly.

"Boy, you sell me this sixth-level demon pill, as you said, [-] spirit stones." The blue-robed old man turned his eyes to Wang Changsheng and said in a deep voice.

"The Acacia Sect is also interested in this sixth-level demon pill. I will offer [-] spirit stones." Before Wang Changsheng could answer, a clear and pleasant female voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as the words were finished, a girl in a red skirt with delicate features walked in. It was Mu Wanhou.

"Hmph, sixty thousand spirit stones, can you get them out?" The blue-robed old man looked at Mu Houhou carefully, and after finding out that she was only a monk in the early stage of alchemy, he snorted softly and sneered.

"I can't take it out, but my father can take it out." Mu Houhou said calmly, without any trace of fear on his face.

"Your father? Who is your father?" Hearing this, the old man in blue robe asked with a frown.

"Mu Yunxuan."

Hearing this name, the blue-robed old man's face changed, and after a moment of uncertainty, he said, "Even if your father is Mu Yunxuan, you can't buy and sell by force!"

"Of course, the highest bidder wins. This is the rule of any auction house, and it is also the rule of our Acacia Sect auction house." Mu Houhou nodded and said.

"Then I will pay [-]." The old man in blue robe frowned and said.

"Seven thousand."

"Seventy-five thousand."

"Eighty thousand." Mu Houhou didn't back down, looking as if he was going to win.

Hearing the offer of [-] spirit stones, the blue-robed old man frowned. This price already exceeded the price of a sixth-level demon pill. After careful consideration, he still gave up.

Thinking up to this point, the blue-robed old man glanced at Wang Changsheng inadvertently, turned and left.

Seeing this, the black-robed man repeated it three times. After no one bid, he confirmed the ownership of this sixth-level demon pill.

Wang Changsheng took the spiritual bone, the blue wooden box, and a heavy storage bag from the man in black.

"Here are the remaining 18 spirit stones. Fellow Daoist Guan will see if there is any problem." After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man took out a heavy storage bag from his arms and threw it to the man in black robe.

The black-robed man took the storage bag, opened the bag, swept his consciousness, nodded in satisfaction, shook his sleeve, and the black dagger on the wooden table flew into the middle-aged man's hand.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man was overjoyed, turned his palm, and the black dagger disappeared, turned and left

"Wang Daoyou, your performance today is too eye-catching. You may have attracted the attention of Nascent Soul cultivator. For the sake of safety, why not stay in Tianluo City for the time being. I will arrange a safe place for you. I can guarantee that as long as you don't If you leave Tianluo City, nothing will happen, of course, our Hehuan Sect will not force fellow Taoists to do anything, I don’t know what will happen to the friendship.” Mu Houhou turned her beautiful eyes and said to Wang Changsheng via voice transmission.

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng was a little hesitant. Ever since he took out the six-level demon pill, he had felt more than a dozen malicious looks. Yaodan is also a rare item for Yuanying monks. Of course, this situation also happened in Dongyu. If it was in Song Dynasty or Xingchenhai, the situation would be very different.

To be honest, Wang Changsheng planned to stay in Tianluo City for a while when he stood up to bid for the price. Anyway, he got the fifth-level poisonous spider, so he can stay in Tianluo City to practice the Five Poisons Secret Code. Tianluo City is looking for a solution.

Mu Houhou's father is a great monk in the late Yuanying period. She must have a high status in the Hehuan Sect. The residence she arranged should be safe, but before that, Wang Changsheng had no friendship with Mu Houhou, so naturally he would not agree.

Wang Changsheng thought about it, and the sound transmission replied: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Mu, for your kindness. I already have plans."

After hearing this, Mu Houhou felt a little disappointed on his face, but he didn't say anything more.

Next, the black-robed man announced the end of the auction, and then it was time for free trading. The alchemy monks present took turns to show off their treasures.

"Junior Brother Wang, for the sake of safety, after the fair is over, let's invite a few more friends to go on the road together!" Wang Changsheng returned to his seat, and the old man in gray suggested through voice transmission.

"No, thank you Senior Brother Zhou for your kindness. Well, I have other plans, so I won't go on the road with you. The trade fair is over, and the two senior brothers can go back on their own." Wang Changsheng shook his head, and the sound transmission replied.

"What? You won't go on the road with us? Brother Wang, you took out a sixth-level demon pill in front of so many people, and even the Nascent Soul monks were tempted, let alone those monks in the alchemy stage. It's better for us to go on the road together, so that they don't dare to mess around." The gray-clothed old man kindly persuaded.

"No need, little brother has made up his mind." Wang Changsheng remained unmoved.

"Since Junior Brother Wang has made up his mind, the old man will stop trying to persuade you. I hope Junior Brother will take care of you."

Wang Changsheng nodded, and after talking to the middle-aged man through sound transmission, he got up and left.

At this time, most people's eyes were fixed on the white wooden table on the circular high platform, on which there were several things, including spirit herbs, refining materials and so on.

Wang Changsheng's departure still attracted some people's attention. Not long after Wang Changsheng left, several alchemy monks also got up and left the venue.

Wang Changsheng walked along the street, and when he encountered a shop selling materials, he went in to have a look, and bought some refining materials from time to time.

Because he didn't have so many spirit stones, he only bought the materials for refining the spirit talismans before, and now he still has 3 yuan of spirit stones with him, so he naturally had to collect the materials for refining the shadow talismans.

Except for a few rare materials, the other materials for refining the shadow talisman are very common and can be found in some small shops.

After the sky darkened, he didn't go back to his residence to rest, but stayed in an inn near Baizhen Pavilion.

This inn named Biyunxuan was opened by the Hehuan Sect. Each room has a small spirit-gathering circle, and you need to pay ten spirit stones for a month's stay.

Wang Changsheng swaggered and settled in Biyunxuan. Not long after he moved in, several alchemy monks lived near his room.

In the next few days, Wang Changsheng went through the shops that sold materials one by one, and collected most of the materials from dozens of small shops. For the remaining few rare materials, he went to several large shops and bought them. .

Wang Changsheng's move made the alchemy monks following behind him very puzzled, but they did not dare to slack off, as soon as Wang Changsheng left the inn, they immediately followed, and always kept a certain distance from Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng turned a blind eye to the stalker behind him, and did what he had to do.

After Wang Changsheng collected all the materials for refining the Shadow Talisman, he went back to the inn to rest. After the door was closed, he never came out again.

He stayed in the room for three years.

During this period, a monk in the alchemy stage sent a sound transmission to Wang Changsheng, but Wang Changsheng did not respond.

Mu Houwan came to visit once, and Wang Changsheng opened the door and invited her into the room to talk.

No one knew what the two of them said, but when Mu Wanwan came out, there was no trace of joy on her face.

As time passed, the alchemy cultivator who followed Wang Changsheng slowly lost patience, checked out and left, at least on the surface.

(End of this chapter)

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