A seal of immortality

Chapter 543 Leave

Chapter 543 Leave
Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on the futon, eyes slightly closed, sweating profusely, his face was blue at first, then purple in the next moment, and then black again.

In front of him, there was a black iron cage about the size of a foot, inside which was a black spider the size of a palm. The black spider looked a bit sluggish.

It didn't take long for Wang Changsheng's face to return to normal. Then, he opened his eyes, and a bright light flashed in them.

He wiped the sweat off his face with a gratified smile on his face.

The seventh level of "The Secret Code of Five Poisons" is much more difficult to cultivate than the first six levels. Even though there are level five poisonous spiders, it took Wang Changsheng more than a year in the world to complete the seventh level.

Practicing the seventh level of the "Secret Code of Five Poisons" requires two types of poisons. The first is a level [-] poisonous spider, and the second is a level [-] poisonous snake. Wang Changsheng has only initially completed the seventh level. Dacheng also needs a level five poisonous snake.

In the past three years, apart from cultivation, Wang Changsheng spent the rest of his time refining the Shadow Transformation Talisman and Spirit Transformation Talisman.

The refining of the Shadow Transformation Talisman is not very difficult. Wang Changsheng succeeded in refining it after two failures. A total of three were refined. The refining of the Spirit Transformation Talisman is relatively difficult. Fortunately, with the help of the Sealing Immortal Pen, he succeeded. A piece was refined and stored in the dantian, and cultivated with danhuo.

Wang Changsheng had to find the fifth-level poisonous snake, master the seventh layer of the five-poison secret code, and then set off to the southern border to find the second half of the exercises.

Thinking up to this point, Wang Changsheng pushed open the door and walked out.

At this time, it was noon, and the streets were full of people.

Wang Changsheng strolled slowly along the street, and from time to time went into shops selling materials to buy some materials.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Changsheng walked into a large shop, and not long after, he came out again with a faint smile on his face.

In the past three years, Wang Changsheng took the time to draw a large number of intermediate talisman seals. Intermediate talisman seals are naturally not as good as magic weapons, but for those disciples in the Qi refining stage and foundation building stage, intermediate talisman seals are still very attractive.

He went to several large shops one after another, sold the intermediate talismans in his hand in batches, and exchanged more than [-] spirit stones.

No wonder people say that having a lot of money is not as good as having a skill. With Wang Changsheng's current level of talisman making, the success rate of drawing junior and intermediate talisman seals is as high as [-]%. As long as there is enough blank talisman paper supply, he will continue to draw. Out of elementary and intermediate level talismans, it can maintain daily practice.

When Wang Changsheng walked out of a large shop, he glanced at a bookstore opposite him seemingly unintentionally. A shrewd middle-aged man was picking out classics. From the corner of the eye, he looked towards the opposite shop.

Wang Changsheng rolled his eyes and walked forward. Not long after, he walked into a teahouse.

There are quite a few guests on the first floor, most of whom are monks in the Qi refining period, drinking tea and chatting.

Wang Changsheng suppressed his own mana fluctuations, making himself look like he was only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, so his arrival did not attract much attention.

"Arrange a private room for me, and serve me a pot of good tea." Wang Changsheng ordered, and after speaking, he threw a spirit stone to the waiter.

"Okay, senior, please come with me." The waiter's face brightened, and he led Wang Changsheng to a wing on the third floor.

Wang Changsheng walked into the wing room, and a shrewd middle-aged man walked up to the third floor and sat down at a table near the room where Wang Changsheng was.

"Senior, the spiritual tea you want is here." The waiter knocked on the door, holding an exquisite teapot in his hand.

With a "bang", the door opened automatically, and the waiter walked in.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the middle-aged man casually glanced into the room, and happened to see Wang Changsheng drinking tea.

After the waiter put down the teapot, he turned and left.

With a bang, the door automatically closed.

Not long after, an old man in white robe walked up to the third floor. The old man in white robe looked like he was in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, but when the middle-aged man saw the old man in white robe, he immediately stood up and walked over quickly, with a serious expression on his face. It is full of respect.

The middle-aged man's lips moved a few times, guiding the white-robed old man to sit down.

Half a day passed, and the guests on the third floor had changed. The door of Wang Changsheng's room was closed, and he didn't intend to open it at all.

Seeing this, the white-robed old man's face darkened, and after raising his eyebrows, he let go of his consciousness and swept towards the room where Wang Changsheng was. After a while, he nodded in satisfaction.

A day passed and the door was still closed.

Two days later, Wang Changsheng still had no intention of coming out.

Three days later, the white-robed old man's face was gloomy and terrifying. After a moment of uncertainty on his face, he got up and stood up, shaking his sleeve robe towards the door.

With a "bang", the door opened, revealing Wang Changsheng's figure.

When Wang Changsheng saw the two people who broke in, he didn't show any anger on his face, but a smile on his face.

"Old man Fenghua Mountain Lingtian, I have offended you so much, please forgive me." The white-robed old man cupped his hands at Wang Changsheng and said apologetically.

Wang Changsheng didn't have the slightest intention to speak, and there was still a faint smile on his face.

Seeing this, the white-robed old man's expression darkened, his sleeves shook, and a blue throwing knife flashed out, passing through Wang Changsheng's chest like lightning.

With a sound of "poof", as soon as the blue flying knife touched Wang Changsheng's body, Wang Changsheng's body turned into bits of aura and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man turned pale, and a thin layer of sweat oozed from his forehead.

"Trash, you can't even do small things well." Seeing this, the white-robed old man was furious, and his sleeve robe shook the middle-aged man, who immediately flew upside down and smashed heavily on a piece of wood. On the table, the wooden table was smashed to pieces.

At this time, other guests on the third floor also discovered the cultivation of the white-robed old man. After their expressions changed, they hurried downstairs one after another, fearing that they would be the next to suffer.

Soon, the shopkeeper of the teahouse walked up to the teahouse quickly and asked what happened.

Regarding this, the white-robed old man just said to teach his apprentice a lesson, dropped a few middle-level spirit stones, and left with the middle-aged man.

More than a month later, in the territory of Wu Kingdom, in a huge winding canyon, there was a flood of people, bustling with people, and it looked very lively.

A young man in a gray robe with handsome features was walking on a bluestone street in the valley, looking at the shops on both sides of the street while walking.

It was Wang Changsheng who left Tianluo City.

Wang Changsheng never expected that there would still be people following him three years later. Considering his cultivation and strength, he chose to use the Shadow Transformation Talisman and the Spiritual Concealment Talisman to escape.

At this time, he was located in Hengyang Fang City, one of the three major Fang Cities in Wu Kingdom.

Hengyang Fang City is a Fang City jointly established by the three major sects of cultivating immortals in Wu Kingdom, and it is a bit more lively than Tianluo Fang City established by Qi State Acacia Sect.

Wang Changsheng restrained his own mana fluctuations, and it seemed that he was only in the early stage of foundation establishment.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Changsheng walked into a pavilion that occupies a very large area—Spiritual Beast Pavilion. Just by the name, it is a shop that sells spirit beasts.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng came out from inside with a look of disappointment on his face.

Next, he went to several shops that sold spirit beasts. Not to mention the fifth-level poisonous snake, he didn't even see the shadow of the fourth-level poisonous snake.

Seeing this situation, Wang Changsheng was not interested in staying any longer, and was about to leave Fangshi. At this moment, a leather pouch around his waist was beating, and the contents seemed to be coming out of the pouch.

Wang Changsheng frowned. He looked at the passers-by on the street, rolled his eyes, and walked towards a shop selling elixir.

The store is not big, and there are a lot of elixir herbs on the shelves. The shopkeeper is whispering something to two men. There are three or four wooden boxes on the counter, and there are several elixir plants from 80 and [-] inside. .

Seeing Wang Changsheng walking in, the shopkeeper apologized to the two men, and walked over with a smile on his face.

"Senior, I want to buy elixir. Although this shop is small, there are many types of elixir, ranging from ten years to hundreds of years."

"Oh, how much of the Hundred Years Elixir do you have? I want them all." Wang Changsheng said proudly.

"What? I want all of them? There are forty or fifty plants! The price is not cheap." Hearing this, the shopkeeper's face changed, and a look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

"Hmph, maybe I'm afraid I won't be able to give you any spirit stones." Wang Changsheng snorted softly, took out a heavy storage bag from his arms, and tipped it down. Hundreds of mid-level spirit stones were scattered on the counter.

Seeing this scene, a look of greed flashed in the eyes of the two men who were buying the elixir.

"Your junior said something wrong, seniors don't care as much as juniors." Seeing this, the shopkeeper showed ecstasy, and hurriedly took out more than 40 wooden boxes, which were filled with hundred-year-old medicines.

Wang Changsheng opened them one by one and glanced at them. After confirming that they were correct, he paid off the spirit stones, turned and left.

Seeing this, the two men hastily raised their heels up.

Next, Wang Changsheng went to a few more shops, and spent a lot of money in front of everyone, buying all kinds of goods wantonly, which attracted the attention of some unscrupulous people.

When Wang Changsheng walked out of a large shop, there were already more than a dozen shady Foundation Establishment cultivators behind him.

Wang Changsheng seemed to have no stalkers behind him, and walked towards the exit swaggeringly.

After leaving the canyon, he flicked his sleeves, and a cyan disc flashed out, floating in front of him.

Wang Changsheng swayed, and jumped up, and with one hand, he made a tactic, and the cyan disc shone brightly, and quickly flew towards the sky, disappearing into the sky after a few flashes.

Not long after Wang Changsheng left, more than a dozen Foundation Establishment cultivators chased after him. It seemed that they were after Wang Changsheng, the little fat sheep.

They never expected that what they were following was a monk in the alchemy period.

The two bloodthirsty spirit bats tamed by Wang Changsheng need to drink the blood of the cultivators. In addition, the spirit ghosts he tamed also need the souls of the cultivators for cultivation.

Since these people followed Wang Changsheng, they were destined to end badly. If you want to blame them, blame them for having evil thoughts in their hearts. It is better to be down-to-earth.

(End of this chapter)

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