A seal of immortality

Chapter 547 The Death of Liu Weidao

Chapter 547 The Death of Liu Weidao

Wu Country, Pingyang County, Majia Village.

Majia Village is not big, and there are only more than 100 households in the whole village.

After the death of the villagers in Majia Village, most of them were buried in the back mountain. After so many years, the back mountain is full of graves, and it is even more gloomy and windy at night.

Choushi, in the dead of night, all the villagers in Majia Village fell asleep.

A ray of blue light flew from a distance, and finally landed on the back mountain full of graves.

The blue light faded, revealing the figure of a black-robed man with handsome features, it was Wang Changsheng.

A few days ago, he had disposed of Zhou Qinghuan's corpse. What he had to do now was to bury the corpse in the corpse breeding ground, so that the corpse could absorb enough Yin Qi. After a hundred days, a heavenly corpse would be released.

The place where the corpses are kept is actually a place with relatively heavy yin energy. If you want to say that there is a place with heavy yin energy, there is probably no place that is heavier than the Yinsha Mountains where the Nether Corpse Sect is located. However, Wang Changsheng did not intend to return to the Nether Corpse Sect, so he looked into the graves of the common people.

This place is full of graves, and the atmosphere is heavy enough, so it is the most suitable place to raise corpses.

Wang Changsheng walked around the mountain and found an open space halfway up the mountain.

This area has the heaviest Yin Qi, so it is best to bury the corpse here.

I saw him slapping the palm of his hand on the spirit animal bag on his waist, and a yellow light rolled out from it, turning into a yellow ape about ten feet tall.

"Go, dig a big earth pit ten meters deep." Wang Changsheng pointed to the open space and ordered.

After speaking, he flipped his hands and took out a magic weapon of a hoe, and threw it to the yellow ape.

The yellow ape seemed to understand Wang Changsheng's words, patted his chest with his furry palm, picked up the magic weapon of the hoe, and plowed in the open space.

Soon, a large earth pit ten meters deep, three meters long, and two meters wide appeared in front of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng nodded in satisfaction, and put the yellow ape back into the spirit animal bag.

He walked to the side of the big pit, took out a storage bag from his arms, threw it forward, and let it float above the big pit.

After a spell hit the storage bag, a yellow glow shot out from it, and after the glow subsided, Zhou Qinghuan's body appeared.

Zhou Qinghuan's face was pale, his eyes were closed tightly, and he looked as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

Wang Changsheng took out a heavy storage bag and dumped it into the pit. A large pile of fire-attribute spirit stones fell from it and landed in the pit.

More than 1000 fire spirit stones were scattered around Zhou Qinghuan's body.

Zhou Qinghuan has a fire-attributed heavenly spirit root, and if he wanted to refine it into a heavenly corpse, he had to let the corpse absorb enough fire spirit energy.

Afterwards, Wang Changsheng filled it with soil.

Generally speaking, the processed corpses can be taken out after [-] days after being buried in the corpse breeding ground. However, if the corpse absorbs too much Yin Qi, it will not take a hundred days to form a zombie.

The aura here is weak, and it is impossible for Wang Changsheng to wait here for three months.

Wang Changsheng thought for a while, and slapped the body bag on his waist with his palm, a red light rolled out from it, it was Ye Mingyue, this woman.

"Mingyue, I buried a refined corpse here, you watch it carefully, don't let it escape, I will be back after a while." Wang Changsheng ordered.

"Yes, master." Ye Mingyue replied, twisted her body, turned into a red light, disappeared into a columbarium.

Wang Changsheng nodded, stomped on the ground with one foot, turned into a black light and flew towards the sky.

Several days later, the black light finally fell on a lush green mountain.

As soon as the light faded away, Wang Changsheng's figure appeared on a peak. After looking around, he nodded in satisfaction.

The aura here is quite strong. Although it is not as good as some resident cultivation sects, it is not a problem to maintain daily practice.

Wang Changsheng intends to practice here for a period of time, and then go back to collect the celestial corpse when the time is almost up.

He found an abandoned cave, and after placing restrictions on the entrance of the cave, he began to practice.

Wang Changsheng sat down cross-legged, bursts of Sanskrit sounds rang out from his mouth, and a little golden light emerged from his body, which quickly turned into golden Buddhist scriptures and floated beside Wang Changsheng.

Liu Weidao is a foundation-building cultivator of the Zhengyi sect. He was born in a respectable and upright sect, and he was instilled with the idea of ​​eliminating demons and defending Dao since he was a child. This can be seen from his name.

According to the rules of Zhengyi sect, disciples in the foundation period must leave the sect and go to the secular world for a year of experience to sharpen their minds.

As early as three months ago, Liu Weidao left the sect with two fellow sects, planning to travel to the secular world.

Since it is a tour, it is natural not to fly with the imperial weapon.

Therefore, Liu Weidao bought three fast horses with two fellow students, and used horses instead of walking.

On this day, the sky gradually darkened, and the three of Liu Weidao came to a place called Majia Village.

Careful Liu Weidao noticed that the faces of the villagers were a little pale and their spirits a little listless.

The three asked the villagers for two houses and planned to spend the night here.

"Junior Sister Chen, Senior Brother Li, have you noticed that the faces of the villagers are a little strange?" Liu Weidao asked.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Aren't they just ordinary mortals?" A round-faced girl in yellow shirt blinked and said indifferently.

"I'm not talking about that. Their faces are pale, their spirits are sluggish, and they look like they have suffered a severe loss of energy. I suspect that there are ghosts making trouble here?" Liu Weidao shook his head and said solemnly.

"Ghosts making trouble? Brother Liu, don't be too suspicious. The last time you saw someone's evil eyebrows and mouse eyes, you said he was an evil cultivator. What happened? He is a disciple of Yulingzong. It's a good thing you didn't kill him, otherwise , you’ll be in serious trouble.” A tall young man in blue shirt said nonchalantly.

"That's right! Brother Liu, the paleness and listlessness of the villagers may be due to their illness. It may not be caused by ghosts. If there are ghosts, why don't the ghosts drain the villagers' energy? Don't think too much about it." The girl in the yellow shirt kindly persuaded her.

"That's right, even if there are ghosts, the three of us join forces, one will kill one, and two will kill one pair."

"Forget it, I won't tell you anymore, I'll go out and have a look." Liu Weidao shook his head and said, after speaking, he got up and left.

Liu Weidao walked around the village, and he found that all the villagers were pale and listless.

His expression changed, and he asked a passing villager, "Brother, may I ask, has anything strange happened recently?"

"Strange thing? No, it's just that I've been sleepy and drowsy recently." The villager yawned and replied.

"Sleepiness?" Liu Weidao nodded upon hearing this, and then asked, "By the way, where are the dead people in your village buried?"

"Houshan, it's getting dark now, I advise you not to go there, I heard that there are ghosts there." The villagers said mysteriously.

"Haunted? I know." Liu Weidao's eyes lit up when he heard this.

After the villagers left, Liu Weidao quickly returned to his residence, and said excitedly, "Junior Sister Chen, Senior Brother Li, I found the ghost."

After hearing this, the girl in yellow and the young man in blue looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

Next, Liu Weidao recounted the content of his chat with the villagers.

"Senior Brother Liu, you can conclude that there are ghosts just based on the villagers saying that there are ghosts?" the girl in yellow shirt said with some doubts.

"It's not a conclusion, it's a guess. If there really are ghosts, we, as a decent family, should eliminate harm for the people." Liu Weidao said solemnly.

"Okay! Then let's go to the back mountain with Junior Brother Liu! If you really find ghosts, just destroy them." The blue-shirted youth thought for a while, and agreed.

Seeing this, the girl in yellow shirt couldn't object anymore, and the three of them went straight to the back mountain that the villagers said.

When they arrived at the back mountain, the three of them tightened their expressions when they saw graves everywhere.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, with gusts of wind blowing from time to time.

"Junior Brother Liu, you said there are ghosts, where are the ghosts? You don't want the three of us to go around the whole mountain, do you!" the blue-shirted youth said with some dissatisfaction.

The whole mountain is full of graves, they can't be allowed to dig up the graves one by one!
"Anyway, it's here, let's go around! If you don't find it, it's not too late to leave." Liu Weidao thought for a while and said.

"Okay! You go over there, I'll go here, Junior Sister Chen goes over there, and we will meet here for a quarter of an hour." The blue-shirted youth nodded and pointed in three directions.

After speaking, he raised his foot and walked forward.

Seeing this, Liu Weidao and the girl in yellow also walked in the same direction.

Liu Weidao looked at the grave beside him from time to time, trying to find something, but found nothing.

What he didn't notice was that when he passed a grave, a red light flew from the urn next to the grave.

Liu Weidao felt a cool wind blowing behind him, and then a sharp pain came from his chest. A slender jade hand protruded from his heart, holding a still beating heart.

As soon as the five fingers of the jade hand closed, the heart shattered.

Liu Weidao's eyes were full of disbelief. He turned his head and looked behind him, and saw a woman in red with delicate features and a graceful figure. The woman was entwined with Yin Qi, and she was the ghost he was looking for.

"It's really a ghost." This was Liu Weidao's last thought, and he fell down unwillingly.

He originally wanted to exorcise demons and protect the way, but he did not expect to be expelled by demons.

Speaking of which, if he stays honestly with the two fellow disciples, he won't die. If you want to blame him, blame him for wanting to exterminate demons and defend the way.

(End of this chapter)

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