Chapter 548

With a move of Ye Mingyue's sleeve, a ball of green light flew out of Liu Weidao's body and fell into Ye Mingyue's mouth.

She nodded in satisfaction, and after licking her red lips, it turned into a red light and flew to the left.

The girl in the yellow shirt walked forward while looking at the surrounding graves.

To be honest, she didn't want to find any ghosts. She felt that Senior Brother Liu was wrong in his judgment. If ordinary people say that there are ghosts, do they really have ghosts?
Brother Liu has always wanted to slay demons and eliminate demons. This is something that everyone in the sect knows, but he has not been able to achieve this wish, and he has made many jokes because of it.

Suddenly, the girl in yellow frowned, she seemed to sense something, turned around and saw a woman in red rushing towards her.

"Ah!" The girl in the yellow shirt was startled and subconsciously shouted.

The next moment, Ye Mingyue smiled at the girl in yellow shirt, and scratched forward with her sharp nails, easily piercing through the girl in yellow shirt.

With a "poof", Ye Mingyue withdrew her palm, holding a still beating heart.

"You..." The yellow-shirted girl's eyes were full of shock. She never expected that there was a ghost. This time, Senior Brother Liu guessed it right.

The body of the girl in the yellow shirt fell straight down, and her clothes were stained red with blood.

Ye Mingyue threw away the heart in her hand, opened her apricot mouth, and a green light ball flew out of the girl in yellow shirt, and quickly got into her mouth.

"Junior Sister Chen!" A voice of extreme grief resounded, and it was the young man in blue shirt who rushed over after hearing the voice.

Ye Mingyue turned around and looked at the blue-shirted youth coldly.

Seeing Ye Mingyue looking over, the blue-shirted youth's face tightened, and after he rolled his eyes, he ran away without saying a word, not intending to avenge his classmates.

He was called senior brother only a few months earlier, and he didn't want to lose his life here.

Seeing this, Ye Mingyue snorted softly, twisted her body, turned into a red light and chased after her, much faster than the blue-shirted youth.

Seeing that Ye Mingyue was about to catch up with the blue-shirted youth, the blue-shirted youth turned his head without any warning, and waved his hands at Ye Mingyue. Two red talisman seals came out of his hands, turning into two giant fireballs the size of water tanks, emitting a wave of fire. A burst of fiery high temperature hit Ye Mingyue.

Seeing this, Ye Mingyue was startled, twisted her body, and changed her mind.

With two loud bangs, two giant fireballs hit the two tombs, leveling the two tombs.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the blue-shirted youth took out a golden talisman and slapped it on his body, his whole body turned into a golden light and flew away, disappearing into the sky after a few flashes.

Seeing this situation, Ye Mingyue frowned, and after thinking for a while, she didn't catch up, but turned into a red light and returned to the original ashes urn.

The Corpse Refining was about to be born, and she didn't dare to leave easily. If the Corpse Refining escaped, she would have no way of explaining to Wang Changsheng. Of course, she knew that she would not be able to catch up with her.

Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged in the cave, his eyes closed tightly, and bursts of Sanskrit sounds came out of his mouth, and a large number of golden runes were suspended around his body.

Not long after, the sound of incantations in Wang Changsheng's mouth stopped, and the golden runes all over his body drilled into his body one after another.

When the last golden rune got into his body, Wang Changsheng suddenly opened his eyes, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"It's also time to collect the refined corpse." Wang Changsheng murmured to himself in a low voice.

He got up and stood up, removed the restriction on the entrance of the cave, and walked out quickly.

After leaving the cave, Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and a white wooden boat flashed out, floating in front of him.

Seeing his figure sway, he jumped up, and with one hand, the white flying boat flew forward slowly.

In a certain dense forest, more than a dozen monks are fighting with each other.

Judging from the clothes, this group of people is divided into two factions. One group wears uniform blue clothes with a small sword pattern on them, and the other group wears uniform yellow shirts with a yellow flower pattern on the chest.

These people are all young men and women aged [-] or [-]. They are all at the Qi Refining Stage, not even one at the Foundation Establishment Stage. Judging from their uniform attire, they should be disciples of some Immortal Cultivation Family or Cultivation Sect. I just don't know why I'm fighting here.

"Wei Tianming, don't bully people too much. If you are sensible, just lead people away obediently. I will pretend that this has never happened." A tall middle-aged man shouted in a deep voice.

"Haha, do you think I'm a three-year-old boy? No one from your Chen family can run away today." A fat man with a round face laughed and said sarcastically.

The middle-aged man frowned when he heard the words, and when he said something else, his eyes inadvertently swept into the air, and he let out a light sigh.

Seeing this situation, the round-faced man subconsciously followed the eyes of the middle-aged man, and saw a white light flying towards them quickly.

Seeing this scene, the two groups were startled, looked at each other, and temporarily stopped fighting.

Soon, the white light heard over the dense forest where they were fighting. After the white light faded, a figure of a young man in white with handsome features appeared. The young man in white was Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng glanced at the dozen or so Qi refining period monks below, and nodded in satisfaction.

Feeling the huge spiritual pressure on Wang Changsheng's body, the entire group tensed up, not daring to breathe.

"Who among you does not practice the Five Elements Kungfu, stand up for me." Wang Changsheng said calmly.

After hearing this, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one wanted to answer.

"What? Are you all deaf? I'll ask you again, who doesn't practice the five elements? If anyone doesn't answer, I'll send him on his way immediately." Seeing this, Wang Changsheng's expression darkened, and he said in a cold voice.

"The younger generation is a descendant of the Chen family in Qingfengling. Our Chen family members all practice the five elements." The middle-aged man hesitated for a while, took a step forward, and said cautiously.

"Oh, so the other group doesn't practice the Five Elements Kungfu?" Wang Changsheng said with a half-smile.

"My junior, Chen Yue of Xuanhuo Sect, this junior and all your juniors practice the Five Elements Kungfu." Seeing this, the round-faced man's heart tightened, and he hurriedly explained.

"Oh, it seems that you all practice the Five Elements Kungfu, it's a pity." After finishing speaking, Wang Changsheng raised his sleeves, and a black light flashed out, and went straight to the people below.

Seeing this scene, everyone was startled, and they sacrificed magic weapons for protection, but in front of the magic weapon, their defense was like paper paste, which could be broken with a poke.

There was a scream, and more than a dozen monks in the Qi refining period fell into a pool of blood.

Wang Changsheng turned his hand and took out a blood-colored porcelain bottle, threw it down, and a spell hit it, and the porcelain bottle sprayed out a bloody light, covering the monk who was lying in a pool of blood.

An astonishing scene appeared. The bodies of these monks shriveled up quickly, and a large piece of blood flew out of the corpses and fell into the blood-colored porcelain bottle.

The blood-colored porcelain bottle is called a blood storage bottle, and it is a magic weapon specially used to collect blood essence. Almost every disciple of the Underworld Corpse Sect owns one, so that it is convenient to collect blood essence to feed zombies.

Wang Changsheng made a move on his sleeve, Wu Guang circled, and flew back to his sleeve and disappeared.

He flipped his hand and took out a black flag, and shook it lightly at the corpse below, a dozen green light clusters flew out from the corpse, disappeared into the black flag.

After finishing all this, Wang Changsheng made a tactic with one hand, and flew forward slowly.

Next, Wang Changsheng encountered several groups of low-level monks, both in the Qi refining stage and the foundation building stage. Without saying a word, he immediately killed them and took away the blood essence of these monks with a blood storage bottle.

After killing fifty or sixty low-level monks, he left quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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