A seal of immortality

Chapter 555 Obtained Level 5 Poisonous Snake

Chapter 555 Acquired the Fifth-Level Poisonous Snake
Two hours later, Xiao Hei came over a valley full of purple miasma.

"Is that level five poisonous snake inside?" Wang Changsheng asked.

"This junior has seen this monster here before, as for where its lair is, this junior is not sure." The man in white said bravely.

"If you can't find that fifth-level poisonous snake, this day in the coming year will be the anniversary of your death." Wang Changsheng said coldly.

After speaking, he patted Xiao Hei's back with his palm, and Xiao Hei twisted his body and landed outside the valley. Wang Changsheng immediately jumped to the ground.

Seeing this, the man in white and the woman in blue followed suit and jumped to the ground.

Wang Changsheng slapped the spirit beast bag on his waist, and Xiao Hei turned into a black light and flew back into the spirit beast bag.

"Let's go! Don't be petty, or you will know what will happen to you." Wang Changsheng said harshly, put a shield on himself, and walked towards the valley.

After hearing this, the man in white and the woman in blue looked at each other, smiled wryly, put a shield on themselves, and followed.

The valley is full of purple miasma. After entering the valley, you can't see your fingers.

Wang Changsheng frowned, raised his right hand, and released a stack of gleaming blue talisman seals, turning into several blue hurricanes and sweeping forward. Wherever the cyan hurricanes went, the purple mist disintegrated and disappeared.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng nodded in satisfaction, turned his head and told the two men in white, "Hurry up, I don't have much time to waste with you."

After hearing these words, the man in white and the woman in blue skirt were a little reluctant, but they still quickened their pace.

The valley is covered with monster snakes of all sizes, most of them are first-level and low-level monster snakes, and the second-level ones are also a day or two away.

Wang Changsheng casually threw a few big fireball talismans, and burned all the low-level demon snakes to nothing.

Half an hour later, Wang Changsheng stopped, looking thoughtfully at a dark cave ahead.

The hole is so big that Xiao Hei can get in, and there might be a level five poisonous snake inside.

"Tell me how you met that fifth-level poisonous snake." Wang Changsheng thought for a while, then turned and directed to the man in white.

"The junior was in Ten Thousand Snakes Valley that day..." The man in white nodded and talked about how he encountered a level five poisonous snake.

After listening to the statement made by the man in white, Wang Changsheng opened his mouth and said, "I'm going to go in now and have a look, you two stay outside."

After finishing speaking, Wang Changsheng raised his right hand, and several golden silk talismans flashed out, turning into countless golden threads, entwining the two of them tightly.

"Senior, you..." The expression of the man in white changed.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you until I find the fifth-level poisonous snake." Wang Changsheng said lightly. After speaking, he took out two rags and stuffed them into their mouths.

After thinking for a while, Wang Changsheng crushed a beast prison talisman and turned it into a black beast cage, covering the two of them inside to prevent them from being attacked by the snake demon.

After finishing all this, Wang Changsheng walked into the cave with peace of mind.

Holding a fist-sized moonstone, Wang Changsheng walked forward slowly, letting go of his consciousness.

After walking more than a hundred meters, a grotto the size of an acre appeared in front of Wang Changsheng.

On the left side of the grotto, there is a black pool of hundreds of feet in size, and in the upper right corner, there are five or six feet long purple flowers growing.

After Wang Changsheng scanned the entire grotto, he finally landed on the black pool, which was the only pool that could hide things.

He thought for a while, raised his right hand, and released several large fireball symbols, which turned into several giant fireballs the size of a water tank, and smashed into the black water pool.

With several loud bangs, the fiery giant fireball smashed into the black pool, and a large white mist burst out.

After a while, the mist dissipated, and there was nothing unusual about the black pool.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng frowned, shook his sleeves, and a golden light flashed out of it, submerged in the pool. After a while, the golden light flew out from the bottom of the water, sank into Wang Changsheng's sleeves and disappeared.

"The cave is actually empty." Wang Changsheng muttered to himself, and walked quickly towards the purple flowers.

These purple flowers are only three to four hundred years old, but since they met, Wang Changsheng naturally would not return empty-handed.

He carefully dug out the purple flowers, put them in a wooden box, got up and left the cave.

Before Wang Changsheng walked out of the cave, the voice of the man in white came to his ears: "Senior, senior, come out quickly, the five-level poisonous snake is back."

"Senior, come out quickly." The woman in the blue skirt also shouted loudly.

Wang Changsheng's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he quickened his pace.

When he walked to the entrance of the cave, he saw the man in white looking in a certain direction with horror on his face.

Wang Changsheng's figure flickered, and he appeared next to the man in white, and followed the man's gaze.

A hundred zhang away, there was a giant green python more than twenty zhang long. Its body was covered with green scales, and its belly was bulging. It seemed that it had just eaten. Its green eyes were fixed on Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng swept his consciousness and found that it was indeed a fifth-level python. As for whether it was a poisonous snake, it was hard to say.

Wang Changsheng's expression moved, his sleeves were raised, and five golden throwing knives flashed out, heading straight for the giant green python.

The green giant python opened its bloody mouth wide, and sprayed out a large amount of green mist, wrapping its body.

With a few "bang" and "bang", the five golden throwing knives sank into the green mist, as if they had hit some kind of hard object.

Wang Changsheng made a move with one hand, and two rusty, dimly lit throwing knives flew out of the green mist. Obviously, the green mist was very corrosive.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng was overjoyed. He was sure that this was a level five poisonous snake.

Because he needs to use its venom to practice martial arts, Wang Changsheng can't kill this fifth-level poisonous snake for the time being, he must capture it alive.

With a flick of Wang Changsheng's sleeve, a golden light and a black light flashed out, submerging into the green mist like lightning.

There were two sounds of "bang" and "bang", and the golden light and black light seemed to hit a hard object.

"Puff" and "Puff" sounded through the air, and dozens of black lights flew out of the green mist and landed on the nearby ground. The black light was a kind of black liquid. As soon as the black liquid touched the ground, A burst of white smoke rose from the ground, and a pothole was corroded.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng frowned. After his lips moved slightly, a layer of golden light appeared close to his body. He stomped on the ground with one foot, turning into a black ray of light and rushing towards the green mist.

Under the surprised eyes of the man in white and the woman in blue skirt, Wang Changsheng flew into the green mist, and then there was a chaotic "bang" and "bang", accompanied by the faint cry of the green python, countless smoke and dust billowed up .

Not long after, the green mist dissipated, revealing the situation inside.

I saw Wang Changsheng standing on the body of the green python with a burst of golden light all over his body, with some blood sacrifices on his hands.

The green giant python's breath was weak, and there was a golden ring around its neck. Many scales on its body had fallen off, and the places where the scales fell off were dripping with blood.

Wang Changsheng gave a loud shout, and a golden light flashed from his right fist, and he smashed hard on the head of the green giant python.

With a "bang", the head of the green python hit the ground fiercely, a large piece was sunken on the head, and a look of fear appeared in its eyes.

Wang Changsheng nodded, turned his hand and took out a leather bag, threw it into the air, so that the mouth of the bag was facing the green python, and hit the leather bag with a spell, and when the mouth of the bag was opened, a ray of light was emitted from it, covering the onto the green python.

The green python's body shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye, and when it was too small, it was caught in the leather bag by Xiaguang.

Wang Changsheng waved his hand, and the leather bag flew back to his hand.

After finishing all this, Wang Changsheng turned around and walked towards the two men in white clothes.

Seeing Wang Changsheng approaching, the white-clothed man and the blue-skirted woman tensed up.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeve, and a black light flashed out, quickly piercing through the black animal cage. After a circle, the black light flew back to his sleeve and disappeared.

Wang Changsheng stroked the two of them lightly, and the gold thread binding them disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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