A seal of immortality

Chapter 556: Wuyuan Mountain Range

Chapter 556: Wuyuan Mountain Range
"Among you, there is only one person who can leave alive. Tell me! Whoever leaves will stay." Wang Changsheng said lightly.

After hearing these words, the expressions of the two changed greatly and they looked at each other.

"This junior is willing to stay here, please let Senior Sister Li go." The man in white rolled his eyes and spoke first.

"No, Junior Brother Sun, I'll stay here, you leave." The woman in the blue skirt shook her head and said.

"No, Senior Sister Li, you leave." The man in white was unmoved and insisted on staying.

"Junior Brother Sun, you leave, I will stay."

"No, Senior Sister Li..."

"That's enough, stop arguing." Seeing this, Wang Changsheng frowned, and stopped the two of them. He took out a blue dagger, threw it on the ground, and said, "Only one of you can leave." , whoever wants to leave, just kill the one left behind!"

Hearing this, the white-clothed man and the blue-skirted woman turned pale.

As time passed, neither side had any intention of doing anything.

"I'll make dozens of noises. If none of you do anything, then I will kill both of you." Seeing this, Wang Changsheng snorted softly and said coldly.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven...four, three..."

"Senior Sister Li, I'm sorry." When the man in white heard the three words, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he said apologetically. After speaking, he picked up the blue dagger on the ground.

Seeing this situation, the woman in the blue skirt looked a little disappointed, and there was a look of despair in her eyes, and she closed her eyes.

The man in white raised the blue dagger in his hand and quickly slashed at the woman in the blue skirt. As a result, halfway through, he suddenly changed direction and quickly wiped the dagger in his hand towards his neck.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng smiled lightly, flicked his finger, and a black light flashed out, hitting the blue dagger.

The man in white felt a huge force coming, his wrist went numb, and the blue dagger in his hand flew out.

"If senior wants to kill me, please kill me. I beg senior to let Senior Sister Li go. This junior is willing to be a cow to senior. If senior doesn't believe me, he can plant restrictions on junior." The man in white was startled and opened his hands. Open, blocking in front of the woman in the blue skirt, and begged for mercy.

At this time, the woman in the blue skirt also opened her eyes, and her heart warmed up after hearing what the man in white said.

Wang Changsheng took out two storage bags from his arms, threw them in front of the two, and said coldly: "This is your storage bag, you go! I am in a good mood today, so I will let you go."

"Senior..." Hearing this, the man in white was slightly taken aback, unable to react.

"What? If I don't leave, I will change my mind." Wang Changsheng's expression darkened.

"The younger generation will leave right away, right away." The woman in the blue dress changed her expression when she heard this, she hurriedly picked up two storage bags, pulled the man in white and walked forward quickly.

She took out a yellow talisman from her bosom and crushed it, a large number of yellow talismans gushed out, submerged the bodies of the two, and disappeared into the ground.

Wang Changsheng glanced in a certain direction, sighed softly, shook his head, turned into a black ray of light and broke through the air.

One month later, in the country of Wuyuan, in the Wuyuan Mountains.

On an open plain in the west of the mountain range, hundreds of buildings of different sizes are neatly arranged. At the same time, there are many immortal cultivators coming in and out of these buildings.

A white-clothed man with handsome features walked on the street, looking at the shops on both sides of the street while walking.

The man in white is none other than Wang Changsheng.

The shops on both sides of the street sell mainly various pills, and the main purchases are also various alchemy materials. There are very few refining shops and talisman shops.

There are many elixir shops in Fangshi, almost every few steps you can come across a elixir shop, and every elixir shop will have an alchemist sitting in charge.

Generally speaking, the requirements for becoming an alchemist are very harsh. In addition to possessing fire or wood spiritual roots, a lot of practice is also essential. Few people can afford the cost of learning alchemy. Only the cultivating family can train alchemists.

Wang Changsheng is not surprised that there are so many alchemists in Fangshi.

He has already inquired that Wuyuanfang City was established by a cultivating sect called Shendanmen, and Shendanzong is famous for alchemy in the world of cultivating immortals in the country, and most of the disciples of Shendanzong are alchemy. More than [-]% of alchemists in the country are in Shendanzong.

Most of the elixir shops in Wuyuanfang City are opened by the disciples of the Divine Alchemy Sect.

Because there are a large number of elixir for sale in Wuyuanfang City, many immortal practitioners are attracted to purchase here, making Wuyuanfang City very lively.

When Wang Changsheng practiced the sixth layer of "The Secret Code of Five Poisons", he was almost poisoned to death, and his face was disfigured in the end. If he hadn't forced an alchemist from the Qingdan Sect to refine the antidote pill for him, he might have seized the house. First-order monk, start again.

With this lesson learned from the past, when Wang Changsheng practiced the "Secret Code of Five Poisons", he would buy a few bottles of antidote elixir in case of accidents. If conditions permit, he would stay in the city to practice to avoid accidents.

Wang Changsheng walked around the market, visited a few shops, and sold the unused materials in batches, in exchange for a sum of spirit stones.

Half an hour later, Wang Changsheng walked into an exquisite pavilion with a "Shendan Pavilion" plaque hanging on it.

Wang Changsheng didn't hide his aura, and soon he was led into a box by a deacon.

After a while, a handsome maid offered a pot of fragrant tea, and then withdrew respectfully.

After a while, there was a sound of footsteps, the door of the box slammed a few times, and a middle-aged man with a red face opened the door and walked in.

"This fellow Taoist, I'm in Xiaqinchuan. Welcome to this pavilion. I don't know how to call you." The middle-aged man glanced at Wang Changsheng and said with a smile on his face.

"My surname is Wang." Wang Changsheng said with a smile. The middle-aged man actually has the cultivation base of the late stage of alchemy, and Wang Changsheng's attitude is not too cold.

"It turned out to be Daoyou Wang. I don't know what you want to buy when Daoyou Wang came to our Shendan Pavilion?" The middle-aged man also seemed to be a straightforward person, without too much politeness, and went straight to the point.

"I want to buy some antidote elixir, the best kind." Wang Changsheng said straight to the point.

"But Daoist Wang wants to take it?" The middle-aged man asked with a frown upon hearing this.

"That's right! What's the matter? Could it be that your pavilion doesn't have one?" Wang Changsheng asked with a change of expression.

"That's not true. The shop naturally has antidote elixir, and coincidentally, Zong Nei just sent a few bottles of antidote elixir, five thousand spirit stones each, how many do you want?" The middle-aged man shook his head. Shaking his head, he said with a smile.

"One of five thousand spirit stones?" Wang Changsheng frowned when he heard this. He didn't expect the detoxification pills to be taken during the alchemy stage to be so expensive.

"Wang Daoyou, this elixir is made of several thousand-year-old elixir and more than a dozen 800-year-old elixir. It is very difficult to refine. 5000 yuan for a spirit stone is already very cheap. Our Shendan Pavilion opened If you are doing business, you will never cheat fellow Taoists on the price." The middle-aged man explained.

"Okay! I want four." Wang Changsheng thought for a while and said.

"Wang Daoyou wait a moment." The middle-aged man nodded, got up and left.


A quarter of an hour later, Wang Changsheng walked out of the Shendan Pavilion and went straight to the exit of Fangshi.

Because the size of the fifth-level poisonous snake is too huge, ordinary inns can't accommodate this monster at all, so naturally we need to find a place with ample space.

After leaving Fangshi, Wang Changsheng turned into a black ray of light and flew towards the depths of the Wuyuan Mountains.

Half an hour later, he landed in a small valley.

At the end of the valley there was a cave about Zhang Xu, the entrance of which was covered by a patch of weeds. When Wang Changsheng passed by this place a few days ago, he found this cave by chance.

When Wang Changsheng entered the cave, he raised his sleeves, and several yellow talisman seals flashed out, turning into several huge boulders, blocking the entrance of the cave.

After walking more than a hundred meters, a grotto with the size of a hundred feet appeared in Wang Changsheng's eyes.

Wang Changsheng placed several restrictions on the entrance of the cave, and released Xiao Hei to guard the entrance of the cave.

Wang Changsheng took out a bulging leather bag from his bosom, threw it into the air, and a spell hit it, and the leather bag emitted a glow. After the glow subsided, a giant green python more than twenty feet long appeared. out.

The green giant python was dying, with a golden ring around its neck, its whole body was bloody, and many scales on its body had fallen off.

Even though it was severely injured, the green python's ferocity remained unchanged.

As soon as it appeared, a large green mist emerged from its body, and the green mist rolled and surged, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng was not angry but happy, his nose sucked suddenly, his face contorted, sometimes blue, sometimes purple.

He hastily sat down cross-legged, and began to practice the cultivation method of the seventh layer of the "Secret Code of Five Poisons".

Seeing this situation, the green python's eyes flashed fiercely, and it was about to rush towards Wang Changsheng.

At this moment, Wang Changsheng let out a cold snort, and the golden ring around the green python's neck shone brightly, and its size shrank rapidly, strangling the green python until it couldn't breathe.

The green python's eyes were wide open, his face twisted a little, and he stopped.

At the same time, Xiao Hei twisted his body, and his huge claws firmly pressed the green python's head, preventing it from moving.

(End of this chapter)

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