Chapter 630
At this time, Yuan Ruyi was telling everyone about her cultivation experience, and Wang Changsheng and others listened very seriously.

The crowd did not dare to breathe, and listened carefully to Yuan Ruyi's sermon.

At this moment, a piercing scream sounded from Yuan Tianming's body.

Yuan Tianming frowned, took out the silver disc from his arms, gestured with his hands, his face changed drastically, his lips moved a few times, his expression became very solemn.

Yuan Ruyi twitched her ears and frowned.

"I'll stop here today. I have some chores to deal with. Brother, send someone to send these guests back to the residence!" Yuan Ruyi ordered, and after she finished speaking, her whole body, including the blue lotus, turned into dots of green. The light is gone.

Everyone is not a fool, if Yuan Ruyi, a Nascent Soul cultivator, was forced to stop preaching, something must have happened to the Yuan family.

"Fellow daoists, I'm sorry, our Yuan family has some chores to deal with, please go back to your residence to rest first, and our Yuan family will definitely host a banquet for you later." Yuan Tianming cupped his hands at everyone, apologetic. Said.

After hearing this, although everyone's faces were full of doubts, they still left in an orderly manner under the leadership of the attendants.

Wang Changsheng and Mu Houhou followed a family representative, and when they passed an alley, they walked quickly towards the alley.

There is a courtyard at the end of the alley, the original owner is dead.

After closing the door, Wang Changsheng put a sound-proof cover casually, and asked, "Fairy Mu, it seems that not only we have the idea of ​​playing Mengluoguo, but also a group of people have the idea of ​​playing Mengluoguo, and the Nascent Soul cultivator probably got involved. Are you going to continue?"

"Of course we have to continue. For the sake of Meng Luoguo, I have been inferior to a junior. If I leave like this, I will not be reconciled. Besides, it is a good thing that another group of people have the idea of ​​attacking Meng Luoguo. It is convenient to mix the water. Let's act, why? Friends Wang Dao, are you afraid?" Mu Houwan rolled Wang Changsheng's eyes and said in a deep voice.

"It's not that I'm afraid, it's just that we have to change our plan in this way. I will enter Mengluo Mountain with you, so we can be more confident." Wang Changsheng shook his head and said lightly.

"Are you going in too? Fellow Daoist Wang, although your Thousand Illusion Mask can change your appearance, it cannot transform into a cultivator of the Yuan family. If you go in with me, you will only arouse suspicion from others, and I'm afraid it will be exposed in a short time." Hearing this, Mu Houhou frowned and said.

"Hey, Fairy Mu, don't you have the Moyan Pill in your hand? Wang can take the Moyan Pill to raise his aura to the Nascent Soul stage. Fairy Mu said that it is enough to be a helper invited by other sects, even if they doubt it. , as long as there are no Yuanying monks sitting in Mengluo Mountain, even if we are discovered, we can go in, you and I join forces, can those Yuan family monks at the alchemy stage stop us?" Wang Changsheng said slowly with a smile.

After hearing this, Mu Houhou showed a thoughtful look on his face.

At this moment, the ground shook violently a few times.

Wang Changsheng and Mu Houhou were startled, they looked at each other, and they could see doubt in each other's eyes.

After the soundproof cover was removed, a huge explosion sounded into the ears of the two.

In the southwest corner of Yuanjiabao, a thin-faced old man in purple robes was suspended in the air hundreds of feet away, and a giant red python more than forty feet long was stepping on his feet.

The red giant python has three heads, and the whole body is covered with red scales.

A dozen or so buildings below were on fire, and dozens of Yuan family disciples were putting out the fire.

Opposite the purple-robed old man was a tall middle-aged man. Judging by his mana fluctuations, he was clearly a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Beside the middle-aged man were seven or eight alchemy cultivators including Yuan Tianming.

"Old man Zhao Wuji of the Cuiyun sect, no matter which country you are a monk, I hope you will retreat quickly, and I can pretend that this matter has never happened." The middle-aged man looked at the old man in purple robe and said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, no wonder the Yuan family has been able to protect the Mengluo fruit tree for thousands of years. It turns out that fellow Taoists from Cuiyunmen are sitting here, but if the old man wants to leave, it depends on the supernatural powers of fellow Taoist Zhao." The purple-robed old man laughed.

After speaking, he opened his mouth and sprayed three red long swords. The three red long swords circled one by one, and shot straight at the middle-aged man.

The three red daggers condensed together halfway, turning into a giant red sword about ten feet long, and shot towards the middle-aged man quickly.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man snorted softly, opened his mouth and sprayed out three blue short swords, and went up to meet him.

The three cyan daggers gathered together halfway, turning into a Zhang Xu long cyan giant sword, and went up to meet it.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Tianming and others also wanted to take action.

"Just leave this man to the old man to deal with. You go to see the Mengluo fruit tree, and you must not let any accident happen to the Mengluo fruit tree." The middle-aged man ordered.

"It's Senior Zhao. This man has tamed a six-level fire python. I'd better leave two people to assist you!" Yuan Tianming asked after hesitating for a moment.

"Okay! You keep two people." The middle-aged man thought for a while, nodded and agreed.

"Brother, Thirteenth Brother and I will stay here! The two of us are enough to restrain that sixth-level multi-headed fire python." Before Yuan Tianming could speak, a tall black-faced man spoke first.

Hearing this, Yuan Tianming nodded and let a blue-robed man stay behind, while Yuan Tianming led five Danqi Qis to fly to Mengluo Mountain.

Seeing this scene, a look of joy flashed deep in the eyes of the purple-robed old man.

"Go, kill them." The purple-robed old man stretched out his hand and pointed at the opposite side. The red giant python under his feet twisted and rushed towards the opposite side.

Seeing this situation, the black-faced man and the blue-robed man respectively sacrificed two cyan throwing knives and went up to meet them.

Both parties did not intend to do their best, and both wanted to entangle each other so as to buy time for their companions.

Outside Yuanjiabao, Yuan Ruyi and a middle-aged woman with good facial features were suspended in the void hundreds of feet high.

Opposite them were a middle-aged man with a square face and five alchemy monks.

More than a dozen magic weapons collided continuously in the void, making bursts of explosions.

"Sister Yuan, we need to fight quickly. There are Yuanying cultivators making trouble in the castle. I'm afraid Senior Brother Zhao won't be able to stand it alone." The middle-aged beautiful woman urged.

Yuan Ruyi nodded, and made a tactic with one hand, a cyan long sword suddenly brightened, and a white flying knife was knocked into the air.

The next moment, the cyan long sword split into hundreds of cyan filaments, and shot towards the middle-aged man quickly.

The middle-aged man frowned, shook his sleeves, slapped his right palm forward, and a big white hand flashed out to meet him.

There was a muffled sound, and hundreds of blue threads pierced through the big white hand, which turned into bits of spiritual light and dissipated.

Without the obstruction of the big white hand, hundreds of black threads came straight towards the middle-aged man.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man frowned, shook his sleeves, and a white jade plaque flashed out, and stood in front of him with a surge of wind.

There was a sound of "bang" and "bang", and hundreds of blue threads were blocked by the huge white jade tablet, and the light of the white jade tablet also dimmed a little.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, a white flying knife shot out and slashed fiercely on dozens of black hairs, but did not cut off the black hairs. The surrounding black hairs quickly approached and turned into a big blue net, and the white flying knife Covered inside.

The big cyan net continuously released blue threads, hitting the white flying knife, and the light of the white flying knife quickly dimmed.

Seeing this situation, the middle-aged man's expression changed, and he made a tactic with one hand, the white flying knife shone brightly, and slashed fiercely at the big blue net, but failed to break the big blue net.

(End of this chapter)

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