A seal of immortality

Chapter 631 Infiltrating into Mengluo Mountain

Chapter 631 Infiltrating into Mengluo Mountain

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man suddenly panicked. This flying knife is his talisman. Once it is destroyed, he will also suffer serious injuries.

I saw him make a tactic with one hand, and the white flying knife suddenly shone brightly, turning into a white dragon, tearing at the big blue net desperately.

The big cyan net kept twisting and deforming, looking like it would be exploded by the white dragon at any moment.

Yuan Ru frowned when she heard this, and made a seal with one hand, the blue net turned into hundreds of blue threads, and quickly turned into a blue dragon several tens of feet long.

"Go." Yuan Ruyi pointed at the opposite side, the cyan exchange twisted his body, and quickly rushed towards the white dragon, and the two immediately bit together.

The two flood dragons are both transformed by weapon spirits, so it depends on which controller has more powerful mana.

In Yuanjiabao, there is a certain mountain covered by clouds and mist. This is the most important place of the Yuan family --- Mengluo Mountain, where Mengluoguo is located.

The six escaping lights flew from a distance, and finally stopped outside Mengluo Mountain. It was Yuan Tianming and others.

Yuan Tianming took out a white command flag from his arms, threw it forward, and the command flag turned into a white light and flew into the clouds.

Not long after, a group of Yuan family monks flew out from the clouds, led by a tall middle-aged man.

"Greetings to Patriarch." The middle-aged man bowed to Yuan Tianming and said respectfully.

"Is there anything unusual about Mengluo Mountain?" Yuan Tianming asked.

"No, everything is as usual." The middle-aged man shook his head and said.

Yuan Tianming nodded when he heard the words, and when he was about to say something more, a shrill scream sounded from his body.

His complexion changed, and he took out a silver disc from his arms, and after a while of gestures, a somewhat hasty voice suddenly sounded: "It's not good, big brother, Brother Twelfth has rebelled, and he suddenly attacked Senior Zhao of the Cuiyun Sect, Cooperate with the thieves and wounded Senior Zhao, quickly bring someone back to support us, we can't hold on any longer, ah..."

Yuan Tianming's face changed drastically after hearing this, and he told the middle-aged man: Without my permission, no one can enter Mengluo Mountain. "

After speaking, he made a move with one hand, and a white command flag flew out of it, disappeared into his sleeve.

The next moment, Yuan Tianming took five alchemy monks and flew along the way they came. The speed was a little faster than when they came, and disappeared after a few flashes.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man turned around and was about to fly back into the clouds.

"Wait." He had just turned around with his men when a woman's voice came from behind him.

The middle-aged man was startled, and turned his head to look behind him. When he saw the person coming, his face immediately became extremely respectful.

"Greetings to the ancestors." The middle-aged man and others bowed to a woman in Tsing Yi and said respectfully.

Beside the woman in Tsing Yi, there is also a man in white clothes, the two are exactly Mu Houhou's good Wang Changsheng.

After taking the Moyan Pill, judging from the aura they exude, there is no difference between the two of them and the Nascent Soul cultivator.

"Get up! Is there anything unusual about Mengluo Mountain?" Mu Wanwan said lightly.

"If you go back to the ancestors, no, but just now the Patriarch came." The middle-aged man replied truthfully.

"I have dealt with the enemies outside. In order to prevent accidents, I plan to take away the Monroe fruit and keep it by my side for safety. You will lead the way." Mu Houhou ordered without hesitation.

"Yes, old ancestor." The middle-aged man replied, but when he saw Wang Changsheng next to Muhouhou, he frowned, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Old ancestor, forgive my grandson's clumsy eyes, who is this senior?" ?”

"This is Fellow Daoist Zhou from Cuiyunmen. He came here specially to support our Yuan family. He was worried that something might happen to the Dream Luo Lingshu, so he went in together to have a look. Alright, let's lead the way!" Sentence, ordered bluntly.

"This...isn't that good!" Hearing this, the middle-aged man frowned and said in a bit of embarrassment.

"What? My words don't work anymore? Do you want me to abolish you now?" Mu Houhou said coldly when she heard the words.

After finishing speaking, a powerful spiritual pressure burst out from her body, as if to kill the middle-aged man if there was any disagreement.

The middle-aged man felt the powerful spiritual pressure, his face changed greatly, and a layer of sweat oozes from his forehead. He hurriedly explained: "The ancestor forgives the sin, the grandson was confused for a while, and the grandson immediately gave the ancestor and Zhou a Seniors lead the way."

After finishing speaking, he ushered Mu Houhou and Wang Changsheng into the mist.

Passing through the thick clouds and fog, a bluestone staircase appeared in front of everyone. The bluestone staircase went straight to the top of the mountain, and there were a lot of exotic flowers and plants on the left and right sides.

The middle-aged man led Wang Changsheng and Mu Wanhou up the bluestone stairs.

A quarter of an hour later, a group of people came to the top of the mountain, and a spacious bluestone platform appeared in front of everyone.

In front of the blue stone platform, stands a blue palace more than [-] feet high, above the door is hung a blue plaque with three large characters "Meng Luo Palace" written on it.

Three or four teams of monks from the Yuan family patrolled around the cyan palace, looking heavily guarded.

The middle-aged man led Wang Changsheng and Mu Houhou into the Mengluo Hall. There was a blue wooden table in the spacious hall, and an old man in green robes sat behind the blue wooden table.

"Ruyi, why are you here? Who is this senior?" Seeing Mu Houhou, the green-robed old man got up and stood up, looking at Wang Changsheng with puzzled eyes.

"You guys go down!" Mu Houhou didn't answer, but turned to the middle-aged man and the others to order.

The middle-aged man responded and stepped back respectfully.

"Ruyi, why did your voice change?" The blue-robed old man frowned and asked in a deep voice, his eyes full of doubts.

Mu Houhou looked at the green-robed old man, a purple glow flashed in her beautiful eyes, and at the same time, she flicked a bell on her left wrist.

The old man in green robe shrank his pupils, his eyes became a little dull, but the next moment, a flash of clarity flashed in his eyes, and when he woke up, his face turned extremely pale, and his eyes even showed a horrified expression.

At this moment, a blue light and seven black lights flew towards it.

After the blue light hit the old man in green robe, the blue light flashed, and a person who was exactly the same as the old man in green robe suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, there was a scream, and seven black lights quickly passed through the head of the old man in green robe.

The green-robed old man's eyes froze, his body went limp, and he fell to the ground.

The bell in Mu Houhou's hand is called the soul-destroying bell. It is a rare auxiliary magic weapon that can capture people's hearts and souls. Late-stage alchemy monks like Wang Changsheng would be stunned when they heard the sound of the soul-destroying bell, let alone It's the old man in green robe in the middle stage of alchemy.

And as early as Wang Changsheng threw out the Shadow Transformation Talisman and the Flying Needle magic weapon, Mu Houhou had already casually released a soundproof cover to protect the three of them inside.

Therefore, the screams from the green-robed old man did not spread outside the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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