The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 103 Jinli: I am a small koi acridine

Chapter 103 Jinli: I am a small koi acridine

"What about you?" What is your identity?
Jun Mobai calmly embraced the little girl beside him.

"Little Koi's fiancé."

"..." What kind of answer is this.

"Then you won't stay here all the time, right?" Since you are a god, you will definitely return to the sky sometime.

The little girl nodded again.


"Then... when will you leave?" Thinking that he would never see these two again soon, Mo Ze felt inexplicably reluctant.

"Soon, maybe a few hundred years." Because she doesn't know when she will be able to return to the God Realm.

"……"Hundreds of years……

Moser: All of a sudden it was reassuring.

"Don't worry, we will not leave in a short time." The little girl patted Moze on the shoulder.

Mo Ze breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably.

Just don't leave.

Jun Mobai silently pulled her back.

The little koi is his, and he is not allowed to touch other men.

"Okay, the matter has been finished, call if you have anything to do." Jun Mobai said and pulled the little girl away.

Before Moze could speak, someone had already left with the little girl.

After coming out, Jin Li immediately went to find Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi lived up to expectations and successfully squeezed out millions of people from that group.

The little girl stuffed the check into her pocket with satisfaction.

"This business is really worth it."

Jun Mobai gave her a funny look.

"Weren't you very scared before?" Are you not afraid now?

"Well, that's because Yu was ignorant before, but now Yu is not afraid at all." The little girl looked at Jun Mobai proudly with her small chest up.

Someone chuckled and stroked her small head with a big hand.

The little girl took his big hand away unhappily.

"Don't mess with the fish's hair." Mess up the fish's hairstyle.

Seeing that the little girl was about to explode, someone calmly withdrew her hand.

Well, the little koi is angry and can't be funny anymore.

"Little koi, now that you have money, what else do you want to do?" The little girl said she wanted to make money when she had no money, but now that she has money, what else does the little girl want to do.

"Of course I'm resting." The fish have money, why do they have to work?
"Not selling talismans anymore?"

"Of course the talisman will still be sold." Why not make money if you have money.

Jun Mobai shook his head amusedly.

"Sure enough, I'm still a little money fan."

The little girl grunted twice in displeasure.

"Hmph, Yu is not a money fan." It's not a matter of every minute for her to make money.

That's right, the little koi is lucky.

Jun Mobai couldn't laugh or cry.

Before Jun Mobai could say anything, Jin Li's eyes lit up and he yelled at Jiang Yi to stop.

The two big men watched the little girl get out of the car without knowing why.

Ten minutes later, Jin Li happily returned to the car with a large cup of milk tea in her hand.

"You just got out of the car..."

Jin Li looked at him innocently.

"There is a milk tea shop by the road." So she just went to buy milk tea.

"..." This foodie fish...

"What's wrong? Can't Yu spend money after making money?" If she can't spend money, why does she earn so much money?

"Of course." The little koi's money can naturally be spent as he likes, and if it is not enough, he will continue to spend it for the little girl.

Seeing the little girl sipping milk tea with puffed cheeks, Jun suddenly thought of a question.

Did Moze just say that he and Xiao Jinli are a couple?

Hmm... For so long, he seems to have indeed forgotten an important question.

(End of this chapter)

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