Chapter 104 Is He Old?

Jun Mobai turned his head to look at Jin Li.

"Little koi, when will you marry me?" Before the little girl shrank, he naturally couldn't marry a child, but now that the little koi has recovered, it's time to think about this issue.

"Cough, cough, cough..." The little girl was so frightened that he took a sip of milk tea and kept coughing.

Jun Mobai hurriedly gave her comfort.

"Are you overjoyed?" They all choked on themselves.

The little girl coughed until Xiao Baozi's face turned red.

"Yes, I was scared by you..." What happiness, she is not happy at all, okay?
But speaking of marriage...

Jin Li suddenly threw herself into someone's arms, and fumbled through his pockets vigorously.

Finally found his ID card in Jun Mobai's wallet.

Don't ask her why she didn't put it away by herself, because Yu often loses things, and Jun Jun said that she was afraid that she would lose her important documents, so he put them away for her.

"I'm only nineteen this year, so I can't get married." Isn't Hua Guo able to get married at the age of 20? How can she marry Junjun when she's only nineteen?

Jun's face froze.

If I had known earlier, I would have changed the age of the little koi a little bit older, but now I can't get married even if I want to...

Jun looked slowly at Jiang Yi in front of him.

Jiang Wuwu, the driver, shuddered all over, and immediately sat up straight.

My husband, you can't blame him for this, he didn't expect such a long-term at the beginning. (╥﹏╥)
"You're so old, it's not too late to wait for this year." Anyway, these 10 years have passed like this, so what's wrong with waiting for a year?
"Old?" Jun Mobai looked at the little girl with dangerous eyes.

"You think I'm old?" This little guy actually said he was old?Does he look old?

Isn't it just over 25, how old is it?

Jun looked at the little girl silently.

Jin Li looked at him with a puffed up face.

Compared with the little koi, he does look quite old, the little girl looks about 25 or [-] years old, and he least [-] or [-].

Seeing Jun Mobai's eyes gradually becoming aggrieved, Jin Li hurriedly comforted him.

"Oh, not old, how can Junjun be old? At most, he looks a little old, but you are not old at all."

As soon as the words were spoken, the little girl was sensitive to find that Jun Mobai's eyes were even more aggrieved.

Jin Li: "..." She, did she say something wrong just now...

He looks old... It's fine to say he's old, but now he's still saying he's old, so that's what he looks like in the little girl's heart...

Mr. Jun: Sudden piercing heart!

Seeing Jun Mobai's aggrieved expression, the little girl frantically comforted him.

"Don't, don't be like this, you, you are not old at all, you are young, you see, you were born with me, so, so you are not old."

Jun Mobai looked at her quietly.

"Then why do you look only eighteen, and I look almost 30?" Speaking of which, it's because he looks old.

"Isn't it just growing faster, he's still very handsome, besides, Junjun is also very good-looking now." Anyway, no matter how old they are, they will still look like this.

"You just said I'm old." Jun looked at the little girl aggrievedly.

"Not old, not old at all."

"You are the youngest."

Jin Li: I have to admit what I say even when I cry. (╥﹏╥)
Someone pinched the little girl's little bun face, and then she gave up.

(End of this chapter)

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