Chapter 113 Baby
Mr. Zhang and Mrs. Zhang were full of surprises.


The little girl nodded.

"Yes, but the situation is a bit complicated."

Hearing what the little girl said, the couple immediately became nervous.

Seeing the two getting nervous again, Jin Li quickly comforted them.

"Don't be nervous, it's not a bad thing."

"Auntie had a baby before, right?"

Speaking of this child, Mrs. Zhang looked lonely.

"Yes, it's all my fault for failing to protect him."

Seeing his wife was sad, Mr. Zhang hurried to comfort her.

"How can this be your fault?"

"That child, I can't bear to leave. No, he was reborn in Auntie's stomach again, and brought a younger sister along with her." Jin Li said, her eyes fell on Mrs. Zhang's stomach again.

As if the child in the belly could understand the little girl's words, he immediately kicked his stomach.

"Good boy, you are all mother's babies." Mrs. Zhang stroked her stomach tenderly.

"Auntie's family has been doing good deeds, and good people will be rewarded." Well, the couple are good people.

"Then, that child..." Mr. Zhang looked at the little girl nervously.

"It stands to reason that this child can't be kept, but didn't I say that good people will be rewarded, even if I can't keep it, I will help you keep it." Who is she, she is a little koi.

"The luck accumulated by your good deeds will help you protect the baby, so that the baby can be returned to your womb."

The little girl took out two beautiful gemstone necklaces from her pocket.

"This is a safety talisman. This is for Auntie. This good luck talisman belongs to Mr. Zhang." After handing the talisman to the two, the little girl took out two smaller gemstones.

"This is for the baby."

"This, how embarrassing it is." Mrs. Zhang quickly evaded.

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Zhang will pay me anyway, and this is a gift for the baby, so please accept it." The little girl smiled and handed the necklace to Mrs. Zhang.

"Then, then we won't be polite." Mrs. Zhang took the necklace away, and took the little girl's hand.

"In the future, you can come to us for help with anything. Our Zhang family can still talk here." This little girl has a good heart and looks beautiful, so she likes it.

Zhang Fu also nodded.

"Yes, yes, there is something you can find us."

The little girl stood up and was about to leave.

"When the baby is born, remember to tell me."

The couple nodded.

"Okay, okay, definitely."

"Don't worry, with this picture, you will be able to have two babies." The little girl left after leaving these words.

After she walked out of Si Jin, the phone rang the account, and Jin Li happily hummed a little song.

As soon as she walked out of the door, she saw Jun Mobai's car.

This Junjun, why don't you let him go first, why are you still waiting here.

Jin Li walked quickly to the front of the car.

The car door opened, and the little girl was carried into the car before she had time to speak.

"It seems to be going well?" Jun Mobai looked at the little girl in his arms who was in a good mood.

"Why are you still waiting here?" Didn't I ask you to go back first.

"I'm afraid that a certain little koi won't know the way to go back after it comes out." This little girl is very stupid, and it's entirely possible that she doesn't know the way.

The little girl stuck out her tongue embarrassingly.

Well, although she is indeed a little confused sometimes, she is not stupid at all, is she?

The fish is smart, not stupid at all.

(End of this chapter)

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