Chapter 114 Dreaming
"Tell me, what's going on this time?"

The little girl murmured and told him what happened just now.

By the way, he also told someone how much money he made.

"By the way, your clients seem to be very rich." Mo's family, Zhang's family, which one is a small family in Huaguo, the little koi is indeed a little koi.

"Because the service of the little koi is very expensive." Which fortune teller have you seen with cheap fees? →_→

"Finally completed the first business since I changed my career." And it was done very well.

Jun Mobai nodded.

"Well, now the little koi belongs to me."

"The fish will go to bed first." After working so long just now, it was long past Jinli's usual nap time, and now that the little girl calmed down, the little girl immediately felt drowsy.

Jun Mobai patted her little head.

"Go to sleep."

Jiang was stuffed with rations. One: "..."

Why is it so easy for Fairy Jinli to make money... He is so busy working with his husband every day, and he has to eat the dog food they gave him. After working for so long, it is not as good as Fairy Jinli has opened for so many months. many……

Jiang Yi was very upset, but Jiang Yi didn't say anything. (╥﹏╥)
Jun Mobai naturally felt the resentment of his family members.

He immediately looked at Jiang Yi with a smile.

"Why, do you have a big opinion on me?"

"No, I dare not." How dare he have any objections to Mr....

"Then why do you put on such an expression?" He also said that he didn't have a problem with me.

Jiang Yi reluctantly put on a smiling face.

Only then did Jun nodded in satisfaction.

Jiang Yi: Sir, you are too insane...(╥﹏╥)
Jun, who was complained by his subordinates, was in a particularly good mood and went to work with the little girl in his arms.

After waking up, Jin Li stretched comfortably, and then ran to find Jun Mobai.

Before anyone saw him, Jun was the first to hear a little milk voice calling him Jun Jun.

Well, no need to guess, it must be the little koi.

Only that little girl would call him that.

"Run slower." I was not afraid of falling myself.

The little girl looked in a good mood.

"Junjun Junjun, I'm dreaming."

"Oh? What dream?" It must be about eating.

Sure enough, Jun Mobai heard the little koi say in the next second: "I dreamed that I ate a lot of big chicken legs."

smell good.

"..." Look, what did he just say?Definitely about eating.

Jun Mobai held back a smile and asked her.

"and then?"

"Dreaming and dreaming makes me hungry."

I can only say... as expected of a little koi...

Jun Mobai shook his head helplessly.

"There are snacks in the drawer."

As soon as the little girl's eyes lit up, she immediately ran to open the drawer.

Jun Mobai: "..." Apart from eating and making money, he can't find any way to attract the little girl's attention...

He still has no weight in the little koi's heart.

suddenly sad...

And Jin Li's attention has already gone to the snacks...

After eating and drinking enough, Jin Li retreated to Jun Mobai's side.

Junjun looks very unhappy Yazi... she should talk less.

The little girl moved a chair and sat obediently next to Jun Mobai.

Jun looked at her calmly.

Yo, it's so rare to be so good-looking.

The little koi is not such a well-behaved fish.

Seeing Jun Mobai looking at him, the little girl gave him a sweet smile, then continued to squat on her chair and watch... cartoons.

(End of this chapter)

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