The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 116 The old cow eats the tender grass

Chapter 116 The old cow eats the tender grass

And Jun Mobai naturally saw Zhang Fu's strange eyes.

"Why is Mr. Zhang looking at me like that?"

"Mr. Jun, are you... this little girl's fiancé?" The little girl helped their family before, and the couple liked the little girl very much at first sight, and now they are even more concerned about her.

Then, Mr. Jun, isn't this... an old cow eating tender grass?

After reading the meaning in Zhang Fu's eyes, Jun Mobai's face gradually darkened.

Although he and the little girl have existed for 10,000+ years and were born in the same year, the same month and the same day, the difference in appearance between them is too great.

It can also be said that the little girl is actually too petite, which makes him look a little...overly mature, so that every time he says that he is the fiancé of Little Koi, some people always think that he is an old cow Eat tender grass.

He is actually the same age as this little guy, and the real age of either of them is hundreds of generations older than these ordinary humans, okay?

And if it is said that he is not young, the little koi will not be so young either.

After all, they were born on the same day, the same month, the same year.

Jin Li: Your idea is very dangerous.

What do you mean she is old too?
Of course, the little girl doesn't know what Jun is thinking now.

"Come on, tell yourself, am I your fiancé?" Since this person doesn't believe it, then he should believe it when it comes from the mouth of the little koi.

Zhang Fu looked at the little girl nervously.

"Don't be afraid, speak out bravely, did he force you to agree?" This little girl is still so young, Jun Mobai must have forced her.

Seeing Zhang Fu's nervous expression, Jun Mobai's face darkened even more.

He is not human because of his feelings, because he forced the little koi, right?

Someone Jun: He wants to kill this human right now.

"No, no, you misunderstood, he is really my fiance." The little girl quickly stood up and explained.

Be good, Junjun's face is darkened, if she doesn't come out to explain, he will go crazy.

Zhang Fu still couldn't believe it.

"Didn't he force you?"

Jin Li quickly shook her head.

"No, no." How could Junjun force her, obviously she was the only one who forced Junjun. →_→

"Cough, I'm sorry, I misunderstood President Jun." Zhang Fu coughed a few times in embarrassment.

"It's all right, Mr. Zhang is here?" She still doesn't know why this man is here.

"I came here to negotiate a contract. I thought I would go to you to express my thanks after the business negotiation, but I didn't expect to meet you by such a coincidence." This little girl is actually Jun Mobai's fiancee.

"Is the aunt here too?" Jin Li closed her eyes and made up her mind.

"Should the baby be born?" It should have been born by this time.

Zhang Fu nodded.

"I gave birth, and it's still twins, exactly as you said." As soon as the child was mentioned, Zhang Fu's expression instantly became extremely loving.

Because of the arrival of the baby, he and his wife were happy for a long time.

They finally had a baby too.

"Don't call me you, you, just call me Jinli." It seems impolite for her little girl to be called "you" by her uncles.

Although Yu's real age is much older than this uncle who looks much older than her, but Yu is now in the human world, and it is written on her ID card that she is only 19 years old, but she is too young.

 Let me know, because of the recommendation, I will keep 4000 a day for the next seven days, please reply me if you see it, otherwise I will be really embarrassed.

  Is it because I'm not active enough or what, there are more than 100 people and no one replied to me? ? ? (cover face)
   PS: I finally have a recommendation, is this about to rise, hahahaha(òωó)

(End of this chapter)

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