The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 117 Talking about getting married

Chapter 117 Talking about getting married
Although that is false. →_→

"Okay, okay, then I'll call you Jinli." Zhang Fu was not restrained either.

"My wife is right here." Her wife heard that she was coming to see the little girl, so she would follow him and wait for him nearby.

"Then let's go find auntie now." Well, she likes that auntie who looks very gentle.

The little girl said and looked up at Jun Mobai.

"What about Junjun, do you want to go together?"

"Well, let's talk about the contract by the way." And he was also very curious, he had never seen a human child.

"Then let's go together." Jin Li pulled Jun Mobai to follow behind Zhang Fu.

Mrs. Zhang was waiting in a dessert shop. As soon as she saw Jin Li, she immediately pulled the little girl away.

Someone Jun: Hey, hey, that's his brain, what are you talking about?

And Jun Mobai was naturally pulled by Zhang Fu to negotiate the contract.

Before officially sitting down, Jun Mobai went to order a strawberry cake for the little girl, and then bought her her favorite milk tea, then sat down and began to discuss the contract with Zhang Fu.

If he didn't believe that this man was Jin Li's fiancé at the beginning, he believed it now. He was really caring for the little girl.

"Wow, the babies are so cute." The little girl looked at the two pink babies in the stroller in surprise.

Mrs. Zhang looked at her with a smile.

"It's thanks to you." Thanks to the little girl's help.

And on the baby's neck, Jin Li saw the peace talisman he gave them.

"This is all the blessings you have accumulated." It really has nothing to do with her.

"Look at what you said, is that your boyfriend?" Mrs. Zhang looked at the handsome man who was talking to her husband not far away.

The little girl blushed embarrassedly and nodded.

Seeing the little girl's shy appearance, Mrs. Zhang couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering.

This little girl is really cute.

"You look like a good match." The man looks like a man and a woman, and the man seems to care about the little girl.

"Remember to invite us when you get married."


Jin Li was stunned.

Yes, although the God Realm didn't say that, but the Human Realm did. If someone hadn't reminded her, she would have almost forgotten about it.

Thinking about it, the little girl became even more embarrassed.

"Man, he's still young."

Not far away, Jun Mobai could only see the little koi's face getting redder and redder...

"..." What are these two people talking about? Why is the little guy's face so red?
Mr. Jun speeded up his conversation with Zhang Fu, quickly signed the contract, and then returned to Jinli.

Well, it's safer to keep it by your side.

Suddenly someone sat beside her, and Jin Li raised her head subconsciously.

"Why did you come back so soon?"

Jun Mobai glanced at the cake that was basically untouched on the table.

"Don't like to eat?" It's rare for a little koi to leave food behind and not eat.

"Ah? I'm just too fascinated by the chat." Jin Li smiled embarrassedly.

Jun Mobai directly fed her a bite of the cake.

"Try it."

As soon as she took a bite of the cake, the little girl's eyes lit up.

"Well, it's delicious~"

"Haha, the young couple are so cute." Mrs. Zhang narrowed her eyes as she watched the interaction between the two.

Oh, they are still old.

Zhang Fu, who was watching the two babies beside him, cast an aggrieved gaze.

"Ma'am, it was the same when we were young."

(End of this chapter)

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